42-02-1021 TABLE OF CONTENTS • iii
5.2 Normal Mode (EOD) ..............................................5-4
5.2.1 Alphanumeric Display (Default Displays) .........................5-4
5.2.2 Diagnostic Indicators ........................................5-6
5.2.3 Adjustment of the Elevator Timers ..............................5-6
5.2.4 Setting the Real Time Clock...................................5-9
5.2.5 Alphanumeric Display - Viewing the MP Computer Variable Flags ......5-8
5.2.6 Resetting the MC-CGP Parameters .............................5-9
5.3 System Mode (EOD) .............................................5-10
5.3.1 Programming the Communication Ports.........................5-11
5.3.2 ASME A17.1 - 2000 Fault Bypass Option ........................5-13
5.3.3 Viewing and Changing the Security Codes .......................5-14
5.3.4 Setting MSK: Master Software Key.............................5-16
5.3.5 Setting the Software Options - Adjustable Control Variables .........5-16
5.3.6 Load Weigher Learn Operation (Calibration) .....................5-19
5.3.7 Setting and Resetting the Passcode Option (Not on All Controllers) ....5-24
5.4 Diagnostic Mode (EOD) ...........................................5-25
5.4.1 Viewing the MC-MP2-2K Computer Flags .......................5-25
5.4.2 Viewing and Entering Calls ...................................5-33
5.4.3 Viewing External Memory (Example: Door Closed Limit (DCL) Flag) . . . 5-34
6.0 General Information ...............................................6-1
6.1 Status and Error Messages .........................................6-1
6.1.1 Computer Swing Panel Status and Diagnostic Indicators .............6-2
6.1.2 Special Events Calendar Fault Log ..............................6-5
6.1.3 View Hoistway (F3) Screen Fault Flags ..........................6-6
6.1.4 Standard Status and Error Messages Table.......................6-7
6.2 Using the Special Events Calendar ..................................6-36
6.3 Using the Diagnostics ............................................6-40
6.4 Troubleshooting Car Operation Control (COC) .........................6-43
6.4.1 Door Logic ...............................................6-43
6.4.2 Call Logic - Normal Operation.................................6-51
6.4.3 Troubleshooting the Call Circuits ..............................6-53
6.4.4 Troubleshooting the Call Indicators ............................6-54
6.5 PC Board Quick References .......................................6-54
6.6 Using the MLT / VLT Data Trap .....................................6-64
6.7 ASME A17.1 - 2000 Fault Troubleshooting Tables .......................6-68
6.7.1 ASME A17.1 - 2000 Redundancy Fault Data Trap (F2 Is Up) .........6-68
6.7.2 ASME A17.1 - 2000 SC-HDIO Board Input Data Trap ..............6-69
6.7.3 Raw ASME A17.1 - 2000 SC-HDIO Board Input Map ...............6-70
6.7.4 Additional Flags and Variables Added for ASME A17.1 - 2000 ........6-70
6.7.5 Formatted ASME A17.1 - 2000 SC-HDIO Board Input / Output Map . . . 6-71
6.7.6 Starters: WYE - Delta, Atl & Solid State Sequence of Operation ......6-73