Thermo King TracKing Telematics Retrofit 3G to 4G TKV5 Installation guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Installation Instructions for the THERMO KING TKV5 telematics retrofit kit. This document provides detailed steps for replacing the TK BlueBox module, including mounting the new TKV5 module with its integrated antenna, proper wiring harness installation and guidelines for battery disposal. I'm ready to answer any questions you have about the installation process or product details.
  • What is the TKV5 module replacing?
    Where should the TKV5 module be mounted?
    What should be done with the old TK BlueBox module?
TK 57051–11–IS Rev.B ©2021 Trane Technologies 1
Kits and Components for SB Trailer Units
Base Kit
Single Temperature
Item Part Number Description
1. 425470 TKV5 Module 1
2. 557011 M5 Nuts 4
3. 554665 M5 Washer 4
4. 927100 Warning Nameplate 1
5. 935888 Connected Nameplate 1
6. 425175 Harness ST 1
7. 425174 Harness MT 1
8. 938508 Mounting Bracket 1 1
9. 513752 Screw, self-drilling 5 5
10. 331371 Grommet 2 2
11. 553019 Screw, 10–32 2 2
12. 550431 Flat washer, #10 2 2
13. 555292 Locking nut, 10–32 2 2
14. 922229 Spacer 2 2
15. 553019 Band wrap 4 4
16. 337070 Gasket 3 3
17. 551699 Clamp 4 4
Installation Instructions
TracKingRetrofit 3G to 4G TKV5
2©2021 Trane Technologies TK 57051–11–IS Rev.B
The existing TK BlueBox module and harness will be removed from the unit and replaced with
the TKV5 module and communication harness. The TKV5 module has an integral antenna so the
existing remote antenna will no longer be required. The antenna can be removed from the unit
or left in place with the cables bundled and secured with band wraps. Because of the integral
antenna, the TKV5 module cannot be installed inside the metal control box, and instead is
remote mounted up inside the condenser section behind the roadside grille. The new harness is
routed from the remote TKV5 module into the rear of the control box.
When replacing BlueBox with TKV5, the module and harness removal should be done last so
existing connections can be used as a guide.
Harness connections and activation procedures for the TKV5 are the same as TK BlueBox. When
replacing prior telematics or doing a new installation, see TK 56689 for harness connections and
configuration procedures.
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: The TK BlueBox contains a Lithium-Ion battery that must be properly disposed of.
See “TTKK BBlluueeBBooxx DDiissppoossaall on Page 7.
Figure 1. TKV5 shown installed inside the condenser section behind roadside grille.
TK 57051–11–IS Rev.B ©2021 Trane Technologies 3
Installation Procedures
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: Disconnect all power to the unit before beginning installation.
IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee MMoodduullee
1. Open roadside panel, roadside grille and control box door. Mark a line approximately 9” to
10” (229–254 mm) up from condenser bottom plate as shown.
2. Position bottom of module mounting plate with marked line and align angled corners where
sheet metal plenum bends away from frame post. This keeps it clear of the closed condenser
3. Use mounting plate as a drill template and pre-drill three 7/32” holes. This will simplify use of
self-tapping screws to mount.
a. Attach mounting plate using three self-tapping screws.
4. Install module onto mounting plate studs and secure with four M5 nuts and washers.
NNoottee:: Harness shown installed, do not install harness yet.
Figure 2. TKV5 and pass-through locations and mounting plate with TKV5 module shown
9-10 in.
(229-254 mm)
8-9 in.
(229-254 mm)
5. Use 2” hole saw to create a pass-through hole in bottom condenser plate 8-9” forward of the
frame post as shown.
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: Use caution to avoid damaging any underlying harnesses or components when
drilling pass-through hole, and place hole inboard of the grille in its fixed location.
4©2021 Trane Technologies TK 57051–11–IS Rev.B
IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee HHaarrnneessss
6. Inside the control box, use a 2” hole saw to create a pass–through hole for the harness as
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: Use caution around existing harnesses and be careful to avoid unit battery when
drilling pass-through hole.
7. Install both grommets over the large 35-pin connector of the harness tthheenn route the
connector through the newly added control box hole from the controller side, up through the
lower condenser panel and attach securely to module.
NNoottee:: Install grommets in both pass-through holes oonnllyy aafftteerr harness has been routed and
connected to module.
Figure 3. Pass-through hole location in control box and harness routed out of box shown.
TK 57051–11–IS Rev.B ©2021 Trane Technologies 5
8. Inside the control box, remove the top and bottom controller bolts on the left side and
replace with the supplied 1.5” long 10-32 hardware.
NNoottee:: Photo shows location of controller bolts on outside of control box.
9. Outside the control box, place PVC spacers over each of the 10–32 screws coming out from
the threaded inserts and use these as a harness anchor points with the P-clamp and #10 nut
to secure harness as shown.
a. Also secure harness with supplied P-clamps and self–drilling screws near base of frame
post and near the pass-through hole on the condenser panel.
10.Provide a drip loop as shown.
Figure 4. Longer controller screws shown with clamps to secure harness.
6©2021 Trane Technologies TK 57051–11–IS Rev.B
11.Seal the control box pass-through hole by trimming two of the supplied gaskets and
installing as shown.
a. Use the third gasket to seal the top of the pass-through hole in the condenser plate.
Figure 5. Pass-through hole shown properly sealed with supplied gaskets.
12.CCoonnnneeccttiinngg tthhee HHaarrnneessss::
Multi-Temperature Units: Make TKV5 harness connections at controller power and ground
locations and any other connections as required.
Single Temperature Units: Make TKV5 harness connections at CAN connections and any
other connections as required.
13.Reconnect all power to unit and verify TKV5 operation.
TK 57051–11–IS Rev.B ©2021 Trane Technologies 7
TK BlueBox Disposal
RRiisskk ooff FFiirree!!!!
LLiitthhiiuummIIoonn bbaatttteerriieess ccoonnttaaiinn hhaazzaarrddoouuss mmaatteerriiaallss aanndd ssttoorree aa llaarrggee aammoouunntt ooff eenneerrggyy iinn aa ssmmaallll aammoouunntt ooff
ssppaaccee.. IImmpprrooppeerr ddiissppoossaall ooff LLiitthhiiuumm—IIoonn bbaatttteerriieess ccoouulldd sshhoorrtt aanndd ssppaarrkk aa ffiirree.. TToo pprreevveenntt ffiirreess,, ttaappee
bbaatttteerryy tteerrmmiinnaallss aanndd//oorr ppllaaccee lliitthhiiuumm--IIoonn bbaatttteerriieess iinn sseeppaarraattee ppllaassttiicc bbaaggss aanndd ttaakkee ttoo sseeppaarraattee rreeccyycclliinngg oorr
hhaazzaarrddoouuss wwaassttee ccoolllleeccttiioonn ppooiinnttss..
NNoottee:: If the TK BlueBox module is not part of a 3G-to-4G exchange program, please dispose of
the module properly. This includes removing and properly disposing of the Lithium-Ion
battery and the TK BlueBox module itself.
1. Remove Lithium-Ion battery from TK BlueBox module.
2. Tape battery terminals and/or place lithium-Ion batteries in separate plastic bags.
BBaatttteerryy DDiissppoossaall
Take Lithium-Ion batteries to separate recycling or hazardous waste collection points.
DDOO NNOOTT put Lithium-Ion batteries in garbage or recycling bins.
TTKK BBlluueeBBooxx MMoodduullee DDiissppoossaall
Take the TK BlueBox module to E-Waste hazardous waste collection point.
DDOO NNOOTT put TK BlueBox module in garbage or recycling bins.
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