Thermo King Precedent™ Battery Charger and Supplemental Power Retrofit Kit Installation guide

  • Hello! I'm a chat assistant that has reviewed the Thermo King Installation Manual for Precedent Battery Charger and Supplemental Power Retrofit Kits. This document provides detailed instructions on installing battery chargers and supplemental power options for various Thermo King refrigeration units. It covers everything from alternator removal to high voltage wiring. I'm ready to assist you with any questions you might have about this product.
  • Can liftgates be wired to the unit battery when a battery charger is installed?
    What type of mechanic should perform this installation?
    Are additional components needed for liftgate charger applications?
Rev. B
July 2023 TTKK 5555668811--1111--IIMM--EENN
PrecedentBattery Charger and Supplemental Power
Retrofit Kits
C-600, C-600M, S-600, S-700, S-600M and S–610M/DE
Installation Manual
©2022 Trane Technologies TK 55681-11-IM-EN
This installation manual was written to assist with the installation of the Thermo King Battery Charger and
Supplemental Power Package Retrofit Kits onto Precedent C-600, C-600M, S-600, S-700, S-600M and S-610/DE units.
Additional kits or individual components (not supplied) are required to complete liftgate charger applications. Contact
your Thermo King dealer for available kits.
Due to its complexity, you should not attempt this installation unless you:
Are an experienced mechanic
Can safely lift 34 kilos (75 lbs.)
Are certified or trained in the repair and maintenance of diesel powered refrigeration systems
Have a basic understanding of electricity and electrical wiring
Have the necessary tools and equipment to complete the installation
This manual is published for informational purposes only. Thermo King makes no representations warranties express
or implied, with respect to the information recommendations and descriptions contained herein. Information provided
should not be regarded as all-inclusive or covering all contingencies. If further information is required, Thermo King
Corporation Service Department should be consulted.
Thermo King’s warranty shall not apply to any equipment which has been “so installed, maintained, repaired or altered
as, in the manufacturer’s judgment, to affect its integrity.
Manufacturer shall have no liability to any person or entity for any personal injury, property damage or any other direct,
indirect, special, or consequential damages whatsoever, arising out of the use of this manual or any information,
recommendations or descriptions contained herein.
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TK 55681-11-IM-EN 3
AAvvaaiillaabbllee CCoonnvveerrssiioonn KKiittss ............................................................................................................................................ 44
CC–660000,, SS–660000,, SS770000 MMooddeell 3300 -- CChhaarrggeerr 440011221155 ............................................................................................ 55
SS–660000 && SS–770000 MMooddeell 3300 -- CChhaarrggeerr 440011220088 ++ AAlltteerrnnaattoorr 445522559911 .......................................................... 1111
SS–660000,, SS–661100MM//DDEE && SS770000 MMooddeell 3300 -- AAlltteerrnnaattoorr 440011220099 ...................................................................... 1133
CC–660000,, SS660000 && SS770000 MMooddeell 5500 ((223300VV OOnnllyy)) -- CChhaarrggeerr 440011221100 ............................................................ 1155
SS–660000 && SS770000 MMooddeell 5500 ((223300VV OOnnllyy)) -- CChhaarrggeerr 440011221100 ++ AAlltteerrnnaattoorr 445522559911 .............................. 2200
SS–660000,, SS–661100MM//DDEE && SS770000 MMooddeell 5500 ((223300VV && 446600VV)) -- AAlltteerrnnaattoorr 440011334477 ...................................... 2222
SS–660000MM MMooddeell 3300 -- CChhaarrggeerr 440011226611 OOppttiioonnaall SSuupppplleemmeennttaall PPoowweerr .................................................. 2244
SS–660000MM MMooddeell 3300 -- AAlltteerrnnaattoorr 440011226622 ................................................................................................................ 3300
SS–660000MM,, SS--661100MM//DDEE MMooddeell 5500 -- ((223300VV OOnnllyy)) CChhaarrggeerr 440011226633 OOppttiioonnaall SSuupppplleemmeennttaall
PPoowweerr .. .. ............................ .. .......................... .. .............. .. ............................ .. .......................... .. .............. .. ............................ 3322
SS--661100MM MMooddeell 3300 -- CChhaarrggeerr 440011334488 .. ............ .. ............................ .. .......................... .. .............. .. ............................ 3377
CC–660000MM MMooddeell 3300 -- AAlltteerrnnaattoorr 440011334411 ................................................................................................................ 4444
CC–660000MM MMooddeell 5500 ((223300VV && 446600VV)) -- AAlltteerrnnaattoorr 440011334422 ................................................................................ 4466
SS–660000MM MMooddeell 5500 -- ((223300vv && 446600VV)) AAlltteerrnnaattoorr 440011226644 ................................................................................ 4488
RReeccoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee SSRR44 CCoonnttrroolllleerr // TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg .............................................................................. 5500
LLiiffttggaattee CChhaarrggeerr WWiirriinngg RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss .................... .. ............................ .. ............................ .. ............................ 5511
Table of Contents
4TK 55681-11-IM-EN
Available Conversion Kits
Convert Alternator Unit to Battery Charger: Important: Liftgates or auxiliary items cannot be
wired to unit battery or any part of
transport refrigeration unit (TRU) when
battery charger is installed. You must
install the supplemental power
alternator package and wire liftgates
and auxiliary items to it.
