Thermo Fisher Scientific CTS Cellmation DynaCellect Software User guide

  • Hello! I'm an AI assistant that has analyzed the document concerning the CTS Cellmation DynaCellect software installation for DeltaV systems. This guide provides detailed instructions for installing, configuring, and verifying the software, including the OPC UA communication setup, and has step-by-step procedures to integrate it with your DeltaV system. I'm prepared to answer any particular questions regarding the installation and operation of the system.
  • What is the purpose of this document?
    Who should perform the software installation?
    What is required before starting the software installation?
    What should I do if I have previous CTS Cellmation software installations?
For Research Use or Manufacturing of Cell, Gene, or Tissue- Based
CTS Cellmation DynaCellect Software for
DeltaV System Installation
for use with: CTS DynaCellect Magnetic Separation System
Catalog Number A59196
Publication Number MAN0029995
Revision A.0
Life Technologies Holdings Pte Ltd | Block 33 | Marsiling Industrial Estate Road 3 | #07-06, Singapore 739256
Revision history: (English)
Revision Date Description
A.0 25 September
2023 Initial release.
The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
NOTICE TO PURCHASER: DISCLAIMER OF LICENSE: Purchase of this software product alone does not imply any license under any
process, instrument or other apparatus, system, composition, reagent or kit rights under patent claims owned or otherwise controlled by
Thermo Fisher Scientific, either expressly, or by estoppel.
TRADEMARKS: All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified.
©2023 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide 3
1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ............................................................................................................................ 4
2 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 4
3 DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................... 4
4 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 4
5 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ............................................................................................ 5
5.1 SIGNATURE LOG ........................................................................................................................................ 5
5.2 PREREQUISITES ......................................................................................................................................... 5
5.3 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................................... 7
6 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION VERIFICATION CHECKS........................................................................ 37
7 SAFETY .................................................................................................................................................... 38
8 DOCUMENTATION AND SUPPORT ....................................................................................................... 38
4 CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide
The purpose of this document is to provide instructions for installing the GibcoCTSCellmation
DynaCellectOPC UA Interface DeltaVsoftware and DeltaV Live functionality.
This document will also detail the tests required to verify that the installed configuration has been
imported correctly.
Document Name
CellmationCommon Module Software Installation Instructions
CTSCellmationRoteaSoftware Release Notes
CTSCellmationCommon Software Release Notes
Term & (Acronym) Definition
GT Gene Therapy
SN Sentinel Monitor
HM Hold Monitor
EM Equipment Module
USM Unit Support Module
LND Landing Module
PH Phase
OAR Operator Action Request
MON Monitor
PCC Process Cell Class
DC DynaCellect
OPC UA Open Platform Communications United Architecture
I/O Input / Output
N/A Not Applicable
CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide 5
These installation instructions are designed to be undertaken by a Thermo Fisher Service Engineer or
an engineer fully trained in DeltaV.
5.1 Signature Log
The signature log in Table 5-1 needs to be completed by all personnel involved in installing this
software before any work is commenced.
Table 5-1 – Signature Log
Name (print)
5.2 Prerequisites
The prerequisites in Table 5-2 should be completed and signed-off before the software installation can
Table 5-2 – Prerequisites
Prerequisites Initials / Date
1. User installing the software must have full Windows Administrator Privileges
and DeltaV Administrator Privileges.
2. User must have access to ProfessionalPLUS Station.
3. If applicable, confirm that it is safe to proceed with the installation by following
the change management process.
Ensure that there are no pending downloads required. Before installing
software, conduct a risk assessment to evaluate the impact of any required
Software Backup - ProfessionalPLUS
6 CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide
Number Prerequisites Initials / Date
Export the DeltaV Database.
In DeltaV Explorer, right-click on the topmost level (i.e., the database
Note the location of the exported database below (this will differ
between clients and systems)
Path: ____________________________________________________
Export the DeltaV Live Database.
In DeltaV Graphics Studio, select the topmost level (i.e., the
database name) from the Graphics Explorer tab.
From the “File” menu item, select “Export” and check the following:
Note the location of the exported database below
Path: ____________________________________________________
Check for other CTS Cellmation Software installations if applicable.
