2©2021 Trane Technologies TK 56941-11-IS Revision A
Installation Procedures
Contactor Box Removal
HHaazzaarrddoouuss VVoollttaaggee!!
WWiillll sshhoocckk,, bbuurrnn oorr ccaauussee ddeeaatthh.. DDiissccoonnnneecctt ppoowweerr bbeeffoorree sseerrvviicciinngg uunniitt..
1. Locate the contactor box in your HVAC unit and remove cover.
NNoottee:: Before removing any wires, note how they are routed into the box for reference later.
2. Disconnect and remove all incoming wires going to contactors, terminal blocks and ground
studs inside box.
3. Disconnect 6 pin connector.
4. Remove the four ¼-20 screws and remove box from unit.
a. Save hardware for reuse.
b. The box and cover will not be reused.
Contactor Box Installation
1. Route wire harnesses into the new box as they were originally.
2. Install new contactor box and secure with screws, lock washers and flat washers (removed
earlier) and tighten hardware securely.
3. Reconnect wires and torque per FFiigguurree 11.. NNeeww CCoonnttaaccttoorr KKiitt IInnssttaallllaattiioonn WWiirriinngg DDiiaaggrraamm
aanndd TToorrqquuee SSppeeccss.. oonn ppaaggee 33.
4. Neatly bundle and secure all wiring with provided band wraps.
5. Reconnect the 6 pin connector.