Model BC Kit
C-600, S-600, S-700 Model 30 30A 401215*
C-600, S-600, S-700 Model 50 230V 30A 401210
S-600M Model 30 120A 401261
S-610M Model 30 120A 401348
S-600M, S-610M/DE Model 50 230V 120A 401263 Excite Harness Battery Cable Kits
C-600M 120A N/A 9 ft. 422188 45 ft. 401223
Any Model 50 460V N/A 60 ft. 422189 60 ft. 401224
Convert Alternator Unit to Battery Charger and add Supplemental Power Alternator:
Model BC and
Supp Alt
Kit + Alternator + Excite Harness + Battery cable Kit
C-600 Not
S-600, S-700 Model 30 30A, 120A 401208 452591 & 422341 Excite Harness Battery Cable Kit
S-600, S-700 Model 50 230V 30A, 120A 01210 452591 & 422341 Excite Harness Battery Cable Kit
S-600, S-610M/DE Model 30 120A, 120A 401261 Reuse 120A from unit Excite Harness Battery Cable Kit
S-600, S-610M/DE Model 50 230V 30A, 120A 401263 Reuse 120A from unit Excite Harness
C-600M 120A, 65A
Standard with battery charger.
See chart below to add supplemental power
Any Model 50 460V N/A
** Kit has not been setup at this time by Aftermarket Engineering.
Add Supplemental Power Alternator to a Battery Charger Kit:
Model SPA Kit + Excite Harness + Battery cable Kit + Other
S-600, S-700, S-610M/DE Model
120A 401209 Excite Harness Battery Cable Kit *
S-600, S-700, S-610M/DE Model
50 230V or 460V 12 hp
120A 401347 Excite Harness Battery Cable Kit *
S-600, S-700, S-610M/DE Model
50 460V 19hp
120A 401347 Excite Harness Battery Cable Kit 781863 & 773085*
S-600 Model 30 120A 401262 Excite Harness Battery Cable Kit
S-600M Model 50 230V or 460V 12
120A 401264 Excite Harness Battery Cable Kit
S-600M Model 50 460V 19hp 120A 401264 Excite Harness Battery Cable Kit 781869 & 773103
C-600, C-600M Model 30 (65A
65A 401341 Excite Harness Battery Cable Kit
C-600, C-600M model 50 230V
460V 12hp (65A only)
65A 401342 Excite Harness Battery Cable Kit
C-600, C-600M model 50 460V
65A 401342 Excite Harness Battery Cable Kit 781866 & 773085
* Customer selects correct belt from kit.
TK 55681-11-IM-EN 5
C–600, S–600, S–700 Model 30 - Charger 401215
RRiisskk ooff IInnjjuurryy!!
RRiisskk ooff iinnjjuurryy iiff uunniitt ssttaarrttss wwhhiillee sseerrvviicciinngg.. TToo pprreevveenntt sseerriioouuss iinnjjuurryy oorr ddeeaatthh,, sswwiittcchh tthhee uunniitt ccoonnttrroollss ttoo tthhee
OOFFFF ppoossiittiioonn aanndd rreemmoovvee tthhee PPoossiittiivvee ((++)) bbaatttteerryy ccaabbllee ffrroomm tthhee uunniitt’’ss bbaatttteerryy.. DDiissccoonnnneecctt tthhee rreemmoottee ppoowweerr
ssuuppppllyy aatt iittss ssoouurrccee aanndd rreemmoovvee ppoowweerr ccaabbllee ffrroomm uunniitt ((iiff aapppplliiccaabbllee))..
