Thermo King ConnectedSuite™ Installation guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Installation Instructions for the THERMO KING T-Series 401561 Installation Kit. This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to install the ConnectedSuite system, which includes mounting the antenna, installing the BlueBox module, and connecting the communication harness. It also covers important CAN communication procedures to ensure proper functionality. I'm ready to assist you with any questions you may have regarding the installation process and its components.
  • Where should the antenna be mounted?
    What is the tightening torque for the antenna nut?
    What precautions should be taken when working with electrical circuits?
TK 56910-11-IS Rev. A, 05/21 ©2021 Trane Technologies 1
Kit 401561
Installation Manual
7 8
Item Part Number Description Qty.
1. 425083 BlueBox Module 1
2. 938341 Mounting Bracket 1
3. 425085 Harness 1
4. 425084 Antenna 1
5. 553442 10–32 Screw 4
6. 552001 #10 Flat Washer 4
7. 552964 #10 Lock Washer 4
8. NSS Band Wrap 4
9. NSS Fir Tree Mount 2
10. NSS Installation Instructions 1
Installation Instructions
ConnectedSuitefor T-Series Bus Units
2©2021 Trane Technologies TK 56910-11-IS Rev. A, 05/21
Installation Procedures
STEP 1 – Antenna Installation
FFrroomm OOUUTTSSIIDDEE tthhee uunniitt::
1. Chose one of the two curbside antenna locations as shown ((FFiigguurree 11)) to help avoid potential
interferences inside the unit, e.g., harnesses, devices, etc.
Confirm entire antenna base will be properly supported BEFORE drilling antenna hole.
Confirm there are no obstructions inside the unit BEFORE drilling antenna hole.
2. Mark antenna mounting hole location.
a. Drill ¾” hole.
b. De-burr hole and thoroughly clean area where antenna will be mounted.
3. Remove hardware from threaded antenna base.
4. Route antenna cable down through mounting hole.
5. Remove paper liner from antenna base.
NNoottee:: Adhering the antenna helps facilitate single-person installation.
a. Orient antenna with tall portion nearest the bend whether above or below the bend.
b. Set antenna in position and press firmly in place.
Figure 1. Suggested Antenna Locations Shown
FFrroomm IINNSSIIDDEE tthhee uunniitt::
6. Remove just enough foam to prevent any from being trapped under the antenna hardware
that could affect the joint.
7. Reinstall antenna hardware onto threaded base.
a. Tighten antenna nut to 53–62 in–lb (6–7 Nm).
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: DO NOT over tighten the nut or damage to the antenna will result.
TK 56910-11-IS Rev. A, 05/21 ©2021 Trane Technologies 3
STEP 2 – TK BlueBox Installation
EEqquuiippmmeenntt DDaammaaggee!!
WWhheenn wwoorrkkiinngg wwiitthh eelleeccttrriiccaall cciirrccuuiittss tthhaatt ccoonnttaaiinn mmiiccrroopprroocceessssoorrss,, aallwwaayyss wweeaarr aann EESSDD wwrriisstt ssttrraapp aanndd
ccoonnnneecctt tthhee ooppppoossiittee eenndd ttoo tthhee cchhaassssiiss ggrroouunndd oorr CCHH tteerrmmiinnaall.. TThhiiss pprreeccaauuttiioonn wwiillll pprreevveenntt eelleeccttrroossttaattiicc
ddiisscchhaarrggee ffrroomm ddaammaaggiinngg cciirrccuuiittss..
FFrroomm IINNSSIIDDEE tthhee uunniitt::
1. Remove the top two coil mounting bolts as shown ((FFiigguurree 22)).
a. Position BlueBox module bracket over the two coil mounting holes and reinstall bolts.
b. Tighten bolts to 54 in.- lb.(6.10 Nm).
Figure 2. BlueBox Mounting Location Shown
4©2021 Trane Technologies TK 56910-11-IS Rev. A, 05/21
2. Route antenna cable to BlueBox module.
a. Attach antenna cable connectors onto module per color codes ((FFiigguurree 33)).
b. Loop excess cable and secure with band wraps.
