Diebold Nixdorf CS cassettes Operating instructions

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Diebold Nixdorf Ink Staining Solution Operator Manual and I'm ready to help you with any questions you might have. This manual covers the operation of High End cassettes and reel storage units used for secure cash handling in CINEO systems. It also details the processes for cash supply and disposal, and safety procedures, so how can I assist you today?
  • What is the Diebold Nixdorf ink staining solution?
    What types of banknote storage units are used with this solution?
    What is needed to operate the ink staining solution?
    Can the ink staining solution be triggered by incorrect handling?
    What should I do if ink leaks from the storage unit?
Diebold Nixdorf Ink Staining Solution
Operator Manual
01750268932 D
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Table of contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1 Symbols used in this manual ............................................................................................1-1
1.2 Terms and definitions.........................................................................................................1-2
1.2.1 Diebold Nixdorf ink staining solution ................................................................... 1-2
1.2.2 CINEO High End banknote storage unit ............................................................. 1-2
1.2.3 CINEO System.................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Safety .................................................................................................................................1-3
1.3.1 Emergency set .................................................................................................... 1-6
2 Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 General safety precautions for the system.........................................................................2-1
2.2 General safety instructions for the component...................................................................2-4
3 Component overview................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1 Hardware............................................................................................................................3-3
3.1.1 Preparation / Retrofitting "Inking Ready"............................................................. 3-3
3.1.2 CINEO High End banknote storage unit ............................................................. 3-4
3.1.3 CINEO D1000 Docking Station........................................................................... 3-6
3.1.4 Firmware (RM3, also valid for CMD-V5) ............................................................. 3-7
3.2 Software .............................................................................................................................3-7
3.2.1 Platform software ................................................................................................ 3-7
3.2.2 Cash Supply Manager ........................................................................................ 3-7
4 Process Overview ...................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Stationary process .............................................................................................................4-3
4.2 Required and optional components ...................................................................................4-4
5 How to operate ........................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Functional components and controls .................................................................................5-1
5.1.1 High End standard cassette................................................................................ 5-1
5.1.2 High End standard training cassette ................................................................... 5-3
5.1.3 High End compact cassette ................................................................................ 5-5
5.1.4 High End compact training cassette ................................................................... 5-7
5.1.5 High End mobile reel storage unit....................................................................... 5-9
5.1.6 CINEO D1000 Docking Station........................................................................... 5-12
5.2 LCD display........................................................................................................................5-14
5.3 Overview of Modes – CINEO High End Cassette ..............................................................5-15
5.4 Overview of Modes – CINEO HighEnd mobile reel storage..............................................5-18
5.5 Removing cassettes from the safe unit ..............................................................................5-20
5.6 Inserting cassettes into the safe unit..................................................................................5-22
5.7 Inserting cassettes into the docking station .......................................................................5-24
5.8 Removing cassettes from the docking station....................................................................5-25
5.9 Opening the cassette .........................................................................................................5-26
5.10 Closing the cassette...........................................................................................................5-27
6 Preparation for operation.......................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Selection of the process.....................................................................................................6-1
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Table of contents
6.1.1 Processes - CINEO High End cassettes............................................................. 6-2
6.1.2 Processes – CINEO HighEnd mobile reel storage unit...................................... 6-8
6.2 Defining processes and process parameters.....................................................................6-10
6.2.1 CINEO High End cassettes................................................................................. 6-10
6.2.2 CINEO High End mobile reel storage unit .......................................................... 6-18
