10 ©2021 Trane Technologies TK 57002-11-IS (Revision A)
8. Apply blue thread locker to the ends of the new threaded rods and loosely reinstall into the
housing along with the new nuts.
a. Use a plastic or rubber ended mallet and tap around the drive end plate to help seat the
plate while tightening the rods in a 3-step increments until reaching 49 in-lb (5.5 N•m).
9. Reinstall the rubber end seal onto the non-drive end plate.
10.Reinstall key into keyway.
Step 5: Condenser Motor Installation
1. CCoonnddeennsseerr MMoottoorr — Reinstall motor onto the unit and torque hardware per table below.
2. FFaann — Position fan with the taper lock bushing resting on the motor shaft shoulder.
a. Hand tighten the hub bolts until the bolt head is flush with the hub face.
b. Using a wrench, alternately tighten each bolt one full turn. Repeat until torque builds.
c. Use a torque wrench and tighten bolts per table below.
3. OOrriiffiiccee – Reinstall onto the unit and torque hardware per table below.
4. GGrriillllee – Reinstall onto the unit and torque hardware per table below.
5. TToopp CCaapp – Reinstall onto the unit and torque hardware per table below.
6. Reconnect power to unit and verify condenser motor operation.
Hardware Torque Specifications
Condenser Motor 168–224 in. lbs (19.0– 5.3 Nm)
Fan 77–101 in. lbs. (9–11.4 Nm)
Orifice 72–96 in. lbs. (8.1– 0.8 Nm)
Grille 72–96 in. lbs (8.1– 0.8 Nm)
Top Cap 72–96 in. lbs (8.1– 0.8 Nm)