Thermo King Air Purification Solution (APS) Installation guide

  • Hello! I'm your chat assistant. I've reviewed the Installation Instructions for the THERMO KING Air Purification Solution T14/T15 Kit 401622. This document provides detailed steps for installing the air purification system on bus HVAC evaporators. The system connects to the IntelligAIRE III controller and requires specific programming to operate. I'm ready to answer your questions about this device.
  • What type of filter is required for proper efficacy of the air purification device?
    What controller does the APS interface harness connect to?
    What is alarm code 084?
TK 56989-11-IS Rev. A ©2021 Trane Technologies 1
Kit 401622
A Merv-7 filter is required to ensure proper efficacy of the air purification device over the course
of the product life. Please contact your Thermo King representative to identify the applicable
part number for your application.
Tools Required:
7/16” socket, 3” extension and ratchet
7/16” open ended wrench
T-25 Torx screw driver
Side cutters
Terminal crimper
Laptop with CANDiag kit (Flash load firmware version 4.02.05 or later into main module is required.)
Installation Overview
CCoommppoonneenntt IInnssttaallllaattiioonn – APS assembly installs directly onto the TK HVAC evaporator using
the existing hardware. Depending on the bus air inlet opening size, it can be installed as a
complete assembly, or disassembled, installed in two sections and reassembled.
EElleeccttrriiccaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss – APS interface harness connects to the IntelligAIRE III controller and to
a bus battery positive (+24VDC) and chassis ground (-) source.
SSyysstteemm PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg – After the APS is installed, the IntelligAIRE III controller will need to be
programmed to operate the system.
Installation Instructions
Air Purification Solution (APS) for T14/T15
Series Bus Units
2©2021 Trane Technologies TK 56989-11-IS Rev. A
Installation Procedures
Step 1 – Bus HVAC Component Removal
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: Disconnect power to the bus HVAC unit before proceeding.
1. Access evaporator via bus interior return air inlet grille. Remove filter from coil face (if
Figure 1. Access HVAC Evaporator.
1 1
2. Remove and retain the evaporator’s 1/4” hardware per your particular APS installation
a. AAPPSS iinnssttaalllleedd aass aa ccoommpplleettee aasssseemmbbllyy — remove the evaporator’s (6) 1/4” hardware as
shown below.
b. AAPPSS iinnssttaalllleedd aass ttwwoo sseeppaarraattee ppiieecceess — remove only the evaporator’s upper (4) 1/4”
hardware and just loosen (do not remove) the lower (2) 1/4” hardware.
3. Remove and retain the (2) filter clips (not shown, if applicable).
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: Drill out only the rivet heads securing the filter clips. Drilling through the rivet
hole could damage the evaporator coil.
Figure 2. Evaporator’s hardware mounting locations shown.
TK 56989-11-IS Rev. A ©2021 Trane Technologies 3
Step 2 – APS Installation
NNoottee:: When installing the APS as a complete assembly through the bus return air opening,
follow Step 2 – APS Installation. If the bus return air opening is too small the APS will need
to be disassembled and installed as individual pieces, go to Step 2a - APS Disassembly
1. Temporarily remove the (2) 1/4” hardware securing control panel to APS assembly. This will
allow access to the center mounting bolt when installing APS onto the evaporator.
2. Position APS assembly onto evaporator, reinstall (6) 1/4” hardware (removed earlier) and
tighten to 6 ft-lbs (8.2 Nm).
3. Reinstall control panel onto APS assembly and tighten the (2) 1/4” hardware to 6 ft-lbs (8.2
Figure 3. Remove control panel to access center mounting bolt.
Figure 4. APS shown installed onto evaporator.
Continue to Step 3 – Electrical Connections
4©2021 Trane Technologies TK 56989-11-IS Rev. A
Step 2a – APS Disassembly Procedures
NNoottee:: If the return air opening is too small, the APS assembly will need to be disassembled and
installed in two sections by following Step 2a - APS Disassembly Procedures and Step 2b –
APS Panel Installation and Reassembly Procedures.