7 Operation of the banknote storage unit................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Filling a CINEO cassette ....................................................................................................7-1
7.1.1 'Stationary' process ............................................................................................. 7-1
7.1.2 Processes 'E2E with cassette' and 'E2E with cassette and case'....................... 7-1
7.2 Filling and emptying roll storage ........................................................................................7-3
7.3 Handling High End banknote storage units........................................................................7-4
7.4 Protection against tampering .............................................................................................7-5
7.5 Reconfiguring cassettes.....................................................................................................7-6
7.5.1 Processes 'E2E with cassette' and 'E2E with cassette and case'....................... 7-6
7.5.2 'Stationary' process ............................................................................................. 7-6
8 Problems..................................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1 Elimination of banknote jams .............................................................................................8-1
8.2 Elimination of hardware errors ...........................................................................................8-1
8.3 Triggered ink ......................................................................................................................8-2
8.3.1 Retrieving triggered CINEO HighEnd banknote storage units ........................... 8-3
8.3.2 Restarting the CINEO system............................................................................. 8-16
9 Appendix..................................................................................................................................... 9-1
I.1 Technical Data ...................................................................................................................I-1
I.1.1 High End standard cassette................................................................................ I-1
I.1.2 High End compact cassette ................................................................................ I-2
I.1.3 Mobile reel storage unit Basic/Midrange............................................................. I-2
I.1.4 High End mobile reel storage unit....................................................................... I-3
9.2 Consumables .....................................................................................................................9-4
9.2.1 Orders ................................................................................................................. 9-4
I.2.2 Inking emergency set.......................................................................................... I-4
I.2.3 PELI Box ............................................................................................................. I-4
9.3 Compliance with Standards and Approvals .......................................................................9-5
9.4 Environmental Protection ...................................................................................................9-7
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1 Introduction
This operator manual exclusively describes the ink staining solution from Diebold Nixdorf.
It provides you with information regarding hardware and software prerequisites, as well as handling pro-
cedures for components that are required to use the ink staining solution in a CINEO system.
When you have studied the operator manual, you will be able to:
configure a CINEO banknote storage unit for application and put it into operation,
eliminate malfunctions,
operate systems as prescribed.
1.1 Symbols used in this manual
Text following a bullet point represents an item in a list.
‚‘ Text in simple quotation marks relates to components/mounting parts which are in-
cluded in the delivery package.
Prerequisite that must be fulfilled before an action.
Numbered instructions describe activities which must be carried out in the specified se-
Intermediate result of an action.
Action successfully completed.
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1.2 Terms and definitions
1.2.1 Diebold Nixdorf ink staining solution
The Ink Staining Solution from Diebold Nixdorf enables valuable items to be protected in the CINEO
High End banknote storage unit using the Diebold Nixdorf ink staining solution.
The Diebold Nixdorf ink staining solution is a technical procedure developed by Diebold Nixdorf to stain
banknotes in a CINEO banknote storage unit in the event of a premeditated action (e.g. tamper, theft,
Furthermore, the Ink Staining Solution defines certain supply and disposal procedures (money circula-
tion) that govern the interaction of participating components.
This is the basis for securing items of value, not only in CINEO system safes but also within transport
routes between cash centers and CINEO systems.
If the CINEO system is attacked or if the CINEO banknote storage unit is stolen or forcibly opened during
a robbery, the banknotes in the CINEO banknote storage unit will be stained with ink. These stained
banknotes are then clearly identifiable as stolen goods.
The Ink Staining Solution is comprised of hardware and software components.
The hardware and software components used in the Ink Staining Solution must fulfill certain prerequi-
sites (see chapter "Prerequisites").
1.2.2 CINEO High End banknote storage unit
The CINEO High End banknote storage unit is comprised of cassettes and reel storage units with an in-
tegrated Diebold Nixdorf ink staining solution.
1.2.3 CINEO System
The following system characteristics are summarized under the term 'CINEO System' in the following
CINEO systems with CMD-V5 or RM3
ProCash xe USB systems with CMD-V5 upgrade
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1.3 Safety
We recommend wearing safety goggles when opening the CINEO High End banknote
storage unit or when handling the CINEO High End banknote storage unit when it is open.
