Skov DA 1540 ceiling inlet Mounting Guide

  • Hello! I'm here to assist you with the SKOV DA 1540 and DA 1540 HP Ceiling Inlet Mounting Guide. I've carefully reviewed the document, which includes essential details on installation and different air flow modes, as well as a overview of accessories like the inlet funnel and insert module. I'm ready to answer your questions about the product's features, mounting instructions, and technical specifications.
  • What is the DA 1540 ceiling inlet used for?
    What is the difference between DA 1540 and DA 1540 HP?
    What is the purpose of the inlet funnel?
DA 1540 Ceiling Inlet
Mounting Guide
604158 • 2022-08-03
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DA 1540 Ceiling Inlet
2 Mounting Guide
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DA 1540 Ceiling Inlet
1 Product description ....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Principle of application ............................................................................................................. 4
2 Product survey ............................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Accessories................................................................................................................................ 5
3 Mounting guide............................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Recommended tools.................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Placement in ceiling .................................................................................................................. 8
3.3 Mounting in ceiling .................................................................................................................... 9
3.4 Pointing of insert module and inlet funnel .............................................................................. 9
3.5 Mounting lengthwise of boarding .......................................................................................... 10
3.6 Mounting across boarding...................................................................................................... 10
3.7 Mounting of string and holder for pull rod ............................................................................ 11
3.8 Advanced Inlet Control............................................................................................................ 12
3.9 Adjustment ............................................................................................................................... 12
3.10 Tensile length........................................................................................................................... 12
4 Maintenance instructions ............................................................................................................................ 13
4.1 Recycling/Disposal .................................................................................................................. 13
5 Technical data .............................................................................................................................................. 14
5.1 Dimensioned sketch DA 1540/DA 1540 HP ........................................................................... 15
Mounting Guide
DA 1540 Ceiling Inlet
4 Mounting Guide
1 Product description
The DA 1540 ceiling inlet is an efficient, compact fresh air inlet for ceiling constructions. The inlet opens by
pulling the cord. DA 1540 is used when the ceiling is flat, while DA 1540 HP has more powerful springs, so it
can be used for ceiling pitches up to 15°.
The ceiling inlet is made of dirt-repellent, easy-to-clean, injection-moulded PS, PA and POM.
The inlet is delivered fully assembled. The ceiling inlet consists of an inlet casing, a draw hook with a cord, and
an inlet flap.
Clamp for pull rod
Inlet flap
Inlet casing
1.1 Principle of application
During cold periods, it is possible to
supply the necessary volume of air
at a low air velocity.
During warm periods with high ven-
tilation requirements, DA 1540
maintains the Coanda-effect of the
air along the ceiling.
During hot periods with high ventila-
tion requirements, a large volume of
air can be directed down into the
animal zone.
DA 1540 Ceiling Inlet
Mounting Guide 5
2 Product survey
401350 DA 1540 ceiling inlet
DA 1540 ceiling inlet is a universal air inlet, which brings fresh air into the
house through the attic. DA 1540 ceiling inlet is insulated.
Is supplied incl. operation kit, Advanced Inlet Control and one 526194 DA
1540 clamp for pull rod.
To be used when the ceiling pitch is 0°.
The inlet funnel must be ordered separately if required.
401370 DA 1540 HP ceiling inlet
DA 1540 HP ceiling inlet is a universal air inlet, which brings fresh air into
the house through the attic. DA 1540 HP ceiling inlet is insulated.
Is supplied incl. operation kit, Advanced Inlet Control and one 526194 DA
1540 clamp for pull rod. DA 1540 HP has a reinforced spring compared to
DA 1540 and thus poses a significantly increased winch motor load.
To be used when the ceiling pitch is between 0° and 15°.
If high-pressure cooling is installed, see Technical user guide for high-pres-
sure cooling rearding cooling pipe suspension in the ceiling.
The inlet funnel must be ordered separately if required.
2.1 Accessories
401359 DA 1540 chill inlet update kit
The DA 1540 chill inlet update kit is used for updating the DA 1540 inlet to
the 1540 chill inlet, or as a spare part for the DA 1540 chill inlet.
Note that the required tensile force is increased by an update.
401323 DA 1500/1800 inlet funnel - short
401337 DA 1540/1800 inlet funnel - long
The purpose of using the inlet funnel is partly to increase the incorporation
height of the inlet to a total of 250/400 mm from the lower edge of the ceil-
ing to the upper edge of the inlet funnel. Furthermore, the aerodynamic de-
sign of the inlet funnel ensures optimized inflow conditions which reduce the
pressure loss and thus the energy loss at a given amount of air. This re-
duces the necessary negative pressure in the house.