If there are no Thermo Fisher Scientific instruments on-site, refer to the
installation guide of the CTS Cellmation Common Software Installer and
confirm that the CTS Cellmation Common Software Module installation is
complete in the system.
CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide 7
Number Prerequisites Initials / Date
If there are previous CTS Cellmation Software installations on the system,
then a decision must be made as to which files need updating.
To check for installs, open Windows Control Panel and select
“Programs ->“Programs and Features
Check for any “gibco_CTS_Cellmation_...............” installs and note them
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________
If a previous CTS Cellmation Common Software installation is present, then
refer to the latest release of the Common Installer and release note for any
updated common items to be installed.
Common Software items can be installed by following the instructions in the
Installation Guide of the Common Installer, and only the common items
should be overwritten.
If any other previous CTS Cellmation Software installations are present, then
refer to the latest release of the instrument specific installer and release note
for any updated items to be installed.
Instrument specific software items can be installed by following the
instructions in the Installation Guide of the instrument specific installers; only
those items should be overwritten.
CTS Cellmation DynaCellect software items can be installed by following this
guide; only those items should be overwritten.
IMPORTANT: If you already have DeltaV configured for communication with other instruments, only
select “NO” when prompted about an update to ensure Cellmations installation does not
negatively impact existing DeltaV connections! This is the safest way to install Cellmation without
risking existing configurations.
5.3 Software Installation
The steps shown in Table 5-3 should be performed on the DeltaV ProfessionalPlus (ProPlus) station
using DeltaV Explorer.
This revision of the installation instructions is applicable to release 2.0.0.
8 CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide
IMPORTANT: The order of component installation listed below must be followed because there
are interdependencies to the imported files! If your installation is unsuccessful, you can retry your
import, but the step sequence should be maintained. Additionally, DO NOT delete any files on the
DeltaV computer that you did not import from the Cellmation Installation Folder.
Table 5-3 – Software Installation Instructions
Step Instructions Initials / Date
Copy the Cellmation DynaCellect Installer Package into the folder
D:\DeltaV\DVData\Import-Exporton the DeltaV computer. The Installer package
will include the installer .exe file and other required files/folders. DO NOT delete or
rename any files/folders in the installer package.
Execute the “gibco_CTS_Cellmation_DynaCellect_2.0.0.exe” and perform the
following to complete the installation:
Right-click on the “gibco_CTS_Cellmation_DynaCellect_2.0.0.exe” file and
select “Run as administrator”.
The welcome screen will appear. Click “Next >” once displayed on the
popup screen.
Accept the terms of the License Agreement to proceed with the
installation. Click “Next >.”
The pop-up displays the destination location for the software installation.
Click “Next >”.
Enter Username, Company Name, and serial number (Reg Code received
with the installer). Click “Next >”.
After entering a valid Reg Code, the “Install” button will be available. Click
to proceed with the installation. Click “Finish” once complete.
If an invalid Reg Code is entered, it will show the error message “Invalid
registration code.” Click “OK” and re-enter the correct Reg Code to
Note: If the same installer is already present on the system, then the user will be
asked to choose from the following options - Modify, Repair or Remove the
existing installer. Choose the appropriate option.
Otherwise, uninstall the previous installer before proceeding with the new
installation. Select “Control Panel > Programs and Features” to uninstall the
previous installer.
After successful installation, a folder will be created entitled
gibco_CTS_Cellmation_DynaCellect_2.0.0” with two subfolders, “Displays” and
“FHX,” in the Import-Export folder.
Note: Upon uninstallation of the installer, all the created folders during installation
will be automatically deleted (The entire Installer folder
gibco_CTS_Cellmation_DynaCellect_2.0.0” with subfolders).
CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide 9
Step Instructions Initials / Date
Steps 4 through 12 provide instructions to import various packages of code directly
into the DeltaV library. The standard import flow is as follows:
Open DeltaV Explorer (from Start menu under DeltaV Engineering)
Navigate to File Import Standard DeltaV Format
FHX files to import are located in D:\DeltaV\DVData\Import-Export\
Make sure to uncheck ‘Include the license information’ tick box before
confirming to import a component. Click Open.
This will typically take around one minute. When done, “Import complete”
will appear.
Note: When importing .fhx files into the database, there may be some file
conflicts that open a pop-up prompt.
If importing for the first time, select “No to All”.