The safety criteria regarding the processes of supplying and disposal (cash cycle) should be known
for the operation of the CINEO banknote storage unit. The cash cycle is customer-specific and can
be defined at the factory, by configuration of the ProBase Platform software and/or by the CashSup-
ply Management (CSM) application program.
The CINEO High End banknote storage unit may be operated only by personnel who have received
instruction at regular intervals.
For correct handling of the CINEO High End banknote storage unit, it is imperative that the mode of
the ink staining solution shown on the LCD display is observed.
If the CINEO High End banknote storage unit is not handled correctly, the ink staining solution will be
If ink should leak out of the CINEO High End banknote storage unit when a mark is made or as the
result of a technical defect, avoid all skin contact and do not inhale the vapors.
If ink comes into contact with your mouth or eyes, flush your eyes or rinse your mouth with water im-
mediately. Also note the information in the enclosed material safety data sheet for the Diebold
Nixdorf ink staining solution, section 4: First aid measures!
Wash skin or clothing immediately with soap and plenty of water in the event of contact with ink from
the CINEO High End banknote storage unit.
If the system is triggered, ensure the room is well ventilated.
Avoid all skin contact with marked bank notes and with any components that have come into contact
with the ink from the CINEO High End banknote storage unit.
Dispose of the ink from the CINEO High End banknote storage unit in compliance with national regu-
lations and the manufacturer's specifications. Also follow the instructions in the attached safety data
Make sure that cassettes are not damaged or dropped during transport. When cassettes are trans-
ported in vehicles, they must be secured to prevent them from sliding and being damaged by other
Protect the cassettes from moisture during transport.
Allow cassettes which have been in a cold environment sufficient time to acclimatize before they are
used to prevent condensation.
Caution: Danger caused by moving parts. Keep fingers and other parts of your body away from the
designated danger zone.
The cassette may be used only in designated DN systems.
Insert the cassettes in one uninterrupted motion until you can hear them lock into position. Do not
push them in jerkily, as this could damage the cassettes or the cassette guide.
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Never pull out a cassette during a transaction in which the banknotes are moved. This will immedi-
ately result in a note jam that could trigger the Diebold Nixdorf ink staining solution.
Consider the weight of the cassettes prior to removal. Cassettes equipped with the ink staining solu-
tion are heavier than normal cassettes.
Never stack more than 6 cassettes on top of one another for storage and transport.
Only stack and store the cassettes in the same orientation as they are inserted into the system, i.e.
not upside down and not upright on one side of the cassette.
The CINEO High End banknote storage unit should only be operated in a system if said system is lo-
cated on a suitable foundation that is not subject to large-scale soiling or permanent damage caused
by a triggered ink staining solution. It must be ensured that floor coverings up to 2.5 meters (8.2 feet)
around the device can be cleaned or replaced separately in the event of soiling.
Before transporting a system, make sure all of the "High End" cassettes (cassette with banknote dye-
ing system) have been removed. High End cassettes have their own battery supply and are activated
by closing the safe door. Transporting a system when High End cassettes are inserted can trigger the
banknote dyeing system, thereby resulting in a significant amount of material damage.
After the ink has been emitted, refrain from all acts or omissions which could worsen the
damage to the affected hardware and/or to its immediate vicinity.
In order to avoid additional damage, the affected area (adjacent surfaces at the system or
on the transport route) are to be protected immediately against escaping ink by laying out
film. The film from the Inking emergency set can be used for this purpose, for example.
Please note that the recovery of a triggered CINEO High End banknote storage unit may
only be performed by authorized specialist staff. Diebold Nixdorf recommends keeping two
"Inking emergency sets" close to a system with an ink staining solution at all times.
Repair work on the system or on the components may be carried out only by authorized
specialist staff. Unauthorized opening of the system or repair work carried out improperly
could result in considerable danger to the user.
In case of noncompliance, Diebold Nixdorf excludes all liability.
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Lithium batteries
Danger of fire and explosion
Batteries should only be handled and replaced by authorized service personnel trained by
Diebold Nixdorf .
