Thermo King Compressor Oil Bottle Retrofit Kit 200257 Installation guide

  • Hello! I'm a chat assistant that has read the provided Installation Instructions for THERMO KING's Compressor Oil Bottle Retrofit Kit 200257. This document outlines the procedure to install the oil bottle retrofit kit and includes important safety information. I can help you with questions or details related to the installation process, torque specifications, and other aspects of the kit.
  • What should I do before starting any service procedures?
    What is the torque for 1/4" bolts when mounting the oil bottle bracket?
    What is the torque for M6 hardware when installing the oil bottle into bracket?
TK 57023–11–IS Rev. B ©2021 Trane Technologies 1
Installation Procedures
RRiisskk ooff IInnjjuurryy!!
RRiisskk ooff iinnjjuurryy iiff HHVVAACC ssyysstteemm ssttaarrttss wwhhiillee sseerrvviicciinngg ccoommpprreessssoorr.. DDiissccoonnnneecctt aallll ppoowweerr ttoo tthhee bbuuss HHVVAACC uunniitt
bbeeffoorree bbeeggiinnnniinngg aannyy sseerrvviiccee pprroocceedduurreess..
This kit is designed to fit numerous bus applications so not all components will be used in each
installation. Locate the illustration (A – F) that best matches your application and install the
NNoottee:: Some compressors will have a plug to remove, others will have just a threaded hole, and
some may already have a barb fitting installed.
1. Install barb fitting into threaded hole located under the shaft seal area. Tighten fitting to 20
in-lbs (2.25 (Nm).
2. Attach tube onto compressor barb fitting.
3. Mount oil bottle bracket with supplied hardware. Torque 1/4” bolts to 5 ft-lbs. (6.7 Nm).
4. Install oil bottle into bracket. Torque M6 hardware to 7 ft-lbs. (9.5 Nm).
5. Route tube to oil bottle and attach to bottle fitting.
6. Secure tube with supplied clamps.
7. Restore power to the Bus HVAC unit.
Installation Instructions
Compressor Oil Bottle Retrofit Kit 200257
2©2021 Trane Technologies TK 57023–11–IS Rev. B
Figure 1.
Locate the illustration (A – F) that best matches your application and install the components.
NNoottee:: Bracket F can be mounted in either of the two locations shown .
TK 57023–11–IS Rev. B ©2021 Trane Technologies 3
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