VII. Disc pack replacement
If it becomes necessary to replace the disc pack, it can be done as follows:
Note: Sizes 225 through 750 use the TPackTM unitized disc pack. If original Thomas round, non-unitized disc
packs are being replaced by the TPackTM, the original thick bevelled washers must be discarded, and the thin
washers that accompanied the TPackTM must be used instead. Use of the thick bevelled washers with the
TPackTM could cause insufficient thread engagement by the locknut and result in failure.
1. At the hub end of the coupling, remove all locknuts. Back out and remove all but one bolt. It may be nec-
essary to tap the ends of the bolts with a soft hammer to start them out. Pivot the disc pack out. Remove
the last bolt and slide the pack out.
2. Now disassemble the other end per Paragraph 1 above being sure to support the centre ring when taking
out the last bolts. Remove the centre ring.
3. Replace parts as necessary. Recheck alignment as described in Section V. Reassemble as described in
Section VI.A.
VIII. For replacement parts
Coupling size TPackTM kit (1) Hardware kits (2)
JCI part no. Quantity JCI part no. Quantity
225 1524.338 1 1524.342 1
312 1524.339 1 1524.343 1
350 1524.340 1 1524.344 1
450 1524.341 1 1524.345 1
* Use this kit when replacing original Thomas, round, non-unitized packs.
It includes the special washers as noted in Section 0.
** These locknuts are cadmium plated.
(1) Include 2 Disc Pack (4) + 16 Ultra Thin Washers (7)
(2) Include 16 bolts (5) + 16 locknuts (6) + 8 Thin washers for TPackTM (8) + 16 thick washers for classic disc
packs (9). (To be discarded accordingly if used with TPackTM Disc packs)
†None are supplied for 225-AMR and 4 only for 450-AMR
Bold numbers in ( ) refer to position numbers in Fig. 1 to Fig. 4.
Erhardt Nielsen
Manager, Reciprocating Compressors
Technical Support and Development
Direct no.: +45 87 36 77 20
Fax no.: +45 87 36 77 05
Johnson Controls Denmark ApS
Christian X's Vej 201 ∙ 8270 Højbjerg ∙ Denmark
Phone +45 87 36 70 00 ∙ Fax +45 87 36 70 05 ∙ www.sabroe.com
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