Thermo King Heat King Zero-Cube Option Installation guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Installation Instructions for the Heat King Zero-Cube Option. This document describes the step-by-step process of installing this unit, including how to use lifting hooks, attach components, and secure the device. I'm ready to answer your questions about the installation process.
  • What type of bolts should be used to secure the collar to the unit?
    What torque should be applied when securing the collar mounting bolts?
    What should be done with the drain hose during installation?
TK 56142-6-IS Revision A ©2021 Trane Technologies 1
Installation Steps
RRiisskk ooff IInnjjuurryy!!
UUssee oonnllyy lloocckkiinngg hhooookkss ttoo ssaaffeellyy lliifftt tthhee uunniitt.. FFaaiilluurree ttoo uussee lloocckkiinngg hhooookkss ccoouulldd rreessuulltt iinn sseevveerree ddaammaaggee ttoo
tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt,, vvooiidd tthhee wwaarrrraannttyy,, oorr ccaauussee ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy oorr ddeeaatthh..
NNoottee:: RReeffeerr ttoo FFiigguurree 11 oonn ppaaggee 22 ttoo aassssiisstt wwiitthh tthhee iinnssttaallllaattiioonn..
1. DDEETTAAIILL II – Attach forged eyebolts (1/2-13 UNC) into the thread holes located on top of unit.
a. Attach lifting device and slightly raise unit to remove hardware holding unit to crate.
2. DDEETTAAIILL IIII – Remove lifting plates, side panels and insulation pieces from Zero-Cube collar.
a. Discard only the lifting plates.
3. DDEETTAAIILL IIIIII – Position collar onto rear of HK unit with gasket facing out.
a. Secure collar to unit with (installer supplied) mounting bolts, washers and locking nuts.
Torque to 82 N•m (60 ft. lbs.).
NNoottee:: Use Metric M12 x 1.75 pitch class 8.8 (1/2 in.-13 UNC - 2B Rolled thread grade 5),
medium carbon steel bolts, flat washers and locking nuts. All hardware must be zinc
plated with dichromate finish.
4. Lift unit and position in trailer opening.
a. Open unit access door and align collar mounting holes with trailer mounting bolts.
5. DDEETTAAIILL IIIIII – Attach washer and locking nuts and torque to 82 N•m (60 ft. lbs.).
6. Reinstall insulation and side panels onto collar and tighten hardware securely.
7. Route drain hose straight down past bottom of trailer and secure with supplied clamps and
NNoottee:: Do not pinch drain hose closed when installing clamps.
8. Refer to HK-450 Installation Manual (TK 56118) for details on completing the installation
Installing Remote HMI
Installing Fuel Pump and Fuel Lines
Installing Battery
Perform Service Test Procedures
Complete System Check List.
Installation Instructions
Heat King Zero-Cube Option
2©2021 Trane Technologies TK 56142-6-IS Revision A
Figure 1. Zero-Cube Installation Shown
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