Thermo King TracKing V5 — 4G NA Installation guide

  • Hello! I'm your chat assistant. I've reviewed the provided Installation Instructions for the THERMO KING TracKing V5 4G NA Telematics Module. This document provides guidance on replacing the existing TK BlueBox with the new TKV5 module, details the necessary steps, and emphasizes the importance of proper battery disposal. I'm ready to answer any questions you may have about its installation or features.
  • What is the TKV5 module?
    What should I do with old TK BlueBox?
    What vehicles supported?
TK 57047-11-IS Rev. A ©2021 Trane Technologies 1
Kit 401643 — For PrecedentTrailer and T-Series
Truck Units
NNoottee:: This kit is for module replacement only for installations with TK BlueBox. Precedent and
T-Series Truck units with BlueBox require no additional hardware. TKV5 installations in SB
and units with Razor, REB, third party solutions, or no telematics require additional
hardware. (See ConnectedSuite Reference Guide). Nuts in this kit 401643 do not work in T-
90 (reuse existing).
The TKV5 module is a direct replacement to your existing TK BlueBox module. The TKV5 has an
integral antenna so the existing remote antenna will no longer be required. The antenna can be
removed from the unit or left in place with the cables bundled and secured with band wraps.
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: The TK BlueBox contains a Lithium-Ion battery that must be properly disposed of.
See TTKK BBlluueeBBooxx DDiissppoossaallon Page 3.
Figure 1. 401643 Kit Components Shown.
(x4) RCS1833
Installation Instructions
TracKing V5 — 4G NA
2©2021 Trane Technologies TK 57047-11-IS Rev. A
Installation Procedures
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: Disconnect all power to the unit before beginning installation.
1. Remove TK BlueBox module from control box by unplugging the 35-pin connector, the two
antenna leads, and the mounting hardware securing module to control panel.
2. The antenna can be removed from the unit or left in place. If the antenna is left in place,
bundle the cables inside the unit and secure with band wraps
3. Rotate the 35–pin connector until it mates securely to the TKV5 module.
a. Secure module onto control panel with new nuts and washers. Torque hardware to 12 in-
lbs. (1.35 Nm).
4. Install WARNING and CONNECTED nameplates (if not already on the unit).
5. Restore all power to unit.
6. Turn unit OONN and allow to stay on for up to 2 hours to allow for auto swap process to happen
on TracKing
Figure 2. Remove TK BlueBox and install TKV5.
TK 57047-11-IS Rev. A ©2021 Trane Technologies 3
TK BlueBox Disposal
RRiisskk ooff FFiirree!!!!
LLiitthhiiuummIIoonn bbaatttteerriieess ccoonnttaaiinn hhaazzaarrddoouuss mmaatteerriiaallss aanndd ssttoorree aa llaarrggee aammoouunntt ooff eenneerrggyy iinn aa ssmmaallll aammoouunntt ooff
ssppaaccee.. IImmpprrooppeerr ddiissppoossaall ooff LLiitthhiiuummIIoonn bbaatttteerriieess ccoouulldd sshhoorrtt aanndd ssppaarrkk aa ffiirree.. TToo pprreevveenntt ffiirreess,, ttaappee
bbaatttteerryy tteerrmmiinnaallss aanndd//oorr ppllaaccee lliitthhiiuumm--IIoonn bbaatttteerriieess iinn sseeppaarraattee ppllaassttiicc bbaaggss aanndd ttaakkee ttoo sseeppaarraattee rreeccyycclliinngg oorr
hhaazzaarrddoouuss wwaassttee ccoolllleeccttiioonn ppooiinnttss..
NNoottee:: If the TK BlueBox module is not part of a 3G-to-4G exchange program, please dispose of
the module properly. This includes removing and properly disposing of the Lithium-Ion
battery and the TK BlueBox module itself.
1. Remove Lithium-Ion battery from TK BlueBox module.
2. Tape battery terminals and/or place lithium-Ion batteries in separate plastic bags.
BBaatttteerryy DDiissppoossaall
Take Lithium-Ion batteries to separate recycling or hazardous waste collection points.
DDOO NNOOTT put Lithium-Ion batteries in garbage or recycling bins.
TTKK BBlluueeBBooxx MMoodduullee DDiissppoossaall
Take the TK BlueBox module to E-Waste hazardous waste collection point.
DDOO NNOOTT put TK BlueBox module in garbage or recycling bins.
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