Build the Spitfire: Step-By-Step ™
Paint the components of the tail wheel from Stage
119 in light grey. Assemble them with a 12mm
screw and a nut from Stage 65. Make a hole 35mm
from the end of the lower rear part of the fuselage
and glue the wheel in place.
Take the machine guns assembled in Stage 77
and glue them into the compartment in the
wings. Then fetch the large and small cannons
from Stages 54, 57 and 59 and glue these into the
leading edges of the wings on both sides.
ø 1.5mm
Although two radiators have been supplied, the
Mk Vb Spitfire had only one radiator, beneath the
right wing. So, glue either one radiator under the
right wing or a radiator under both wings, in the
position shown. Paint the antennae from Stages
34 and 73 light grey. Then, make holes in the
undersides of the wings (shown top right) and
glue the antennae in place.
Paint the radiators from Stages 122 and 125 light
grey. Take the walls of the radiators from Stages
123 and 124, cut pieces of 1.5mm brass wire and
glue them on, as shown. Then paint the walls
black and glue them in place within the intakes
(see inset).