1-6 Functional Description
7000-TD002A-EN-P – September 2007
Speed Control
The function of the speed control block is to determine the torque-
producing component (I
) of the stator current (I
). The inputs to the
block are the Speed Reference (278) from the speed ramp and the
Stator Frequency (448) and Slip Frequency (343) from the motor
model. If drive is installed with an optional tachometer, then the
motor speed is determined by counting the tach pulses.
In Sensorless operation, the Slip Frequency is subtracted from the
Stator Frequency and filtered to determine the Speed Feedback
(289). In Pulse Tach mode, the speed is determined directly by using
Tach Feedback (349). The Speed Feedback is subtracted from the
Speed Reference to determine the Speed Error (472) which is
processed by the speed PI regulator. The gains of the regulator are
based on the Total Inertia (82) of the system and the desired Spdreg
Bandwidth (81). The output of the speed regulator is the Torque
Reference (291) whose rate of change is limited by Trq Rate Limit
(83). The calculated Torque Reference is divided by the Flux
Reference (305) and motor constant to determine the torque
component of the stator current MtrTorque CurCmd (292). To
calculate the torque producing current supplied by the inverter
InvTorque CurCmd (294), the current supplied by the motor filter
capacitor in torque production (orthogonal to motor flux) is
calculated and subtracted from MtrTorque CurCmd.
In Sensorless mode, the drive uses TrqCmd0 Sensrlss (86) and
TrqCmd1 Sensrlss (87) for an open loop start up. At frequencies
greater than 3Hz, the drive enables the speed loop and disables the
open loop start mode. In Pulse Tach mode, the drive is always in
closed loop. The maximum torque a drive can deliver in motoring
mode is determined by Trq Lmt Motoring (84). In regenerative mode
the torque is limited to Trq Lmt Braking (85). It should be noted that
at speeds above the Base Speed (98), the motor torque capability is
de-rated and varies in inverse proportion to the speed (constant
power range).
Depending open the application, a drive can be configured in
different torque control modes by setting the parameter Trq Control
Mode (90). E.g. in stand-alone drives the parameter is set as Speed
Reg allowing the drive to be in speed control mode and regulating
the torque in the motor. In torque follower applications like
conveyors, one of the drives (Master) is set in Speed Reg mode
which enables the speed regulator while the other drives (torque
followers) are set in Trq Cmd External mode. The torque reference
produced by the Master drive is then passed on to the torque follower
drives by Trq Cmd External (91). Figure 1.4 shows other various
modes of operation.