1. Place APS assembly onto a flat surface, cut band wraps securing curbside and roadside
electrical connectors, unplug connectors and remove from holders.
Figure 5. Unplug electrical connectors and remove from holders.
2. Remove 1/4” hardware securing connector bracket to panel assembly
3. Loosen 1/4” hardware securing top channel to panel assembly and hardware securing
retaining plates. Rotate retainer plates and retighten hardware.
4. Remove 1/4” hardware securing control panel bracket to panel assembly.
Figure 6. Remove electrical connector brackets, retainer brackets and control panel bracket.
Roadside Curbside
TK 56989-11-IS Rev. A ©2021 Trane Technologies 5
5. Remove 1/4” hardware and T-25 Torx screws.
Figure 7. Remove hardware shown.
6. Separate APS upper and lower panels as shown.
7. Remove 1/4” hardware and separate both side brackets from upper panel.
Figure 8. APS panels shown separated.
Upper Panel
End Panels
Lower Panel
6©2021 Trane Technologies TK 56989-11-IS Rev. A
Step 2b – APS Installation and Reassembly Procedures
1. Position both side panels onto evaporator and loosely reinstall 1/4” hardware removed
2. Position upper panel onto evaporator and loosely reinstall 1/4” hardware removed earlier.
3. Position lower panel onto evaporator and rotate retainer plates back 180 degrees.
4. Reinstall center bracket and hand tighten the T25 Torx screws securely. DDOO NNOOTT OOVVEERR
TTIIGGHHTTEENN SSCCRREEWWSS!! Tighten all 1/4” hardware to 6 ft-lbs (8.2 Nm).
Figure 9. Position panels onto evaporator and reinstall hardware shown.
5. Reinstall control panel, roadside connector bracket and the retainer brackets back onto APS
assembly and tighten 1/4” hardware to 6 ft-lbs (8.2 Nm).
6. Reconnect all electrical connectors and secure with band wraps as they were originally.
Figure 10. Reinstall switch panel, electrical and retainer brackets and all electrical connectors.
Continue to Step 3 – Electrical Connections
TK 56989-11-IS Rev. A ©2021 Trane Technologies 7
Step 3 – APS Electrical Connections
Air Purification Grid Connections
1. Unplug 4-pin connector ((PP33)) on ECM and connect to mating connector on APS interface
a. Connect 4-pin APS interface harness connector to ECM connector ((PP33)).
2. Unplug 18-pin connector ((PP66)) on ECM and connect to APS interface harness.
a. Connect 18-pin on interface harness to ECM connector ((PP66))
3. Remove ECM 24-pin connector ((PP11)) and add single CSEN wire from interface harness into
correct cavity as shown below:
a. Insert the single CSEN wire into cavity 14 of connector P1 and reconnect to the ECM.
NNoottee:: The large photo below shows connector P1 with the CSEN wire already installed. The
small inset photo shows the single CSEN wire in cavity 14 of connector P1.
Figure 11. Interface harness connections shown.
1a Interface Harness
8©2021 Trane Technologies TK 56989-11-IS Rev. A
4. PPoowweerr WWiirree – Remove 1/4-20 hardware holding control panel assembly to unit frame.
a. Rotate control panel assembly to gain access to the back of the Bussmann fuse block.
NNoottee:: Harness band wraps may need to be removed to gain full access.
b. Remove 1/4-20 nut, split lock washer and flat washer. Retain nut.
c. Add 1/4 ring terminal of APS power harness on top of the main power lug. Add bronze
internal lock washer. Secure with nut. Torque nut to 48-53 in.- lb.
NNoottee:: The supplied bronze internal tooth lock washer is required to be used in place of the
existing flat washer and split lock washer to account for the additional stack up at the
fuse block stud due to the APS terminal.
TK 56989-11-IS Rev. A ©2021 Trane Technologies 9
5. GGrroouunndd WWiirree - connect ground wire from panel ground stud to a chassis ground (-) source.
One example shown, other examples include:
¼” or #10 ground stud located on the main HVAC control panel.
5/16” ground stud located on the brushless motor drive if equipped.