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: Liftgates or auxiliary items cannot be wired to unit battery or any part of TRU system when battery charger
is installed. You must install the supplemental power alternator package and wire liftgates and auxiliary
items to it. You may wish to also install an EON power pack wired to the supplemental alternator.
AAlltteerrnnaattoorr aanndd BBeelltt RReemmoovvaall
1. Open front curbside and roadside door panels.
2. Disconnect following alternator harness connections:
1-pin connector ((WWRRPPMM--0022))
2-pin connector ((WWRRPPMM--0022))
2-pin connector ((SSEENNSSEE,, EEXXCC))
Terminal ring ((CCHHAA--0011))
Terminal ring ((22AA--0011))
3. Loosen adjusting bolt for pulley tensioner.
4. Remove and discard belt.
5. Remove alternator bolts and alternator.
NNoottee:: Alternator will no longer be used.
NNeeww TTeennssiioonneerr PPuulllleeyy aanndd BBeelltt IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
6. Remove c-clip from center of tensioner.
Slide smooth pulley off tensioner and discard.
7. Install new grooved pulley onto tensioner.
Reinstall c-clip onto tensioner.
8. Install new belt and adjust to proper tension.
781875 — Belt S-600
781856 — Belt S-700
781858 — Belt C-600
6TK 55681-11-IM-EN
CC–660000,, SS–660000,, SS770000 MMooddeell 3300 -- CChhaarrggeerr 440011221155
TK 55681-11-IM-EN 7
AAlltteerrnnaattoorr HHaarrnneessss RReemmoovvaall
9. Open Control Box door and disconnect following alternator harness wires:
Power wire ((22AA--0011)) from the 22AA stud on the SR-4 controller board.
Alternator ground wire ((CCHHAA--0011)) from the ground stud on frame.
3-pin connector ((22YY--0022,, EEXXCC--0022)) from main harness.
Carefully remove complete alternator harness from unit and discard.
CCuurrrreenntt SSeennssoorr RReemmoovvaall ((iiff eexxiissttss))
10. Open Blower and Fans Control Box door and disconnect 2- pin connector from current sensor.
Remove sensor.
NNoottee:: The empty connector and sensor will no longer be needed.
2Y-02, EXC-02
CC–660000,, SS660000,, SS770000 MMooddeell 3300 -- CChhaarrggeerr 440011221155
8TK 55681-11-IM-EN
AAcccceessss ttoo BBaatttteerryy CChhaarrggeerr MMoouunnttiinngg SSttuuddss
11. Remove roadside door panel.
12. Remove 5 bolts securing door hinge bracket.
13. Remove 3 bolts holding battery charger box cover.
14. Remove cover to expose four studs on panel.
CC–660000,, SS–660000,, SS770000 MMooddeell 3300 -- CChhaarrggeerr 440011221155
TK 55681-11-IM-EN 9
LLooww VVoollttaaggee HHaarrnneessss IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
15. Inside the Control Box, connect the battery charger harness:
4-pin connector ((JJCCAANNHH--0011,, JJCCAANNLL--0011,, JJSSHH--0022,, JJCCHH--0011)) to JJ3333 on SR-4 controller board.
Single power wire ((22LL--0011)) to 22AA stud on SR-4 controller board.
3-pin ((AALLTT.. CCOONNNNEECCTTOORR)) to mating connector ((22YY--0022,, EECCXX-- 0022)) from the main harness.
16. Route low voltage harness out of control box and connect the 8-pin connector to mating connector on BBaatttteerryy
17. Remove the two screws from the charger cover, loosen connectors and install the following wires:
Single wire ((CCHHBBAATT--0011)) along with ECU Power Harness (supplied loose in kit) wire ((BBAATT--GGNNDD--0011)) to
connection AA.
ECU Power Harness single wire ((BBAATT--LLOOAADD--0011)) to connection BB.
Single wire ((22BBCC--0022)) to connection CC.
Reinstall cover, tighten screws and connectors.
BBaatttteerryy CChhaarrggeerr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
18. Attach nameplate onto battery charger box cover.
19. Install a nylon washer onto each stud.
20. Install battery charger onto studs.
21. Install a M6 flat washer and M6 locking nut onto each stud and tighten nuts securely.
22. Connect the 2-pin connector ((BBAATT--LLOOAADD--0011,BBAATT--GGNNDD--0011)) to mating connector ((EECCUU//AALLTT)) from battery cable to
ECU unit.
23. Route the two ground wires to the unit ground plate located behind the control box and connect as follows:
Single wire ((CCHHBBAATT--0011)) to ground plate 66 GGNNDD PPLLTT.
