Thermo Fisher Scientific SAE Administrator Console User guide

  • Hello! I have reviewed the SAE Administrator Console User Guide for the CTS Rotea Counterflow Centrifugation System. This document provides a detailed overview of managing security settings, audit trails, electronic signatures, and user access for this system. I am ready to answer your questions about user account creation, security policies, audit reports, and e-signature configurations based on this guide. Feel free to ask!
  • What is the SAE Administrator Console?
    What are the main functions of the SAE Admin Console?
    How do I create a new user account?
    How do I reset a user's forgotten password?
For Research Use or Manufacturing of Cell, Gene, or Tissue- Based
SAE Administrator Console
for use with Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation
Publication Number MAN0029600
Revision A.0
Life Technologies Holdings Pte Ltd | Block 33 | Marsiling Industrial Estate Road 3 | #07-06, Singapore 739256
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Revision history:MAN0029600 A.0 (English)
Revision Date Description
A.0 13 September
2023 New document for SAE Administrator Console for use with Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation.
The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
NOTICE TO PURCHASER: DISCLAIMER OF LICENSE: Purchase of this software product alone does not imply any license under any
process, instrument or other apparatus, system, composition, reagent or kit rights under patent claims owned or otherwise controlled by
Thermo Fisher Scientific, either expressly, or by estoppel.
TRADEMARKS: All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified.
©2023 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
CHAPTER1Overview and security requirements ............................... 5
Overview ....................................................................... 5
Network and password security requirements ...................................... 5
Information about 21 CFR Part11 ................................................. 6
Administrator overview ........................................................... 6
CHAPTER2Manage SAE user accounts and roles ............................. 7
Install Rotea instrument softwareprofiles ......................................... 7
Determine the logged inuser ..................................................... 9
Create a useraccount ........................................................... 9
Edit a useraccount ............................................................. 13
Disable (inactivate) a useraccount ............................................... 14
Activate a suspended useraccount .............................................. 14
Change password .............................................................. 14
Reset a forgotten password ..................................................... 16
Permissions and default user roles ............................................... 17
Permissions and default roles ............................................... 18
Generate, view, and print a user or role report ..................................... 20
CHAPTER3Manage the system securityfunction ............................. 21
Access the system security function screen ....................................... 21
Configure account setup and securitypolicies ..................................... 21
Set up messagingnotifications .................................................. 24
CHAPTER4Manage the auditfunction ......................................... 27
Use the Audit function screen ................................................... 27
Generate audit reports .......................................................... 28
Review the systemconfiguration ................................................. 29
Review the actionlog ........................................................... 30
View audit histories from the Audit History drop-downmenu ........................ 30
Archive and restore audit record ................................................. 32
Export audit records ............................................................ 32
SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation 3
CHAPTER5Manage the e-signaturefunction .................................. 33
Access the e-signature screen ................................................... 33
Configure the meaning of the e-signatures ........................................ 34
New e-signaturemeaning ....................................................... 35
Delete an e-signaturemeaning ................................................... 35
Select the actions that requireesignature ......................................... 36
CHAPTER6Manage the SAE export-importfunction ......................... 37
Export and import user, system security, audit, and e-signaturesettings .............. 37
Export user system security audit and esignaturesettings .......................... 37
Import user system security audit esignaturesettings .............................. 38
CHAPTER7Configure user repositories ........................................ 39
User repository overview ........................................................ 39
Configure user repositories for SAE or external accountaccess ...................... 39
User respositorysettings ........................................................ 40
APPENDIXASafety ............................................................... 42
APPENDIXBDocumentation and support ...................................... 43
Customer and technical support ................................................. 43
Limited product warranty ........................................................ 43
4SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation
Overview and security requirements
The Security, Audit, and Electronic Signature (SAE) Administrator Console (Admin Console) is
available for many instruments and software from Thermo Fisher Scientific, including, but not limited
to, QuantStudio, Attune NxT, Countess 3 and 3 FL instruments, CTS Rotea Counterflow
Centrifugation System, Xenon electroporation instrument, and iBright imaging systems. This guide
describes the procedures that an administrator performs to configure and manage the SAE features of
the CTS Rotea Counterflow Centrifugation System.
This system is used as an example of a Cell Therapy System and its use with the SAE Admin
Console. User interaction with the SAE Admin Console is described in the CTS Rotea Counterflow
Centrifugation System User Guide (Pub.No.MAN0018908).