3/8” ground studs located on the control box.
NNoottee:: Long and short ground wires are provided to accommodate the various ground locations
found on T-series bus HVAC systems. Various size terminal rings are also included to be
used to match the stud sizes. Use side cutters and terminal crimper to cut wire to
appropriate length and attach correct size terminal ring.
6. Secure APS harness with supplied band wraps to existing harnesses.
NNoottee:: When installing band wraps, use proper tensioning/cutting tool or use care to trim ties
in a way that eliminates sharp edges that can cut and scratch.
Figure 12. Typical power and ground wires shown connected and secured.
10 ©2021 Trane Technologies TK 56989-11-IS Rev. A
Step 4 – Setup Procedures
NNoottee:: See the IntelligAIRE III Diagnostic Manual TK 54650 for detailed information on flash
loading and connecting using the CANDiag software.
1. Reconnect power to the bus HVAC.
2. Flash load firmware version 4.02.05 or later into main module.
3. Connect CANDiag and open Main Module window.
4. Go to Setup Parameter tab and click Read Data.
5. When upload is complete, the Customized Configuration box will show the current
configuration number loaded in the module.
6. Go to the APS Panel Count parameter and select the correct number of panels installed:
T-Series Units: 4
7. Go to Cont Evap Blower parameter and click the check box to enable.
8. Go to APS Fail Indicator – This is an optional selection:
IIff bbooxx iiss sseelleecctteedd:: the AC Fail Indicator lamp on the control panel wwiillll iilllluummiinnaattee when
aallaarrmm ccooddee 008844 is detected.
IIff bbooxx IISS NNOOTT sseelleecctteedd:: The AC Fail Indicator lamp on the control panel wwiillll nnoott
iilllluummiinnaattee when aallaarrmm ccooddee 008844 is detected. This is the default setting.
9. Go to Basic Parameters and adjust the following evaporator speed value %:(Y—Series units
with brushless motors only).
Evap Max Speed: Values % set to 9955
Evap Max Speed H: Values % set to 9955
Evap Med Speed: Values % set to 8800
Evap Min Speed: Values % set to 6677
10.Click Send Data to download the modified configuration back into the module.
11.The configuration process for Air Purification is now complete.
12.Reinstall air filter and grille and return bus to service.
TK 56989-11-IS Rev. A ©2021 Trane Technologies 11
Figure 13. Main Module window shown.
1. Select: Read Data
2. APS Panel Count: Enter:
T-Series Units: 4
3. Cont Evap Blower: Select Check Box
4. APS Fail Indicator (optional)
5. Basic Parameters — Evaporator Blower Speed Value %
6. Select: Send Data
12 ©2021 Trane Technologies TK 56989-11-IS Rev. A
APS System Operation
When the bus is started and the RUN signal becomes active, the air purification panels will
energize and the IntelligAIRE III controller will wake up.
Figure 14. APS panels shown energized.
The evaporator blowers will start automatically and operate in low speed unless being
commanded to a higher speed by the HVAC.
The air purification panels may be temporarily disabled (for example during service procedures,
flash loading, etc.) by using the service ON / OFF switch in the return air section.
Figure 15. APS Service Switch shown.
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: The screen mesh of the air purification system must only be cleaned with a low
power vacuum equipped with a soft bristle dust brush attachment. Do not use liquids,
chemicals, cleaners, cleaning agents, compressed air, water, or a high power vacuum
to clean the mesh or damage may occur.
TK 56989-11-IS Rev. A ©2021 Trane Technologies 13
APS Diagnostics Procedures
The IntelligAIRE III controller monitors voltage and current to determine total power drawn
by the air purification system.
If the air purification system power drops more than the threshold amount below the
expected power, an alarm code 084 is generated.
This alarm code is also broadcast through the DM1 messaging on the vehicle J1939 network
and will light the AC Fail indicator at the driver panel.
Figure 16. Alarm 084 – Air Purification System fault shown.
14 ©2021 Trane Technologies TK 56989-11-IS Rev. A
Figure 17. T-Series Wiring Diagram.
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