TK 57192-11-IS Rev. A ©2022 Trane Technologies 3
5. Connect wires and cables as shown on page 3, secure with clamps and band wraps.
6. Install battery into EON Power Pack with provided brackets, and observe battery polarity
when connecting positive and negative cables. BBaatttteerryy llaayyss oonn iittss ssiiddee..
7. Reconnect TRU battery and check system:
a. TRU OFF - EON Power Pack should be disconnected from TRU alternator.
b. When TRU is started, the EON Power Pack should not begin charging until TRU has
finished cranking and is up to speed.
EEOONN PPoowweerr PPaacckk NNootteess::
Upgrading to a 65 amp or greater alternator is recommended. Make sure to also upgrade the
wire gauge if changing from a 37 amp to 65 amp alternator in the field. Replace the 2 wire
running from the alternator to the control board and then to the reefer unit battery.
NNoottee:: Remove the 35 amp fuse and holder if it exists.
Circuit Functions
NNoottee:: The EON Power Pack charging circuit contains a power filter and an additional relay
because the D+ terminal on this alternator goes to +12 volts as soon as the TRU switch is
turned on. This would allow the EON Power Pack charging circuit to be energized while the
TRU is cranking and possibly overload the charging circuit. The only alternator current
output that waits until the engine is up to speed is AC current from the W terminal (AC tap
on competitor TRU’s). The power filter rectifies the AC output and the relay acts as a pilot
relay because the current output from the W terminal is limited.
UUnniitt NNoott RRuunnnniinngg -- LLiigghhttss OOnn
If TRU is not running there is no output from the W terminal on the alternator. Without power
the pilot relay cannot energize the relay to connect the EON battery to the alternator. When the
lighting system is on the TRU battery is isolated and will not be discharged.
UUnniitt RRuunnnniinngg -- LLiigghhttss OOnn oorr OOffff
When TRU unit is started, AC current is taken from the W terminal on the alternator and run
through the power filter. The AC current is rectified to DC and sent to the relay. The relay
activates and sends current from the B+ terminal on the alternator through the #2 relay, through
the 40 amp fuse and charges the EON battery.