Only allow use if the mental and physical de-
velopment of the child permits the use.
This product is not suitable for use as a toy.
Hazards through wear
• The article may only be used in perfect
condition. Check the article for damage or
wear before each use. The safety of the sling
trainer can only be guaranteed if it is
examined regularly for damage and wear.
• Only use original replacement parts.
• Protect the product from extreme temperatures,
sunlight, and moisture. Unsuitable storage and
use of the article can lead to premature wear
and possible fractures, which can lead to
• Do not attach the product to objects with
sharp edges, e.g. door hinges. Nylon will tear
if it rubs against sharp edges.
• Do not saw! Sawing movements lead to
premature wear.
• Examine the article regularly for damage or
wear. Discontinue use of the product if
damage is found.
Beware of material damage
• Never allow the sling trainer to fall or to
rebound against the door as this could cause
damage to the door.
Assembly instructions
• Select a training area with dimensions of
approx. 3.00 x 1.80m (L x W).
• Attach the sling trainer at a height between
1.80 and 2.30m.
• Only train on a level, non-slip surface.
• Only mount the sling trainer on doors that
open outwards (i.e. away from you) (figure B).
• Lay the anchor over the top of the door in the
centre (figure B).
• Lock the door securely.
Caution! Risk of injury!
Always lock the door!
• Use the door sign that is included with
the product!
• Make sure the door that you attach the
anchor on the sling trainer is stable and
robust, and that it can support your body
weight and that the anchor is securely
attached. Pull hard on the bands a few times
to test this (figure C).
Assembly/use of the additional
snap hook
The additional snap hook can be used to attach
the suspension trainer to rods, branches, hooks,
or extension loops (figure F). Remove the door
anchor from the loop to use the snap hook.
Warning! Always test the load-bearing
capacity of the attachment points in order to
make sure that there are sufficient safety mar-
gins. There is a risk of serious injury if this is not
adhered to.
Shortening and lengthening
the sling trainer
Note: Before making adjustments
always ensure that the bands are not
• To shorten the bands, hold onto the belt on
the sling trainer.
• Use your thumb on one hand to press down
on the adjustment buckle on the belt and take
the black adjustment loop in the other hand.
• Press the buckle down and at the same time
pull up on the band with the adjustment loop,
towards the attachment point. Repeat the
process for the other band (figure D).
• If the bands are still too long for some
exercises, you can change the anchor point.
To do this, open the hook-and-loop fastener
on the door anchor and remove the anchor
from the anchor loop. Put it in one of the lower
loops and secure the anchor using the hook-
and-loop fastener on the loop.
Caution! Only position the anchor in the
anchor loops that are marked on both sides
with orange markings.
• Caution! Risk of injury! Never wind the
hanging belt around the anchor to shorten it.
The band could come loose.