Single wire ((CCHHBBCC--0011)) to ground plate 66 GGNNDD PPLLTT--0011.
24. Secure temperature sensor on frame member with a clamp.
CC–660000,, SS660000,, SS770000 MMooddeell 3300 -- CChhaarrggeerr 440011221155
10 TK 55681-11-IM-EN
HHiigghh VVoollttaaggee BBaatttteerryy CChhaarrggeerr HHaarrnneessss IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
25. Route high voltage harness attached to battery charger to the BBlloowweerr aanndd FFaannss CCoonnttrrooll BBooxx.
26. Open cover and remove the blind grommet inside box. Install harness conduit fitting and nut securely.
27. Route and attach wires to the EEvvaappoorraattoorr FFaann HHiigghh SSppeeeedd contactor high voltage terminals on the bus bar:
Attach one wire to LL11,LL22 and LL33.
NNoottee:: TThhee wwiirreess ccaann bbee ppuutt iinn aannyy oorrddeerr oonnttoo tthhee ccoonnttaaccttoorr ssiinnccee tthhee bbaatttteerryy cchhaarrggeerr rreeccttiiffiieess tthhee 33 pphhaassee,,
hhoowweevveerr tthhee ggrroouunndd wwiirree mmuusstt oonnllyy bbee aattttaacchheedd ttoo tthhee ggrroouunndd ssttuudd..
28. Attach ground wire (GGNNDD)) to ground stud inside box.
29. Close and secure the Control box and Blower and Fans Control box covers.
30. Reinstall door hinge brackets.
31. Reinstall roadside door panel.
32. Close and secure roadside and curbside doors.
PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg tthhee SSRR44 CCoonnttrroolllleerr
NNoottee:: SeeRReeccoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee SSRR44 CCoonnttrroolllleerr // TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg ,” p. 50 to complete the installation.
CC–660000,, SS–660000,, SS770000 MMooddeell 3300 -- CChhaarrggeerr 440011221155
TK 55681-11-IM-EN 11
S–600 & S–700 Model 30 - Charger 401208 + Alternator
RRiisskk ooff IInnjjuurryy!!
RRiisskk ooff iinnjjuurryy iiff uunniitt ssttaarrttss wwhhiillee sseerrvviicciinngg.. TToo pprreevveenntt sseerriioouuss iinnjjuurryy oorr ddeeaatthh,, sswwiittcchh tthhee uunniitt ccoonnttrroollss ttoo tthhee
OOFFFF ppoossiittiioonn aanndd rreemmoovvee tthhee PPoossiittiivvee ((++)) bbaatttteerryy ccaabbllee ffrroomm tthhee uunniitt’’ss bbaatttteerryy.. DDiissccoonnnneecctt tthhee rreemmoottee ppoowweerr
ssuuppppllyy aatt iittss ssoouurrccee aanndd rreemmoovvee ppoowweerr ccaabbllee ffrroomm uunniitt ((iiff aapppplliiccaabbllee))..
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: DDiissccoonnnneecctt aannyy lliiffttggaattee oorr aauuxxiilliiaarryy iitteemmss ffrroomm tthhee uunniitt bbaatttteerryy oorr cchhaarrggiinngg ssyysstteemm aanndd rreewwiirree tthheemm
ttoo tthhee ssuupppplleemmeennttaall aalltteerrnnaattoorr.. FFaaiilluurree ttoo rreewwiirree wwiillll rreessuulltt iinn bbaatttteerryy cchhaarrggeerr ffaauulltt..
IMPORTANT Sense Harness (422188 or 422189) is required and must be ordered separately.
3377 oorr 6655 AAmmpp AAlltteerrnnaattoorr RReemmoovvaall
1. Open front curbside and roadside door panels.
2. Disconnect following alternator harness connections:
1-pin connector ((WWRRPPMM--0022))
2-pin connector ((WWRRPPMM--0022))
2-pin connector ((SSEENNSSEE,, EEXXCC))
Terminal ring ((CCHHAA--0011))
Terminal ring ((22AA--0011))
3. Loosen adjusting bolt for pulley tensioner.
4. Remove alternator bolts and alternator.
112200 AAmmpp AAlltteerrnnaattoorr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
5. Remove pulley from existing alternator and reinstall onto 120 amp alternator.
Tighten M16 nut to 61 N•m (45 ft-lb).
6. Install 120 amp alternator using the same mounting hardware:
Tighten M8 alternator bolt s to 23 N•m (17 ft-lb).
Tighten M10 alternator bolts to 30 N•m (22 ft-lb).