Use one unit per inlet.
401364 DA 1540/1800 insert module
DA 1540/1800 insert module is used to reduce the air capacity in a single
pen, often at the end of an inlet row.
The insert module can be used with or without the inlet funnel, the inlet fun-
nel will not affect the capacity significantly.
The insert module reduces the air capacity to approx. 55 % at DA 1540 chill
inlet with inlet funnel in chill mode (90-degree opening).
Use one unit per inlet.
DA 1540 Ceiling Inlet
6 Mounting Guide
437482 DA 1500/1800 pipe holder
For DA 1540/1800 ceiling inlet a special pipe hanger has been developed,
which can be used for securing high pressure cooling pipes from SKOV A/
S, if high pressure cooling is installed. The pipe holder can only be used
when the ceiling pitch is 0°.
If the distance between the inlets exceeds approx. 1.5 m supplement the in-
let by item no. 437480 DA 1540/1800 pipe holder with adapter.
If the length of the cooling piping exceeds 40 m, the pressure impact from
the start/stop of pump may cause breakage of the rather long pipe holder.
One per inlet.
437480 DA 1540/1800 pipe holder with adapter - 0.5 m
Used where extra support of the cooling pipe is required. Height approx. 49
cm which means that it is suited for the 437482 pipe holder for DA
1540/1800. The pipe holder can only be used when the ceiling pitch is 0°.
Mount it directly on the ceiling with the two screws supplied.
In Denmark one unit per 1.2 m free-hanging cooling pipe is used - corre-
sponding to normal lath distance.
If the length of the cooling piping exceeds 40 m, the pressure impact from
the start/stop of pump may cause breakage of the rather long pipe holder.
401349 All-purpose holder for pull rod
Is applied if the distance between the inlets exceeds 2 m. The distance from
the ceiling to the pull rod is 6.5 cm when the all-purpose holder is mounted.
Mounted vertically with 2 screws in the ceiling.
413109 Pull rod M8x5500 galv. incl. sleeve
The pull rods are 5.5 m long and the number of pull rods can be determined
using the table below. Please note that house length means the length of
the inlet row in those cases when the pull rods go across the house.
Determine the number of pull rods.
One side with inlets in one row = 1 x house length / 5.5
One side with inlets in two rows = 2 x house length / 5.5
Two sides with inlets in one row = 2 x house length / 5.5
Two sides with inlets in two rows = 4 x house length / 5.5
415033 Coil spring ø30x300 mm stainless
The standard mounting sets for DA 175 contain 2 pcs. coil springs per row.
If the DA 1540 inlet is used with the DA 75A winch motor, it is necessary to
order one extra coil spring per inlet row beside the standard mounting set.
2 coil springs are necessary in continuation of each other due to the long
tensile length.
At assembly, the pretension of the 2 springs in continuation of each other
must be 2300 mm.
DA 1540 Ceiling Inlet
Mounting Guide 7
3 Mounting guide
Before mounting check that
the building matches the drawings as regards placement, ceiling pitch and ceiling type.
the part delivery matches the order/item lists.
3.1 Recommended tools
A list of the recommended tools for mounting purposes can be seen below.
Item Description
Cordless drill
Screwdriver bits
Drill kit
Utility knife
Spirit level
Marker pens
Tape measure
Try square
DA 1540 Ceiling Inlet
8 Mounting Guide
3.2 Placement in ceiling
The inlet should not to be placed over trough as dripping may occur.
Make sure that there is free space for pull rod and inlet flap.
The insulation material must fit tightly around the inlet.
Take care of various obstacles such as pipes, light fittings, electric cables, etc.
Here, the inlet is shown from above.
Cutout dimension 510 mm x 380 mm.
Dimension between screws 570 mm x 435 mm.
The arrow shows the direction of the air jet.
The outer dimensions of the inlet 590 mm x 584 mm.
Adapt a template of cardboard or a wooden board with the dimensions 510 × 380 mm.
Make sure that there is room for the outer dimensions of the inlet; see below dimensions.
Minimum 220 mm to the back wall.
Minimum 120mm between the inlets.
Minimum 1000 mm to the end wall.
Minimum 220 mm between the inlets (*500 mm when heating pipes are mounted).