If re-importing a file for any reason without deleting its previously
imported copy, make sure to read the pop-up.
From DeltaV Explorer, import the Setup .fhx file from the “FHX” subfolder:
Module Name
10 CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide
Step Instructions Initials / Date
Confirm the following are imported into ThermoGT_DynaCell” Named Sets folder
in the database:
Named Set Name
Located at DeltaV_System System Configuration Setup Named
Sets ThermoGT_DynaCell
From DeltaV Explorer, import the composite templates .fhx file from the “FHX”
Module Name
CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide 11
Step Instructions Initials / Date
Confirm the following modules have been imported into the “ThermoGT_DynaCell”
IMPORTANT: The internal revision, in the INTERNAL_REV parameter, for each
module should match the revision documented below:
Module Name Rev Installed Rev
Located at DeltaV_System Library Composite Templates
To locate the internal revision values, select each module and find the
INTERNAL_REV parameter from the listed parameters.
From DeltaV Explorer, import the Control Modules Classes .fhx file from the “FHX”
Module Name
Confirm the following modules have been imported into the “ThermoGT” folder:
Note the internal revision in the INTERNAL_REV parameter for each module
should match the revision documented below:
Module Name Rev Installed Rev
Located at DeltaV_System Library Advanced Definitions Control
Module Classes ThermoGT
To locate the internal revision values, select each module and find the
INTERNAL_REV parameter from the listed parameters.
12 CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide
Step Instructions Initials / Date
From DeltaV Explorer, import the Equipment Modules Classes .fhx file from the
“FHX” subfolder:
Module Name
Confirm the following modules have been imported into the “ThermoGT” folder:
Note the internal revision in the INTERNAL_REV parameter for each module
should match the revision documented below:
Module Name Rev Installed Rev
Located at DeltaV_System Library Advanced Definitions
Equipment Module Classes ThermoGT
To locate the internal revision values, select each module and find the
INTERNAL_REV parameter from the listed parameters.
From DeltaV Explorer, import the Phase Classes .fhx file from the FHX” subfolder:
Module Name
Confirm the following phases have been imported into the “ThermoGT” folder:
Note the internal revision in the INTERNAL_REV parameter for each module
should match the revision documented below:
Module Name Rev Installed Rev
Located at DeltaV_System Library Advanced Definitions Phase
Classes ThermoGT
To locate the internal revision values, select each module and find the
INTERNAL_REV parameter from the listed parameters.
CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide 13
Step Instructions Initials / Date
From DeltaV Explorer, import the Unit Classes .fhx file from the “FHX” sub folder:
Module Name
Confirm the following modules have been imported into the “ThermoGT” folder:
Note the internal revision in the INTERNAL_REV parameter for each module
should match the revision documented below:
Module Name Rev Installed Rev
Located at DeltaV_System Library Advanced Definitions Unit
Classes ThermoGT
To locate the internal revision values, select each module and find the
INTERNAL_REV parameter from the listed parameters.
From DeltaV Explorer, import the Operations .fhx file from the “FHX” subfolder:
File Name
Confirm the following recipes have been imported into the “ThermoGT” folder:
Note the version for each recipe should match the version documented below:
Recipe Name
Located at DeltaV_System System Configuration Recipes
Operations ThermoGT
14 CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide
Step Instructions Initials / Date
Create Unit Instance
Edit the file ‘gibco_DCXXXX-AREA.fhx’ in Notepad in the “FHX” sub folder.
Note: XXXX is correct nomenclature at this point.
Replace “DCXXXX” with the DynaCellect tag specified for the instrument
(e.g., the last four digits of instrument SN#) within DeltaV and save the file
with a new name identifying it with the new tag.
It is highly recommended to use Find and Replace to catch all instances to
update “DCXXXX” to “DC” plus the last 4 digits of the instrument serial
Repeat this step for additional Xenon unit instances as required.
Import the file with the new tag name into DeltaV.
To confirm the import, verify that a new area and included modules are
located at DeltaV Explorer DeltaV System System Configuration
Control Strategies
Assign the following modules to the required controller. (Note DCXXXX below is
replaced with the new tag name)
To assign modules:
Drill-down to the unit module (DeltaV_System System
Configuration Control Strategies DCXXXX-AREA [area]
DCXXXX-PC [process cell] DCXXXX [unit]
Right-click on each module listed above and select Properties.