Reinstall belt and adjust to proper tension.
SSeennssee HHaarrnneessss IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
7. Attach 2-pin connector ((SSEENNSSEE,, EEXXCC)) onto alternator.
8. Route single ((EEXXCC)) wire into control box:
Insert ((EEXXCC)) wire firmly into pin CC of 3-pin ((AALLTT.. CCOONNNNEECCTTOORR)) located on the battery charger harness installed
Attach 3-pin ((AALLTT.. CCOONNNNEECCTTOORR)) to the mating connector ((22YY--0022,, EEXXCC--0022)) located inside the control box.
9. Route single ((SSEENNSSEE) wire to accessory positive (+) battery power. DDOO NNOOTT ccoonnnneecctt tthhiiss ttoo uunniitt’ss bbaatttteerryy..
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: CCoonnnneecctt SSEENNSSEE wwiirree ttoo tthhee cclloosseesstt aacccceessssoorryy bbaatttteerryy iiff uussiinngg mmuullttiippllee bbaatttteerriieess..
NNoottee:: AAddddiittiioonnaall kkiittss oorr iinnddiivviidduuaall ccoommppoonneennttss ((nnoott ssuupppplliieedd)) aarree rreeqquuiirreedd ttoo ccoommpplleettee lliiffttggaattee cchhaarrggeerr
aapppplliiccaattiioonnss.. CCoonnttaacctt yyoouurr TThheerrmmoo KKiinngg ddeeaalleerr ffoorr aavvaaiillaabbllee kkiittss.. SSeeeeLLiiffttggaattee CChhaarrggeerr WWiirriinngg
RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss ,, pp.. 5511 ..
NOTE: Follow the procedures on pages 7–10 to complete this installations.
12 TK 55681-11-IM-EN
SS–660000 && SS–770000 MMooddeell 3300 -- CChhaarrggeerr 440011220088 ++ AAlltteerrnnaattoorr 445522559911
TK 55681-11-IM-EN 13
S–600, S–610M/DE & S–700 Model 30 - Alternator
RRiisskk ooff IInnjjuurryy!!
RRiisskk ooff iinnjjuurryy iiff uunniitt ssttaarrttss wwhhiillee sseerrvviicciinngg.. TToo pprreevveenntt sseerriioouuss iinnjjuurryy oorr ddeeaatthh,, sswwiittcchh tthhee uunniitt ccoonnttrroollss ttoo tthhee
OOFFFF ppoossiittiioonn aanndd rreemmoovvee tthhee PPoossiittiivvee ((++)) bbaatttteerryy ccaabbllee ffrroomm tthhee uunniitt’’ss bbaatttteerryy.. DDiissccoonnnneecctt tthhee rreemmoottee ppoowweerr
ssuuppppllyy aatt iittss ssoouurrccee aanndd rreemmoovvee ppoowweerr ccaabbllee ffrroomm uunniitt ((iiff aapppplliiccaabbllee))..
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: DDiissccoonnnneecctt aannyy lliiffttggaattee oorr aauuxxiilliiaarryy iitteemmss ffrroomm tthhee uunniitt bbaatttteerryy oorr cchhaarrggiinngg ssyysstteemm aanndd rreewwiirree tthheemm
ttoo tthhee ssuupppplleemmeennttaall aalltteerrnnaattoorr.. FFaaiilluurree ttoo rreewwiirree wwiillll rreessuulltt iinn bbaatttteerryy cchhaarrggeerr ffaauulltt..
IMPORTANT: Your unit must already be equipped with a Battery Charger to install the supplemental power package.
Sense Harness (422188 or 422189) is required and must be ordered separately.
112200 AAmmpp AAlltteerrnnaattoorr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
1. Open front curbside and roadside door panels.
2. Loosen adjusting bolt for pulley tensioner.
3. Remove and discard belt.
4. Remove c-clip from center of tensioner.
Slide ggrroooovveedd pulley off tensioner and discard.
5. Install new ssmmooootthh pulley onto tensioner.
Reinstall c-clip onto tensioner.
6. Install supplied pulley from kit onto alternator.
Tighten M16 nut to 61 N m (45 ft-lb).
7. Install alternator onto bracket with supplied hardware.
Tighten M8 alternator bolts to 23 N m (17 ft-lb).
Tighten M10 alternator bolts to 30 N m (22 ft-lb).