Figure 3. Attach Antenna Cable Connectors to Module
TK 56910-11-IS Rev. A, 05/21 ©2021 Trane Technologies 5
STEP 3 – Communication Harness Installation
NNoottee:: Refer to Figure 5 – Communication Harness Connections on page 6.
1. Attach 35-pin connector from communication harness to BlueBox module.
2. Locate CCAANN 00 4-pin connector ((PP22)) and CCAANN 11 4-pin connector ((PP33)) adjacent to the
IntelligAire III controller ((FFiigguurree 44)).
Figure 4. CAN Connectors Shown
Blue Arrow = CAN 0 (4-pin connector P2) Yellow Arrow = CAN 1 (4-pin connector P3)
3. Remove ((CCAANN 00)) harness connector (and jumper segment if resistor is present) from PP22.
NNoottee:: The communication harness supplied in the kit has two connectors bundled together
with a BBlluuee band wrap and two connectors bundled together with GGrreeeenn and YYeellllooww
band wraps. Be sure to make the correct connections in the following steps.
NNoottee:: Numbers in parentheses refer to harness components in Fig. 5.
a. Insert male connector from BBlluuee side of communication harness (2) into PP22.
b. Insert female connector from BBlluuee side of communication harness (3) into the harness
connector removed earlier.
CAN Communication Procedures must be completed before continuing.
See page 7
4. Remove ((CCAANN 11)) harness connector from PP33.
a. Insert male connector from YYeellllooww//GGrreeeenn side of communication harness (5) into PP33.
b. Insert female connector from YYeellllooww//GGrreeeenn side of communication harness (4) into the
harness connector removed earlier.
5. Secure all harness adequately with band wraps.
6©2021 Trane Technologies TK 56910-11-IS Rev. A, 05/21
Figure 5. Communication Harness Connections
1. 35-pin Connect to BlueBox module.
2. 4-pin (Blue) Connect to mating CAN 0 connector P2 on IntelligAire III controller.
3. 4-pin (Blue) Connect to mating factory harness (removed from CAN 0 connector P2 on unit).
4. 4-pin (Yellow/Green) Connect to mating CAN 1 connector P3 on IntelligAire III controller.
5. 4-pin (Yellow/Green) Connect to mating factory harness (removed from CAN 1 connector P3 on unit)
6. 4-pin BlueBox USB diagnostic port (connect using P/N 423001 for service).
TK 56910-11-IS Rev. A, 05/21 ©2021 Trane Technologies 7
STEP 4 - CAN Communication Procedures
Resistors are required at each end of the CAN network to prevent signal reflections. Two
resistors in entire harness will measure 60 ohms (two 120 ohm resistors, in parallel).
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: The following procedure must be followed to ensure the CAN communications work
1. With the power off, measure the resistance between CCAANN HHii and CCAANN LLooww (terminals 2 and
3) on the CAN_0, P2 connection.
a. You should have a measurement of between 60-120 ohms.
b. If you do not have a measurement between 60-120 ohms, communications may work
temporarily but will be unreliable and eventually fail. Continue to Step 2.
2. Check for correct value CAN termination resistance in the harness. Refer to your unit wiring
schematic for location of factory installed CAN resistors.
a. Add or remove termination resistance as necessary.
b. Repeat Step 1 above and confirm measurement is between 60-120 ohms.
3. Return to page 4, step 5.
Figure 6. The Correct CAN Network Configuration Shown
120 ohm
Optional HMI
TK BlueBox Module
Electronic Control Module
A second 120 ohm resistor
is required as shown
NNoottee:: A 120 ohm termination resistor is located inside the TK BlueBox module across CAN Hi
and CAN Low on CAN_0. TK BlueBox Module DOES NOT contain a termination resistor on
For Activation Procedures, refer to:
Connected Bus HVAC Operator’s Manual (TK 56773-3-OP)
This manual can be found at and Asset Library
8©2021 Trane Technologies TK 56910-11-IS Rev. A, 05/21
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