There is a risk of fire or explosion if the batteries are handled incorrectly. It is therefore im-
portant to note the following points:
lAvoid short circuits
lNever recharge the battery
lAvoid temperatures above +100°C (+212°F)
lDo not attempt to open the battery by force
lDo not allow the battery to come into contact with water or fire
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1.3.1 Emergency set
Banknote dyeing system
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2 Safety
2.1 General safety precautions for the system
This system complies with the relevant safety regulations for information processing equipment.
Read this entire manual carefully in order to obtain a thorough knowledge with respect to
the system and the components, in addition to their operation and maintenance.
Operate the system and the components correctly in accordance with this manual in order
to avoid injuries and damage.
Keep this manual available and consult it for guidance when you are unsure about how to
carry out one or another of the procedures.
Risk of impact
Be careful not to injure your head when the fascia or the rear door is opened.
lMove carefully when either the fascia or the rear door is opened.
Adverse weather conditions
Make sure that no water/liquids (e.g. rain, snow etc.) gets into the open system and the
exposed components, especially under adverse weather conditions, since that could pose
a danger to your life.
Be sure to take suitable precautions when working on an open system (e.g. by covering
components where necessary) so that fluid cannot enter the open system.
Observe the warning and information labels on the system.
Unless otherwise stated, grasp the components only by the green control elements when handling
This system is equipped with a safety-tested power cable which must be connected to a suitable
grounded socket only.
Always hold the plug when removing the power cable. Never pull on the cable itself.
Lay all connecting cables in such a way that they will not be stepped on or tripped over, damaged or
crushed in any way.
Have damaged power cables replaced immediately.
Make sure that there is always free access to the electrical sockets used or to the electrical circuit-
breakers of the facility installation.
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In case of an emergency (e.g. damaged cabinets, controls or power cables, liquids or for-
eign objects in the system) take the following steps:
Switch the system voltage-free immediately by:
lSwitching off the automatic circuit breaker or removing the fuse insert from the fuse
holder in the distributor box of the facility installation.
lDisconnecting the plug of the power supply cable from the grounded socket in the fa-
cility installation.
lInterrupting the power connection between the UPS (uninterruptible power supply)
and the system (see chapter "Introduction", section "General power interruption" in
the operating manual);
lFor further system-specific notes, please refer to the operating manuals.
lInform the customer service responsible for you.
Never connect or disconnect data transmission lines during a thunderstorm.
Always keep the system’s ventilation openings free from obstruction to ensure proper ventilation and
to prevent malfunctions resulting from overheating.
Use only accessories and extension components that have been approved by Diebold Nixdorf .
Nonobservance can result in damage to the system or violations of regulations concerning safety, ra-
dio interference and ergonomical requirements.
To clean the system only use cleaning agents approved by Diebold Nixdorf (see chapter "Cleaning,
Service and Maintenance" in the operating manual).
Components with adjustable light effects are integrated in this product. Repetition frequencies be-
tween 5 Hz and 40 Hz should be avoided as certain light frequencies or flickering light sources can
cause epileptic seizures in some individuals. Also avoid light reflections and synchronize the cycles
wherever possible. Ensure that monitors refresh rates are as high as possible.
The system is designed to operate in a pollution degree 2 environment. Operation in higher pollution
levels is not permitted.
Repair work on the system or on the components may be carried out only by authorized
specialist staff. Unauthorized opening of the system or repair work carried out improperly
could result in considerable danger to the user.
In case of noncompliance, Diebold Nixdorf excludes all liability.
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Copyright © 2021, Diebold Nixdorf
01750268932 D
Lithium batteries
Danger of fire and explosion
The handling and replacement of batteries should only be performed by authorized per-
sonnel trained by Diebold Nixdorf trained or authorized service personnel.
