Thermo Fisher Scientific DynaCellect Protocol Builder User guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the provided user guide for the gibco CTS DynaCellect Protocol Builder and am ready to assist you with any questions. This document provides instructions on how to create custom protocols for cell isolation and bead removal using the DynaCellect Magnetic Separation System. It also covers topics such as setting up pump parameters, magnet controls, and bubble sensor options, and I can help clarify these aspects.
  • What is the DynaCellect Protocol Builder used for?
    What types of protocols can be created with this application?
    Can the application be used when the instrument is not available?
    What are the available platforms for the DynaCellect Protocol Builder?
    Is there a bubble sensor option for a step ?
DynaCellect Protocol Builder (Version 1.0.0)
Available as: Cloud Application and Desktop Application
Pub.No. MAN0028741Rev. A.0
Note: For safety and biohazard guidelines, see the “Safety” appendix in the following product documentation: (Pub.No.MAN0026480).
Read the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves.
About the application ...................................................................................... 1
Create a Cell Isolation protocol ............................................................................... 2
Create Bead Removal Protocol .............................................................................. 13
Save Protocol and Save As ................................................................................. 19
Notes to user ............................................................................................ 21
Documentation and support ................................................................................ 21
About the application
The DynaCellect Protocol Builder application is used to create and edit protocol files for the Gibco CTS DynaCellect Magnetic
Separation System. Each protocol is built up of one or several user-defined steps, consisting of instructions that the instrument uses to
perform a run. The application does not interact directly with the instrument and can therefore be used even when the instrument is not
available. The DynaCellect Protocol Builder is available both as a desktop application for Windows and macOS, and cloud application.
Protocol creation
The application can be used to create a new protocol or to start from an existing protocol. When opening an existing protocol from the
cloud application, the file must be in DataConnect.
Create New Protocol: User can create/design new protocol from scratch.
Open Existing Protocol: User can modify/edit the already saved protocol. While user selects Open Existing Protocol option, it will show
list of saved Protocols name along with last modified date (cloud application), for desktop applications it will open the folder list of saved
Figure1DynaCellect Protocol Builder Dashboard
For Research Use or Manufacturing of Cell, Gene, or Tissue-Based Products. CAUTION: Not
intended for direct administration into humans or animals.
Create a Cell Isolation protocol
Protocol Details
1. Enter Protocol Name* (Mandatory field)
·Protocol name must contain only alpha numeric characters and underscore, length 1-25 characters
·Protocol name will be locked once the protocol is saved
2. Select Kit Type*: Cell Isolation Kit (Mandatory field)
Note: The kit type will be locked once user moves to Kit Details
3. Add Notes (optional)
Figure2Protocol Details
4. Select Continue to Kit Details button to move to the Kit Details page.
Figure3Select Continue to Kit Details
2DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide
Kit Details
1. Enter Site Labels (optional). Site A has a preloaded name which can be modified by the user.
Note: Site labels must contain only alpha numeric characters & underscore, length 1–15 characters.
Figure4Site Labels tab of the Kit Details page
2. Click on Next to move to Select Bead Locations tab.
Figure5Select Bead Locations tab
3. Select one or more bead locations by clicking on them.
Note: At least one bead location must be selected to proceed.
DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide 3
4. Click on Next to land on Enter Run Volumes tab.
Figure6Enter Run Volumes tab
5. Enter the run volumes, in milliliters, for the desired sites.
Note: Entering run volumes is optional.
4DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide
Bead Calculator
The bead calculator can be used to calculate bead volume by providing the following inputs:
Target Cells: (enter target cells) × 108
Bead: Cell Ratio (Insert number of beads) Beads per (Insert number of cells) Cells
Bead Stock Concentration (insert value)×108beads/mL
Once bead volume is calculated in milliliters, it can be applied to selected bead location(s).
Note: The bead volume value will replace existing run volumes of the selected locations.
Figure7Bead Calculator
A prompt can be added to display a message after a given step. When confirming the prompt, the user will be given the option to either
repeat the step or to continue to the next step.
Enable Add Prompt and message in text box (optional).
Finalize steps
When a step is finished, click on Save to save the step. The button will only be available if all the mandatory information is set. Click on
Add Step or Duplicate under Actions to create more steps.
When the protocol is finished, click on Review protocol to proceed.
Note: It is recommend to save the protocol often.
DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide 5
1. Click on Save to save the step.
2. Click on Review Protocol button to see a summary.
Figure8Activate/ Inactivate Bubble Sensor
Step creation
Each protocol consists of one or more steps that are performed sequentially. Each step can consist of all dierent actions, e.g. a step can
be contentious rocking or moving the rocker and waiting, engaging pump, engaging or disengaging the magnet, and displaying a prompt
at the end of the step, although it can often be more practical to divide these into more steps.
Common for all steps is that they must have a name, a rocker setting, and a duration. If the pump is not active, then the duration will start
counting after all other actions are performed. E.g. if the rocker is set to move to 0° and duration to 00:01:00, then the rocker will first
move to 0° and then wait for one minute before the next step is triggered.
If the flow path is selected, then the pump parameters must be set.
1. Click on Create Steps button to land on step details page.
2. Click on Add Step to create steps.
6DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide
3. Enter Step Name* (Mandatory field)
Figure9Step Details page
Each protocol consists of one or more steps that are performed sequentially. Each step can consist of all dierent actions, e.g.
a step can be contentious rocking or moving the rocker and waiting, engaging pump, engaging or disengaging the magnet, and
displaying a prompt at the end of the step, although it can often be more practical to divide these into more steps.
Common for all steps is that they must have a name, a rocker setting, and a duration. If the pump is not active, then the duration will
start counting after all other actions are performed. For example, if the rocker is set to move to 0° and duration to 00:01:00, then the
rocker will first move to 0° and then wait for one minute before the next step is triggered.
If the flow path is selected, then the pump parameters must be set.
4. For creating step enter following information:
Select start and end site (not mandatory for each step).
a. If A, B or K are the start sites, then select a site between C, D, E, F, G, H, I as end site.
Figure10Select start and end site
DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide 7
b. If one of C, D, E, F, G, H, J, are the start site then select a site between A or B as end site.
Figure11Select start and end site
Pump information (optional)
1. Pump information is enabled only after choosing start and end sites.
2. Select Triggers:
a. Volume (min 1, max:10,000 mL) or Time Duration (HH:MM:SS)
b. Flow Rate (min: 10 to 150 mL/min
Figure12Pump information (optional)
8DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide
Magnet: Set ON/OFF Magnet as per requirement
The magnet can be toggled on or o for each step. The magnet will use approximately 11 seconds to turn fully o or fully on.
Figure13Set magnet ON/OFF
To change the rocker mode from single move to continous rocking, toggle the Rocking switch.
a. ON
Angle (from -30° to 30°).
Note: The continous rocking will start by going to the from angle, and will cycle between the two angles for the duration of the step.
Note: Min and max angle values cannot be same.
Speed within range of 1 to 30 CPM (cycles per minute)
Duration in HH:MM:SS
Note: If pump information is set, then the pump duration applies to rocking duration. This duration cannot be modified by user.
Figure14Set Rocking ON to enable continuous rocking
DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide 9
b. OFF
Angle within range -30 to 30 degrees
Speed within range of 1 to 30 degrees/second
Duration in HH:MM:SS
Note: If pump information is set, then the pump duration applies to rocking duration. This duration can't be modified by user.
Figure15Set Rocking OFF to disable continuous rocking and set the rocker to specific angle
10 DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide
Bubble Sensor
The bubble sensor can be set to end a step when it is activated.
Active: Select options Stop when dry or Stop when wet to activate Bubble Sensor.
Inactive: The bubble sensor is not active.
A prompt can be added to display a message after a given step. When confirming the prompt, the user will be given the option to either
repeat the step or to continue to the next step.
Enable Add Prompt and message in text box (optional).
Finalize steps
When a step is finished, click on Save to save the step. The button will only be available if all the mandatory information is set. Click on
Add Step or Duplicate under Actions to create more steps.
When the protocol is finished, click on Review protocol to proceed.
Note: It is recommend to save the protocol often.
1. Click on Save to save the step.
2. Click on Review Protocol button to see a summary.
Figure16Activate/ Inactivate Bubble Sensor
DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide 11
Summary page
1. Click on Edit to make changes in Protocol Details, Kit Details and Step Details (only if required)
2. Click on Save Protocol button to save the protocol.
Note: For cloud application : Save as will allow to create duplicate protocol with dierent name and keep it on local folder or data
Figure17DynaCellect Summary Page
12 DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide
Create Bead Removal Protocol
Protocol Details
1. Enter Protocol Name* (Mandatory field)
Note: Protocol name must contain only alpha numeric characters &underscore, length 1-25 characters.