8. Install new belt and adjust to proper tension.
781876 — Belt S-600 / S-610M/DE
781857 — Belt S-700
SSeennssee HHaarrnneessss IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
9. Attach sense harness 2-pin connector ((SSEENNSSEE,, EEXXCC)) onto alternator.
10. Route single ((EEXXCC)) wire into control box:
Insert ((EEXXCC)) wire firmly into pin CC of 3-pin ((AALLTT.. CCOONNNNEECCTTOORR)) located on the battery charger harness installed
Attach 3-pin ((AALLTT.. CCOONNNNEECCTTOORR)) to the mating connector ((22YY--0022,, EEXXCC--0022)) located inside the control box.
11. Route single ((SSEENNSSEE) wire to accessory positive (+) battery power. DDOO NNOOTT ccoonnnneecctt tthhiiss ttoo uunniitt’ss bbaatttteerryy..
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: CCoonnnneecctt SSEENNSSEE wwiirree ttoo tthhee cclloosseesstt aacccceessssoorryy bbaatttteerryy iiff uussiinngg mmuullttiippllee bbaatttteerriieess..
NNoottee:: AAddddiittiioonnaall kkiittss oorr iinnddiivviidduuaall ccoommppoonneennttss ((nnoott ssuupppplliieedd)) aarree rreeqquuiirreedd ttoo ccoommpplleettee lliiffttggaattee cchhaarrggeerr
aapppplliiccaattiioonnss.. CCoonnttaacctt yyoouurr TThheerrmmoo KKiinngg ddeeaalleerr ffoorr aavvaaiillaabbllee kkiittss.. SSeeeeLLiiffttggaattee CChhaarrggeerr WWiirriinngg
RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss ,, pp.. 5511 ..
12. Secure all wiring with band wraps.
13. Close and secure all doors.
PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg tthhee SSRR44 CCoonnttrroolllleerr
See RReeccoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee SSRR44 CCoonnttrroolllleerr // TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg ,” p. 50 to complete the installation.
14 TK 55681-11-IM-EN
SS–660000,, SS–661100MM//DDEE && SS770000 MMooddeell 3300 -- AAlltteerrnnaattoorr 440011220099
TK 55681-11-IM-EN 15
C–600, S–600 & S–700 Model 50 (230V Only) - Charger
RRiisskk ooff IInnjjuurryy!!
RRiisskk ooff iinnjjuurryy iiff uunniitt ssttaarrttss wwhhiillee sseerrvviicciinngg.. TToo pprreevveenntt sseerriioouuss iinnjjuurryy oorr ddeeaatthh,, sswwiittcchh tthhee uunniitt ccoonnttrroollss ttoo tthhee
OOFFFF ppoossiittiioonn aanndd rreemmoovvee tthhee PPoossiittiivvee ((++)) bbaatttteerryy ccaabbllee ffrroomm tthhee uunniitt’’ss bbaatttteerryy.. DDiissccoonnnneecctt tthhee rreemmoottee ppoowweerr
ssuuppppllyy aatt iittss ssoouurrccee aanndd rreemmoovvee ppoowweerr ccaabbllee ffrroomm uunniitt ((iiff aapppplliiccaabbllee))..
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: Liftgates or auxiliary items cannot be wired to unit battery or any part of TRU system when battery charger
is installed. You must install the supplemental power alternator package and wire liftgates and auxiliary
items to it. You may wish to also install an EON power pack wired to the supplemental alternator.
AAlltteerrnnaattoorr aanndd BBeelltt RReemmoovvaall
1. Open front curbside and roadside door panels.
2. Disconnect following alternator harness connections:
1-pin connector ((WWRRPPMM--0022))
2-pin connector ((WWRRPPMM--0022))
2-pin connector ((SSEENNSSEE,, EEXXCC))
Terminal ring ((CCHHAA--0011))
Terminal ring ((22AA--0011))
3. Remove alternator belt.
4. Remove alternator bolts and alternator.
NNoottee:: Alternator will no longer be used.
16 TK 55681-11-IM-EN
AAlltteerrnnaattoorr HHaarrnneessss RReemmoovvaall
5. Open Control Box door and disconnect following alternator harness wires:
Power wire ((22AA--0011)) from the 22AA stud on the SR-4 controller board.
Alternator ground wire ((CCHHAA--0011)) from the ground stud on frame.
3-pin connector ((22YY--0022,, EEXXCC--0022)) from main harness.
Carefully remove complete alternator harness from unit and discard.
CCuurrrreenntt SSeennssoorr RReemmoovvaall ((iiff eexxiissttss))
6. Open BBlloowweerr aanndd FFaannss CCoonnttrrooll BBooxx door and disconnect 2-pin connector from current sensor.
Remove sensor.