Navigate to the Tools tab and select Assign Now.
Assign to the appropriate controller and answer Yes to confirm the
Assign the following module to the required EIOC/Application Station. (Note
DCXXXX below is replaced with the new tag name)
To assign modules:
Drill-down to the unit module (DeltaV_System System
Configuration Control Strategies DCXXXX-AREA [area]
DCXXXX-PC [process cell] DCXXXX [unit]
Right-click on the module listed above and select Properties.
Navigate to the Tools tab and select Assign Now.
Assign to the appropriate EIOC controller and answer Yes to confirm
the prompt.
CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide 15
Step Instructions Initials / Date
Assign the following Area to the Alarms and Events of the ProPlus/required
Workstation/Sever, Continuous Historian and Batch Executive. (Note DCXXXX
below is replaced with the new tag name.)
Assign area to the Alarms and Events:
Drill-down to the ProPlus/Workstation (Physical Network Control
Network ProPlus Station/Workstation/Server Alarms and
Right-click and select Assign Area.
Select DCXXXX-AREA and select Yes when prompted.
Assign area to the Continuous Historian:
Drill-down to the Continuous Historian (Physical Network Control
Network ProPlus Station/Workstation/Server Continuous
Right-click and select Assign Area.
Select DCXXXX-AREA and select Yes when prompted.
Assign area to the Batch Executive:
Drill-down to the Batch Executive (Physical Network Control
Network ProPlus Station/Workstation/Server Batch
Executive Assigned Areas
Right-click and select Assign Area.
Select DCXXXX-AREA and select Yes when prompted.
Assign the following Recipe to the Batch Executive:
Assign Recipe to the Batch Executive:
Drill-down to the Batch Executive (Physical Network Control
Network ProPlus Station/Workstation Batch Executive
Assigned Recipes
Right-click and select Recipe.
Select OP_DYN_RUN and select Yes when prompted.
Download as follows:
Download the Setup data of the ProPlus/Workstation/Server for the area
added under Alarms and Events.
Right-click on the ProPlus/Workstation/Server and select Download
Setup Data
Select Yes when prompted to confirm the download.
Download the Continuous Historian for the area added:
Right-click on the Continuous Historian and select Download
Continuous Historian
Select Yes when prompted to confirm the download.
Download the Batch Executive for the area added:
Right-click on the Batch Executive and select Download Batch
Select Yes when prompted to confirm the download.
16 CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide
Step Instructions Initials / Date
OPC UA IO installation
The OPC UA PDT/LDT configuration is contained within the file
‘gibco_OPCUA_Dynacellect_PDT_DCXXXX.fhx’ in the “FHX” subfolder. This file
and the area file can be edited so that it imports the required tag information.
Using the Find and Replace search function is recommended to make all required
changes within the gibco_Dynacellect_PDT_DCXXXX.fhx file.
The OPC UA I/O has been assigned to an EIOC named “EIOC1” by default.
If the I/O is to be assigned to another EIOC/App Station, then replace all
instances of “EIOC1” in the .fhx file with the desired name of the EIOC or
Application Station.
Replace “DCXXXX” with the DynaCellect tag specified for the instrument
within DeltaV.
Save the file with a new name identifying it with the new tag.
Repeat this step for additional Xenon unit instances as required.
Ensure the OPC UA Client has been set up for the OPC UA protocol.
If the OPC UA I/O is being assigned to an EIOC, ensure the ethernet port P01
protocol has been set to OPC UA.
Navigate to DeltaV_System System Configuration Physical Network
Control Network I/O Network EIOC Name P01
Right-click P01 and select Properties.
Under the Advanced tab, select OPC UA from the Interface Protocol
If the OPC UA I/O is being assigned to an Application Station:
Navigate to DeltaV_System System Configuration Physical Network
Control Network Control Network Application Station Name
OPC UA Client
Right-click OPC UA Client and select Properties.
Under the General tab, set the checkbox to “enable OPC UA client”.
20. Import the gibco_Dynacellect_PDT_DCXXXX.fhx file with the assigned tag name
into DeltaV.
CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide 17
Step Instructions Initials / Date
Set the IP address of the DynaCellect OPC UA server.