2. Select Kit Type*: Bead Removal Kit (Mandatory field)
3. Add Notes (optional)
4. Click on Continue to Kit Details button to move to next page.
Figure18Protocol details page
Kit Details
DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide 13
1. Enter site labels for sites D, E, G, H, (optional).
Note: Site labels must contain only alpha numeric characters & underscore, length 1–15 characters., site A, B, C, F, I are not
Figure19Site Labels tab of Kit Details page
2. Click on Next to land on Enter Run Volumes tab.
3. Enter run volumes, in milliliters, for desired sites.
Note: Entering run volumes is optional.
4. Click on Create Steps button to land on Step Details page.
Step creation
14 DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide
1. Click on Add Step to create steps.
2. Enter Step Name* (Mandatory field)
Figure20Step Creation page
For creating each step enter following information:
3. Select start site and end site (not mandatory for each step)
a. Select start site among G, H,J and End site between D,E
Figure21Select Start and End sites; (Bead Removal Protocol)
Pump information
Pump information is enabled only after choosing start and end sites.
Select Triggers:
Volume (min 1, max:10,000 mL) or Time Duration (HH:MM:SS)
Pump Duration
DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide 15
Note: If trigger is Volume, then pump duration will depend on volume/Flow rate and if trigger is time duration pump duration will
be same as set duration.
Flow rate (range:10–150mL/min)
Figure22Enter pump parameters
Magnet: Set ON/OFF Magnet as per requirement
The magnet can be toggled on or o for each step. The magnet will use approximately 11 seconds to turn fully o or fully on.
Figure23Set Magnet ON/ OFF (Bead Removal Protocol)
To change the rocker mode from single move to continous rocking, toggle the Rocking switch.
a. ON
Angle (from -30° to 30°).
Note: The continous rocking will start by going to the from angle, and will cycle between the two angles for the duration of the step.
Note: Min and max angle values cannot be same.
16 DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide
Speed within range of 1 to 30 CPM (cycles per minute)
Duration in HH:MM:SS
Note: If pump information is set, then the pump duration applies to rocking duration. This duration cannot be modified by user.
Figure24Set Rocking ON to enable continous rocking
b. OFF
Angle within range -30 to 30 degrees
Speed within range of 1 to 30 CPM (Degrees/Sec)
Duration in HH:MM:SS
Note: If pump information is set, then the pump duration applies to rocking duration. This duration can't be modified by user.
Figure25Set Rocking OFF to disable continuous rocking and set the rocker to specific angle
Bubble Sensor
Active: Select options Stop when dry or Stop when wet to activate Bubble Sensor
Inactive: The bubble sensor is not active.
DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide 17
A prompt can be added to display a message after a given step. When confirming the prompt, the user will be given the option to either
repeat the step or to continue to the next step.
Enable Add Prompt and message in text box (optional).
Finalize steps
When a step is finished, click on Save to save the step. The button will only be available if all the mandatory information is set. Click on
Add Step or Duplicate under Actions to create more steps.
When the protocol is finished, click on Review Protocol to proceed.
Note: It is recommend to save the protocol often.
1. Click on Save to save the step.
2. Click on Review Protocol button to land on Summary Page.
Figure26Activate/ inactivate Bubble Sensor
Summary page
18 DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide
1. Click on Edit to make changes in Protocol Details, Kit Details and Step Details (only if required).
2. Click on Save Protocol button to save the protocol.
To save the protocol with a dierent name, or to save it on local folder while using the cloud application, use the Save As option.
Figure27DynaCellect Summary Page (Bead removal protocol)
Save Protocol and Save As
Cloud Application
Save Protocol button will allow users to save the file on data connect.
Save as will allow users to save the protocol and its latest changes with the given name on data connect or desktop.
Figure28Save and Save As protocol for DynaCellect Cloud application
DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide 19
Desktop Application
Save Protocol button will allow users to save the file on local directory/folder.
Note: Do not change the file name while saving the protocol, changing the file name will cause an error while importing the protocol.
Figure29Save and Save As protocol for DynaCellect desktop application
Cloud Application Data Connect Navigation
1. Click on the icon on top left corner of screen.
2. Select Data.
Data connect will be opened.
Figure30DynaCellect Cloud application data connect
20 DynaCellect Protocol Builder User Guide