Mark the selected position and cut out.
DA 1540 Ceiling Inlet
Mounting Guide 9
3.3 Mounting in ceiling
Insert four 5 mm screws.
3.4 Pointing of insert module and inlet funnel
If you need to attach the insert module and inlet funnel,
SKOV A/S recommends Sikaflex 111 Stick & Seal.
Point the insert module in these grooves.
Point the inlet funnel in these grooves.
DA 1540 Ceiling Inlet
10 Mounting Guide
3.5 Mounting lengthwise of boarding
Fixing point
25 × 100 mm
Fixing point
25 × 100 mm
Place an extra board on the continuous formwork, if nec-
Lift the inlet into place and fasten it with four screws.
Lay out insulation material tightly to the inlet funnel.
Place the inlet funnel as shown.
3.6 Mounting across boarding
Screw Screw
Fixing point
25 × 100 mm
Fixing point
25 × 100 mm
Lay out insulation material tightly to the inlet funnel.
Place the inlet funnel as shown.
It is important that the inlet flap closes tightly.
Adjust misalignments by tightening/slackening the four mounting screws.
DA 1540 Ceiling Inlet
Mounting Guide 11
3.7 Mounting of string and holder for pull rod
Mount holder for pull rod.
Knock the piece out.
Push the holder for the pull rod up into the slot.
Then screw the holder for the pull rod into place.
Mounting of clips for pull rod if the distance between
the inlets is less than 600 mm.
Mount clips with the string on the pull rod.
The arrow shows the direction of the pull rod when the
inlet is opened.
Note that pull rod clips must not collide with the clamp
for pull rod.
Mounting of clips for pull rod if the distance between
the inlets exceeds 600 mm.
DA 1540 Ceiling Inlet
12 Mounting Guide
3.8 Advanced Inlet Control
Normal pull (factory-assembled)
Here the inlet is shown with the draw pawl in
normal pull position.
Place the pawl as shown.
Advanced Inlet Control
The inlet flap opens later compared to nor-
mal pull.
Move the pawl to the position shown.
3.9 Adjustment
Mount the pull rods on the inlets.
Check if all inlets close tightly at slack.
Adjust all inlets with Advanced Inlet Control to open simultaneously, and adjust all inlets with normal opening to
open simultaneously.
3.10 Tensile length
Set the inlets so that nominal opening corresponds to a pull length of 435 mm.
The maximum tensile length is 575mm.
Please note that the tensile length is adjusted from the point where the tension string is tense. Then the inlet be-
gins to open after 40 mm.
DA 1540 Ceiling Inlet
Mounting Guide 13
4 Maintenance instructions
TheDA 1540 does not require special maintenance. Periodically, string and spring are checked for wear.
The product may be cleaned by a high-pressure cleaner without using:
• solvents
corrosive/caustic agents
4.1 Recycling/Disposal
Products suitable for recycling are marked with a pictogram.
It must be possible for customers to deliver the products to local collection sites/recycling stations in accordance
with local instructions. The recycling station will then arrange for further transport to a certified plant for reuse,
recovery and recycling.
DA 1540 Ceiling Inlet
14 Mounting Guide
5 Technical data
Material 100% recyclable thermoplastic, high-impact material, dimensionally
and UV stabilized
Color Black
Tensile force per inlet
(DA 1540)
kg 2.9
Tensile force per inlet
(DA 1540 HP)
kg 6.1
Tensile length mm 575
Pretension at 2
coil springs
mm 2300
Fan output
30 cm opening With inlet funnel Excl. inlet funnel
Air output at -5 Pa m3/h 1050 850
Air output at -10 Pa m3/h 1450 1250
Air output at -20 Pa m3/h 2100 1750
Air output at -30 Pa m3/h 2550 2100
Air output at -40 Pa m3/h 2950 2450
Temperature, operation °C (°F) -40 to +40 (-40 to +104)
Storage temperature °C (°F) -40 to +65 (-40 to +149) – and protected against direct sunlight.
Ambient humidity, opera-
% RH 0-95 % RH
Weight g 4130
DA 1540 Ceiling Inlet
Mounting Guide 15
5.1 Dimensioned sketch DA 1540/DA 1540 HP
Dimensions in mm
604158 • 2022-08-03 • en-US • Made in Denmark
SKOV A/S • Hedelund 4 • Glyngøre • DK-7870 Roslev
Tel. +45 72 17 55 55 • • E-mail: [email protected]