If the OPC UA I/O is being assingned to an EIOC
Navigate to DeltaV_System System Configuration Physical Network
Control Network I/O Network EIOC Name P01
If the OPC UA I/O is being assigned to an Application Station
Navigate to DeltaV_System System Configuration Physical Network
Control Network Control Network Application Station Name
OPC UA Client
From here right click on the DynaCellect PDT that has been imported and select
the Primary tab.
Change the default IP address to match the IP address set in the
Note the port number 4880 is the DynaCellect default port and should not
be changed.
Download the unit module and contained modules. No errors should be reported.
(Note DCXXXX below is replaced with the new tag name)
Navigate to the DCXXXX unit module (DeltaV Explorer DeltaV_System
System Configuration Control Strategies DCXXXX-AREA
Right-click the DCXXXX unit module and select Download Unit module
and contained modules
Select Yes when prompted to confirm the download.
If ProPlus/Workstation/Server Setup data has already been downloaded in step
17, skip this step.
Download the Setup data of the ProPlus/Controllers/Workstation/Server for all the
named sets.
Navigate to DeltaV Explorer DeltaV System System Configuration
Physical Network ProPlus/Controllers/Workstation/Server
Right-click the ProPlus/Controllers/ Workstation/Server and select
Download Setup Data
Select Yes when prompted to confirm the download.
18 CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide
Step Instructions Initials / Date
Download the OPC IO. There should not be errors except for with a secodary
connection and/or Application Certificate, which can be ignored.
EIOC assigned IO
Navigate to DeltaV Explorer DeltaV System System Configuration
Physical Network Control Network I/O Network EIOC Name
Right-click the port P01 and select Download Ethernet I/O Port
Application Station assigned IO
Navigate to DeltaV Explorer DeltaV System System Configuration
Physical Network Control Network Application Station Name
OPC UA Client
Right-click OPC UA Client and select Download OPC UA Client.
CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide 19
Step Instructions Initials / Date
Establishing OPC UA Communication
On DeltaV Computer using DeltaV Explorer
EIOC assigned IO
Assign the predetermined IP address to the ethernet port P01 and generate a
Navigate to DeltaV_System System Configuration Physical
Network Control Network I/O Network EIOC Name P01.
Right-click P01 and select Properties.
In the Advanced tab, input the predetermined IP address of the DeltaV
System under Primary connection IP Address.
In the Certificate tab, select Generate to create a new certificate.
Confirm with Yes when prompted.
Right-click on P01 and select Export Certificate. Save the certificate to a
USB device. (Ensure the extension for the certificate to export ends with
*.der. For example, “EIOC1-DELTAV EIOC OPC UA CLIENT.der”.)
Application Station assigned IO
Open the Windows Control Panel and browse to Control Panel\Network
and Internet\Network Connections.
Select the Network Interface Card (NIC) to be used as the OPC UA
network connection and set the TCP/IPv4 IP address to the predetermined
IP address of the DeltaV System.
Navigate to Delta V Explorer DeltaV System System Configuration
Physical Network Control Network Application Station Name
OPC UA Client
Right-click OPC UA Client and select Properties.
In the Certificate tab, select Generate to create a new certificate.
Confirm with Yes when prompted.
Right-click OPC UA Client and select Export Certificate. Save the
certificate to a USB device. (Ensure the extension for the certificate to
export ends with *.der. For example, “EIOC1-DELTAV EIOC OPC UA
On the DynaCellect instrument
Login to the Dynacellect instrument as an Admin user.
Connect the Dynacellect instrument to a Local Area Network via DHCP.
Navigate to DynaCellect EGUI Menu Settings Instrument Settings
Network Configuration IP Configuration DHCP
Following a successful DHCP connection, configure a new predefined
static IP address. Navigate to DynaCellect EGUI Menu Settings
Instrument Settings Network Configuration IP Configuration Static
Following a successful IP Configuration, connect the instrument to the EIOC port.
20 CTSTM CellmationTM DynaCellectTM Software for DeltaVTM System Installation User Guide
Step Instructions Initials / Date
On DynaCellect instrument
From the home screen, navigate to Settings and select OPC Mode.
Enable OPC Mode, allow control via OPC server, then select Next.
Selecting “Disallow control via OPC serverprevents the OPC server from
accepting control functions while still allowing it to send status information.