6©2022 Trane Technologies TK 57097-11-IS Rev. B
Installing Nameplates
1. Clean surface thoroughly and install WARNING and CONNECTED nameplates at locations
Configuration Procedures
NNoottee:: Reconnect all power to the unit.
1. With the engine off, go to Guarded Access Menu.
NNoottee:: Guarded Access Menu Is not available If the engine Is running.
2. Scroll down and select Hardware Settings
a. TK Telematics Door Switch Enable (set to Enabled).
3. The unit is now programed for door switches, press the exit key.
4. ln the TracKing website under Edit Vehicle, enable the following:
a. TK Telematics Door Switch (select check mark in box).
5. With the engine off, go to Guarded Access Menu.
NNoottee:: There are two fuel sensors settings In Guarded Access - Programmable Feature and
Hardware Settings.
6. Scroll down and select Hardware Settings.
a. Fuel Level Sensor Type (Set to None when installing fuel sensor to the controller).
b. TK Telematics Fuel Level Sensor Type (make sure it is set lo None when iBox is installed).
c. When installing fuel sensor to the TK BlueBox (Set to Solid State or Float type).
7. The unit is now programmed for fuel, press the exit key.
8. In the TracKing website under Edit Vehicle, enable the following:
a. Fuel-Tank-size value.
NNoottee:: TK BlueBox Diagnostic Manual (TK 56469) for further: formation on software setup
procedures.Diagnostic Service Cable (423001) is available for use with the Web Based
Diagnostic Program.