NNoottee:: The empty connector and sensor will no longer be needed.
CC–660000,, SS–660000 && SS770000 MMooddeell 5500 ((223300VV OOnnllyy)) -- CChhaarrggeerr 440011221100
TK 55681-11-IM-EN 17
AAcccceessss ttoo BBaatttteerryy CChhaarrggeerr MMoouunnttiinngg SSttuuddss
7. Remove roadside door panel.
8. Remove 5 bolts securing door hinge bracket.
9. Remove 3 bolts holding battery charger box cover.
10. Remove cover to expose four studs on panel.
LLooww VVoollttaaggee HHaarrnneessss IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
11. Inside the CCoonnttrrooll BBooxx, connect the battery charger harness:
4-pin connector ((JJCCAANNHH--0011,, JJCCAANNLL--0011,, JJSSHH--0022,, JJCCHH--0011)) to JJ3333 on SR-4 controller board.
Single power wire ((22LL--0011)) to 22AA stud on controller board.
3-pin ((AALLTT.. CCOONNNNEECCTTOORR)) to mating connector ((22YY--0022,, EECCXX-- 0022)) from the main harness.
12. Route low voltage harness out of control box and connect the 8-pin connector to mating connector on BBaatttteerryy
13. Remove the two screws from the charger cover, loosen connectors and install the following wires:
Single wire ((CCHHBBAATT--0011)) along with ECU Power Harness (supplied loose in kit) wire ((BBAATT--GGNNDD--0011) to
connection AA.
ECU Power Harness single wire ((BBAATT--LLOOAADD--0011) to connection BB.
Single wire ((22BBCC--0022)) to connection CC.
Reinstall cover, tighten screws and connectors.
BBaatttteerryy CChhaarrggeerr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
14. Attach nameplate onto battery charger box cover.
15. Install a nylon washer onto each stud.
16. Install battery charger onto studs.
17. Install a M6 flat washer and M6 locking nut onto each stud and tighten nuts securely.
18. Connect the 2-pin connector ((BBAATT--LLOOAADD--0011,, BBAATT--GGNNDD--0011) to mating connector ((EECCUU//AALLTT)) from battery cable to
ECU unit.
19. Route the two ground wires to the unit ground plate located behind the control box and connect as follows:
Single wire ((CCHHBBAATT--0011)) to ground plate 66 GGNNDD PPLLTT
Single wire ((CCHHBBCC--0011) to ground plate 66 GGNNDD PPLLTT--0011
CC–660000,, SS660000 && SS770000 MMooddeell 5500 ((223300VV OOnnllyy)) -- CChhaarrggeerr 440011221100
18 TK 55681-11-IM-EN
20. Secure temperature sensor on frame member with a clamp.
HHiigghh VVoollttaaggee BBaatttteerryy CChhaarrggeerr HHaarrnneessss IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
21. Route high voltage harness attached to battery charger into the BBlloowweerr aanndd FFaannss CCoonnttrrooll BBooxx..
22. Open cover and remove the blind grommet inside box and install harness conduit fitting and nut securely.
23. Route and attach wires to the EEvvaappoorraattoorr FFaann HHiigghh SSppeeeedd contactor high voltage terminals on the bus bar:
Attach one wire to LL11,LL22 and LL33.
NNoottee:: TThhee wwiirreess ccaann bbee ppuutt iinn aannyy oorrddeerr oonnttoo tthhee ccoonnttaaccttoorr ssiinnccee tthhee bbaatttteerryy cchhaarrggeerr rreeccttiiffiieess tthhee 33 pphhaassee,,
hhoowweevveerr tthhee ggrroouunndd wwiirree mmuusstt oonnllyy bbee aattttaacchheedd ttoo tthhee ggrroouunndd ssttuudd..
24. Attach ground wire (GGNNDD)) to ground stud inside box.
25. EEaarrllyy PPrroodduuccttiioonn UUnniittss OOnnllyy - Check fuse size and change if needed.
Replace the 10 amp fuses with the 15 Amp fuses supplied.
26. Close and secure the Control box and Blower and Fans Control box covers.
27. Reinstall door hinge bracket.
28. Close and secure roadside and curbside doors.
PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg tthhee SSRR44 CCoonnttrroolllleerr..
See RReeccoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee SSRR44 CCoonnttrroolllleerr // TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg ,” p. 50 to complete the installation.