There is danger of fire or explosion if the batteries are handled improperly. It is therefore
important to note the following points:
lAvoid short circuits
lNever recharge the battery
lAvoid temperatures above +100°C (+212°F).
lDo not attempt to open the battery by force
lDo not allow the battery to come into contact with water or fire
lThe battery should only be replaced with the same or an equivalent type recom-
mended by Diebold Nixdorf (see chapter “Appendix,” section “Consumables” in the
operating manual). Dispose of used batteries in compliance with national regulations
and the manufacturer's specifications.
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2.2 General safety instructions for the component
Read this entire manual carefully in order to obtain a thorough knowledge with respect to
the system and the components, in addition to their operation and maintenance.
Operate the system and the components correctly in accordance with this manual in order
to avoid injuries and damage.
Keep this manual available and consult it for guidance when you are unsure about how to
carry out one or another of the procedures.
Repair work on the system or on the components may be carried out only by authorized
specialist staff. Unauthorized opening of the system or repair work carried out improperly
could result in considerable danger to the user.
In case of noncompliance, Diebold Nixdorf excludes all liability.
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3 Component overview
The following hardware and software components are required for use of the Ink Staining Solution in a
CINEO System, depending on the selected process for cash supply and disposal:
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Component overview
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Component overview
3.1 Hardware
The following hardware components are required:
CINEO System with a Cash Media Dispenser Version 5 (CMD-V5) or RM3 module
Preparation / Retrofitting "Inking Ready"
CINEO High End banknote storage unit
CINEO D1000 Docking Station
(requires a connection to a PC / workstation for operation)
RM3 Firmware (valid also for CMD-V5)
3.1.1 Preparation / Retrofitting "Inking Ready"
The preparation/retrofitting process involves the installation of a controller and the wiring required for the
Ink Staining Solution .
Determine whether or not the equipment in your CINEO system is "Inking ready" with the
necessary preparation/retrofitting process by checking with your Diebold Nixdorf system
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Component overview
3.1.2 CINEO High End banknote storage unit
The CINEO High End banknote storage units are a component part of the Diebold Nixdorf banknote stor-
age unit product range. They represent the highest development level of CINEO banknote storage units.
They contain extensive security features as well as a sensor system with an ink staining solution.
The CINEO High End banknote storage unit is available in the following versions: High End standard cassette
Staining of banknotes via spray tubes when
the ink staining solution is triggered
LCD display
Cover and locking device are actuator-locked,
i.e. the cassette can be opened only in OFF
Temperature, position, humidity, unauthorized
opening High End standard training cassette
The same features as the High End standard cas-
Special points of note:
No staining of banknotes when the ink
staining solution is triggered
The cassette can be reset and used again
after the ink staining solution has been
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Component overview High End compact cassette
Staining of banknotes via spray tubes when
the ink staining solution is triggered
LCD display
Cover and locking device are actuator-locked,
i.e. the cassette can be opened only in OFF
• Monitoring:
Temperature, position, humidity, unauthorized
opening High End compact training cassette
Same features as the High End compact cassette
Special points of note:
No staining of banknotes when the ink
staining solution is triggered
The cassette can be reset and used again
after the ink staining solution has been
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Component overview High End mobile reel storage unit
Staining of banknotes via spray plates when
the ink staining solution is triggered
LCD display
Cover and latch are actuator-locked, i.e. the
reel storage unit can only be opened in the
OFF mode
Temperature, position, humidity, unauthorized
3.1.3 CINEO D1000 Docking Station
The High End cassettes are configured and/or set to the process of the cash supply and disposal with
the CINEO D1000 Docking Station (see chapter "Preparation for operation", section "Defining processes
and process parameters").
The CINEO D1000 Docking Station enables safe and error-free handling of the CINEO cassettes. It can
be used for authorized opening and closing of the High End cassettes and for reading the saved LOG
CINEO D1000 Docking Station
The CINEO D1000 Docking Station must be connected to a separate workstation (PC/sys-
tem unit) for the operability of the CINEO D1000 Docking Station.
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