Use of the Rotea SAE software requires:
CTS Rotea Counterflow Centrifugation System (Rotea instrument with compatible firmware
versions and Thermo Fisher Scientific provided computer)
Network and password security requirements
The network configuration and security settings of your laboratory or facility (such as firewalls, anti-
virus software, network passwords) are the sole responsibility of your facility administrator, IT, and
security personnel. SAE software should be installed on a server with a static IP address in a network
accessible by the Rotea instrument. If external or network drives are connected to the software, it is
the responsibility of your IT personnel to ensure that such drives are configured and secured correctly
to prevent data corruption or loss. It is the responsibility of your facility administrator, IT, and security
personnel to prevent the use of any unsecured ports (such as USB, Ethernet) and ensure that the
system security is maintained. Thermo Fisher Scientific strongly recommends that you maintain unique
passwords for all accounts in use on this product. All passwords should be reset upon first sign-in
into the product. Change passwords according to your organization's password policy. It is the sole
responsibility of your IT personnel to develop and enforce secure use of passwords.
SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation 5
Information about 21 CFR Part 11
21 CFR Part 11 is a regulation that describes the criteria for acceptance by the FDA for electronic
records and electronic signatures. Part 11 is composed of procedural and technical requirements.
Procedural requirements are the standard operating procedures instituted by the end user, and
technical requirements are the technical characteristics of the compliance management software used.
The CTS Rotea SAE software consists of:
SAE Administrator Console— Used to configure the Security, Audit, and e-Signature settings on
SAE module.
Rotea SAE license— Used to activate the SAE settings for the Rotea instrument.
Rotea SAE software module – Used to run the Rotea instrument in SAE mode.
The combination of this technical oering does not guarantee 21 CFR part 11 compliance alone.
Note: Compliance is the consequence of the end user’s work process and systems used.
Administrator overview
The SAE Admin Console is a component of the Rotea instrument System 21 CFR Part 11 support
software that allows you to configure the Rotea instrument to meet specific requirements. The SAE
Admin Console provides the following functionality:
System security – Controls user access to the software. One default Administrator user account is
provided with full privileges. Additional user accounts can be user-defined.
Auditing – Tracks actions performed by users, and changes to the SAE module settings. The
software automatically audits actions silently. The auditing function provides reports for audited
SAE module changes and actions.
Electronic signature (e-signature) – Determines which actions need approval and which role or roles
need to provide this approval.
Chapter1Overview and security requirements
Information about 21 CFR Part 11
6SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation
Manage SAE user accounts and
Install Rotea instrument software profiles
Note: Installation of the instrument software profiles will be performed at the initial installation of the
Rotea instrument software by a field service engineer.
The Rotea instrument application profile is available for download
1. Download the Rotea instrument application profile (.dat file)
2. In the SAE Admin Console, go to Settings and click on Manage Application Profiles.
3. Click Install Application Profile at the bottom of the page.
SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation 7
4. Select the Choose File option in the pop-up window to select and open the data file for the
Rotea dat file. The selected file name will appear by the side of the Select File option in the
pop-up window.
·SAE Admin Console only supports one profile version at a time.
·SAE Admin Console will prompt for verification on the file being use for installation (If the version
number is higher than the current version installed, the software will ask if the user wants to
upgrade the profile version before installing).
·There is no impact to audit data upon installing a new profile version.
5. Select Verify Data File and then select Install.
6. (Optional) Select Rotea SAE from the list and select View Details to see the application details.
Chapter2Manage SAE user accounts and roles
Install Rotea instrument software profiles
8SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation
Determine the logged in user
The name of the logged in user is displayed in the top-right corner of the SAE Admin Console window.
Note: There is a default Administrator role used in the software. Users can create a new Administrator
role but only an existing Administrator role can create one. For example, a ‘Administrator2’ role can only
be created by the default ‘Administrator’ role.
Create a user account
1. In the Users tab, click Create, then enter the username, password, first name, (optional) middle
initial (MI), and last name. The field limits are specified in the system security function settings.
Chapter2Manage SAE user accounts and roles
Determine the logged in user 2
SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation 9
Note: First name, MI (middle initial), and last name are used to create the user full name, which is
displayed in the System Configuration audit records under Audit History in SAE Admin Console.
Chapter2Manage SAE user accounts and roles
Create a user account
10 SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation
Note: You cannot change the username after you save the user account. A username can be
deactivated if a team member no longer requires access, however that specific username will no
longer be available for use. This is done to ensure unique account identities are preserved for
2. Select User must set new password at next sign in to require the user account to specify a new
password at first login. This will occur upon that user's account sign in the first time they log into
the Rotea SAE module.
