Introducing the ECL 2000
2.3 Circuit Functions
Heat circuit functionality includes weather compensation of flow temperature ac-
cording to outdoor temperature, sun intensity and wind velocity, outdoor temperature
dependant return temperature limiting, PI control of valve motors, as well as an
optimizer facility that will save energy by calculating optimum pre-heat and cooling
times for the plant. If a room temperature sensor is fitted, the optimizer is adaptive.
Hot-water circuit facilities include PI control of valve motors, return temperature lim-
iting and an anti-bacteria function.
The ECL 2000 has a built-in timer function with a year clock, which can be used to
switch on and off an external device according to a 7-day, 24-hour program.
2.4 Time Programming
The ECL 2000’s time programming facility lets you set up an individual 7-day, 24-
hour program for each of the circuits being controlled.
The ‘party function’ allows the ECL 2000 to override the 24-hour program and keep
one or more circuits at comfort temperature for a prolonged period of time, for exam-
ple until later in the evening than normally. The economy function lets the ECL 2000
keep the plant at night setback temperature longer than normally.
You can also pre-program a holiday period during which the controller will follow a
different 24-hour schedule than under normal conditions.
2.5 Other Functions
The controller includes a Manual Override facility that disables all automatic control,
allowing for manual control of circuit components (pumps and valve motors).
The controller’s alarm system lets you define conditions that will cause an alarm. You
can monitor the alarm status by displaying the controller’s alarm log and one relay
output can be defined as an alarm output.
The ECL 2000 also includes facilities for logging measured data and displaying this
graphically, as well as for calculating degree days.
LON (Local Operating Network) communication is available as an option. This facil-
ity enables the ECL 2000 to communicate via LON with other ECL 2000 controllers
and devices such as heatmeters.