Thermo King Precedent™ Condenser Motor Bearings Installation guide

  • Hello! I have reviewed the Installation Instructions for the Precedent Kit 401603 Condenser Motor Bearings. This document provides detailed instructions on how to replace the motor bearings, including disassembly, cleaning, and reassembly steps. I'm ready to answer your questions about the process or other details within the document.
  • What tools are needed for bearing replacement?
    What should I do if the rotor shaft is damaged?
    How should the threaded rods be tightened?
TK 57002-11-IS (Revision A) ©2021 Trane Technologies 1
Kit 401603
NNoottee:: The following special tools and supplies will also be required, but are not included.
Special Tools and Supplies Required
2043204 Bearing Installation Tool Set
5/16” Socket and Ratchet
T-30 Torx Drive
Plastic or Rubber End Mallet
Large Flat Bladed Screwdriver
Snap Ring Pliers
Torque Wrench
201086 Mobilegrease28 (or equivalent)
Blue Thread Locker
Spray can of degreaser
Scotch-Brite™ pad (or equivalent)
2020348 Black RTV
Installation Instructions
PrecedentCondenser Motor Bearings
2©2021 Trane Technologies TK 57002-11-IS (Revision A)
Step 1: Condenser Motor Removal
DDiissccoonnnneecctt aallll ppoowweerr ffrroomm tthhee uunniitt bbeeffoorree pprroocceeeeddiinngg.. FFaaiilluurree ttoo ddoo ssoo ccaann rreessuulltt iinn
sseerriioouuss ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy oorr ddeeaatthh..
1. Remove top facia.
2. Remove condenser fan grille.
3. Remove orifice.
4. Remove fan.
5. Remove junction box cover, disconnect wiring and remove motor from unit.
TK 57002-11-IS (Revision A) ©2021 Trane Technologies 3
Step 2: Disassembly Procedures
The exploded view and the procedures shown are to help assist with bearing replacement.
1* 2*
4* 5* 6
10* 11*
12 13*
Item Description
1*. Shaft Seal
2*. Lip Seal
3. Drive End Plate
4*. Large Bearing
5*. C-Clip
6. Key
7. Rotor
8. Housing w/Stator
9. Junction Box
10*. Small Bearing
11*. Pre-loading Washer
12. Non-Drive End Plate
13*. Threaded Rod Bolts
14. End Seal
15*. Flange Nut
*Parts included in Kit 401603
4©2021 Trane Technologies TK 57002-11-IS (Revision A)
Removing End Plates and Rotor
1. Use a 5/16” socket to remove the four threaded rods from motor housing.
2. Use a flat bladed screwdriver to separate and remove the non-drive end plate from housing.
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: Do not insert screwdriver too far into the housing as the stator windings are
approximately ½” to ¾” inside the end plate and can be easily damaged.
3. Use a mallet and a block of wood and strike the shaft just enough to get the drive end plate
out from the housing so a large 3- jaw puller can grab onto the edges.
a. Remove the key from the shaft.
b. Use the 3- jaw puller to remove the end plate from rotor shaft.
c. Remove rotor from motor housing.
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Removing Bearings
1. With a snap ring pliers, remove snap ring securing the large bearing inside the drive end
a. Remove large bearing from end plate.
2. Use a 3-jaw puller to remove small bearing from the rotor shaft.
6©2021 Trane Technologies TK 57002-11-IS (Revision A)
Step 3: Cleaning and Inspection
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: DO NOT use steel wool to clean rotor shafts. Use Scotch-Brite
pads (or
1. Clean rotor shaft surfaces thoroughly with degreaser and inspect the bearing and seal
a. Bearing and seal surfaces must be smooth – DO NOT continue if shaft(s) show signs of
excessive wear or damage from overheating, etc.
2. Inspect rotor for damage – DO NOT continue if rotor is damaged.
3. Inspect stator for damage – DO NOT continue if stator is damaged.
4. Thoroughly clean the following:
a. Motor housing where end plates attach.
b. Inside end plates where the bearings are located.
NNoottee:: Remove and retain the rubber end seal from the non–drive end plate. This will be
reinstalled later.
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Step 4: Bearing Installation and Reassembly
1. With a 32 oz. dead blow hammer and a small bearing installation tool, carefully drive the new
small bearing onto the rotor shaft.
NNoottee:: Hold the drive end while installing the small bearing onto the shaft.
2. Install the new large bearing into the drive end plate and secure with the new snap ring.
8©2021 Trane Technologies TK 57002-11-IS (Revision A)
3. Reinstall rotor into motor housing and stand it up on its end with block of wood under the
shaft as shown.
a. Apply a thin bead of RTV around the sealing surface and position the drive end plate onto
the rotor.
b. Use the large bearing installation tool and a 32 oz. dead blow hammer and carefully drive
the end plate onto the shaft until the bearing is fully seated.
4. Set the motor back down onto its mounting base.
a. Apply a thin coating of grease around the new lip seal and install into the end plate
followed by the new end seal.
TK 57002-11-IS (Revision A) ©2021 Trane Technologies 9
5. Apply a thin bead of RTV around the outside edges of the non-drive end plate.
6. Place the pre-loading washer inside the center of the plate.
7. Position the end plate with the pre-loading washer onto the housing and use a plastic or
rubber ended mallet and tap around the end plate until it is flush with the housing.
10 ©2021 Trane Technologies TK 57002-11-IS (Revision A)
8. Apply blue thread locker to the ends of the new threaded rods and loosely reinstall into the
housing along with the new nuts.
a. Use a plastic or rubber ended mallet and tap around the drive end plate to help seat the
plate while tightening the rods in a 3-step increments until reaching 49 in-lb (5.5 N•m).
9. Reinstall the rubber end seal onto the non-drive end plate.
10.Reinstall key into keyway.
Step 5: Condenser Motor Installation
1. CCoonnddeennsseerr MMoottoorr — Reinstall motor onto the unit and torque hardware per table below.
2. FFaann — Position fan with the taper lock bushing resting on the motor shaft shoulder.
a. Hand tighten the hub bolts until the bolt head is flush with the hub face.
b. Using a wrench, alternately tighten each bolt one full turn. Repeat until torque builds.
c. Use a torque wrench and tighten bolts per table below.
3. OOrriiffiiccee – Reinstall onto the unit and torque hardware per table below.
4. GGrriillllee – Reinstall onto the unit and torque hardware per table below.
5. TToopp CCaapp – Reinstall onto the unit and torque hardware per table below.
6. Reconnect power to unit and verify condenser motor operation.
Hardware Torque Specifications
Condenser Motor 168–224 in. lbs (19.0– 5.3 Nm)
Fan 77–101 in. lbs. (9–11.4 Nm)
Orifice 72–96 in. lbs. (8.1– 0.8 Nm)
Grille 72–96 in. lbs (8.1– 0.8 Nm)
Top Cap 72–96 in. lbs (8.1– 0.8 Nm)
TK 57002-11-IS (Revision A) ©2021 Trane Technologies 11
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