CC–660000,, SS–660000 && SS770000 MMooddeell 5500 ((223300VV OOnnllyy)) -- CChhaarrggeerr 440011221100
TK 55681-11-IM-EN 19
New Fuses
CC–660000,, SS660000 && SS770000 MMooddeell 5500 ((223300VV OOnnllyy)) -- CChhaarrggeerr 440011221100
20 TK 55681-11-IM-EN
S–600 & S–700 Model 50 (230V Only) - Charger 401210 +
Alternator 452591
RRiisskk ooff IInnjjuurryy!!
RRiisskk ooff iinnjjuurryy iiff uunniitt ssttaarrttss wwhhiillee sseerrvviicciinngg.. TToo pprreevveenntt sseerriioouuss iinnjjuurryy oorr ddeeaatthh,, sswwiittcchh tthhee uunniitt ccoonnttrroollss ttoo tthhee
OOFFFF ppoossiittiioonn aanndd rreemmoovvee tthhee PPoossiittiivvee ((++)) bbaatttteerryy ccaabbllee ffrroomm tthhee uunniitt’’ss bbaatttteerryy.. DDiissccoonnnneecctt tthhee rreemmoottee ppoowweerr
ssuuppppllyy aatt iittss ssoouurrccee aanndd rreemmoovvee ppoowweerr ccaabbllee ffrroomm uunniitt ((iiff aapppplliiccaabbllee))..
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: DDiissccoonnnneecctt aannyy lliiffttggaattee oorr aauuxxiilliiaarryy iitteemmss ffrroomm tthhee uunniitt bbaatttteerryy oorr cchhaarrggiinngg ssyysstteemm aanndd rreewwiirree tthheemm
ttoo tthhee ssuupppplleemmeennttaall aalltteerrnnaattoorr.. FFaaiilluurree ttoo rreewwiirree wwiillll rreessuulltt iinn bbaatttteerryy cchhaarrggeerr ffaauulltt..
3377 oorr 6655 AAmmpp AAlltteerrnnaattoorr RReemmoovvaall
1. Open front curbside and roadside door panels.
2. Disconnect following alternator harness connections:
1-pin connector ((WWRRPPMM--0022))
2-pin connector ((WWRRPPMM--0022))
2-pin connector ((SSEENNSSEE,, EEXXCC))
Terminal ring ((CCHHAA--0011))
Terminal ring ((22AA--0011))
3. Remove alternator bolts and alternator.
112200 AAmmpp AAlltteerrnnaattoorr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
4. Remove pulley from existing alternator and reinstall onto 120 amp alternator.
Tighten M16 nut to 61 N•m (45 ft-lb)
5. Install 120 amp alternator using the same mounting hardware.
Tighten M8 alternator bolt s to 23 N•m (17 ft-lb).
Tighten M10 alternator bolts to 30 N•m (22 ft-lb).
Reinstall belt, adjust tension and tighten alternator bolts.
SSeennssee HHaarrnneessss IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
6. Attach 2-pin connector ((SSEENNSSEE,, EEXXCC)) onto alternator.
7. Route single ((EEXXCC)) wire into control box:
Insert ((EEXXCC)) wire firmly into pin CC of 3-pin ((AALLTT.. CCOONNNNEECCTTOORR)) located on the battery charger harness installed
Attach 3-pin ((AALLTT.. CCOONNNNEECCTTOORR)) to the mating connector ((22YY--0022,, EEXXCC--0022)) located inside the control box.
8. Route single ((SSEENNSSEE) wire to accessory positive (+) battery power. DDOO NNOOTT ccoonnnneecctt tthhiiss ttoo uunniitt’ss bbaatttteerryy.
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: CCoonnnneecctt SSEENNSSEE wwiirree ttoo tthhee cclloosseesstt aacccceessssoorryy bbaatttteerryy iiff uussiinngg mmuullttiippllee bbaatttteerriieess..
NNoottee:: AAddddiittiioonnaall kkiittss oorr iinnddiivviidduuaall ccoommppoonneennttss ((nnoott ssuupppplliieedd)) aarree rreeqquuiirreedd ttoo ccoommpplleettee lliiffttggaattee cchhaarrggeerr
aapppplliiccaattiioonnss.. CCoonnttaacctt yyoouurr TThheerrmmoo KKiinngg ddeeaalleerr ffoorr aavvaaiillaabbllee kkiittss.. SSeeeeLLiiffttggaattee CChhaarrggeerr WWiirriinngg
RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss ,, pp.. 5511 ..
NOTE: Follow the procedures on pages 22-29 to complete this installation.