Note: The user account password automatically expires after the number of days specified in the
system security function settings.
Chapter2Manage SAE user accounts and roles
Create a user account 2
SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation 11
3. Select the user role from the Role dropdown menu.
Note: New roles can be added per the users preference.
4. Leave the status set to Active.
Chapter2Manage SAE user accounts and roles
Create a user account
12 SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation
5. (Optional) Enter phone, email (for information only), and comments.
Note: Any information entered into the SAE Admin Console software are updated to an encrypted
database on the local computer. The application itself does not delete this information. Removal
or deletion of this information is the responsibility of the users IT department information security
6. Click Save.
Edit a user account
1. In the Users tab, select a user account, then click Edit.
2. Edit the settings as desired.
Note: You cannot edit the username of an existing user and you cannot delete an existing
account. A username can be deactivated if a team member no longer requires access, however
that specific username will no longer be available for use. This is done to ensure unique account
identities are preserved for traceability.
3. Click Save.
Chapter2Manage SAE user accounts and roles
Edit a user account 2
SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation 13
Disable (inactivate) a user account
1. In the Users tab, select a user account, then click Edit.
2. Change the Status from ACTIVE to INACTIVE.
3. Click Save.
4. To activate this user, edit the account and change the status to ACTIVE.
Activate a suspended user account
1. In the Users tab, select a user account, then click Edit.
2. Change the Status from SUSPENDED to ACTIVE.
Note: ‘SUSPENDED’ is dierent from ‘DEACTIVATED’. The dierence is that ‘SUSPENDED’
means the user account is temporarily unavailable. An example is the user login fails multiple
successive attempts and now the status is changed to ‘SUSPENDED’. A ‘DEACTIVATED’ status is
used for individuals who are no longer responsible or allowed to have any instrument interaction.
3. Click Save.
Change password
1. From the dropdown list, select Change Password.
Note: You can access the Change Password dialog box from any tab.
Chapter2Manage SAE user accounts and roles
Disable (inactivate) a user account
14 SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation
2. Enter the old password.
3. Enter a new password, confirm the new password, then click Update.
Note: The following symbols cannot be used in the password as they are not compatible with the
Rotea instrument: = + , . ( ) { } ' " ; : ` ~
Chapter2Manage SAE user accounts and roles
Change password 2
SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation 15
Reset a forgotten password
Note: There is no password recovery option in SAE Admin Console. The password must be reset. It
is recommended that a second Administrator role be created as a backup to the primary Administrator
1. In the Users tab, select the aected user account, then click Edit.
2. Enter a replacement password for the user account, then re-enter the password for confirmation.
Note: A temporary password will require the User to set a new password at next sign in.
3. Check the User must set new password at next sign in.
4. Click Save.
Chapter2Manage SAE user accounts and roles
Reset a forgotten password
16 SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation
Permissions and default user roles
To determine the permissions for a default role or to edit them, select the role then click Edit.
The following table shows all user-configurable permissions and the settings for the default user
Chapter2Manage SAE user accounts and roles
Permissions and default user roles 2
SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation 17
Permissions and default roles
Permissions Available roles
Category Function Administrator
Login Log into Rotea SAE Yes
Settings Set Protocol Folder Yes
Run Settings Manage Run Settings Yes
Manage Run Reasons Yes
Run Browse Protocol Yes
Initiate Protocol Yes
Rescan Kit Yes
Start Protocol Yes
Chapter2Manage SAE user accounts and roles
Permissions and default user roles
18 SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation
Permissions Available roles
Run Start Protocol from selected step Yes
Pause Run Yes
Skip Step Yes
Stop Run Yes
Setting Change Password Yes
Configure SAE Console software Configure SAE Console software Yes
Chapter2Manage SAE user accounts and roles
Permissions and default user roles 2
SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation 19
Generate, view, and print a user or role report
1. In the Users or Roles tab, click Report. The user report, or role report, downloads to the default
location which will be the Downloads folder for the computer.
Note: There is not an option to change this file download location.
2. Click on the download report tab in the bottom of the screen to view the report in a new tab of the
web browser or to open the location of the downloaded report .pdf on your computer.
3. Use the options available in the .pdf viewer to save and print the report.
4. Close the report.
Chapter2Manage SAE user accounts and roles
Generate, view, and print a user or role report
20 SAE Administrator Console User Guide for Cell and Gene Therapy Instrumentation