Build the Spitfire: Step-By-Step ™
Put the propeller spinner in place over the pieces
that you assembled in Issue 3. You now have
almost all of the propeller pieces. You will finally
assemble them with the help of the vices provided
in future issues.
The rivet marking tool will enable you to produce
the rows of indentations far closer together
and more precisely than would be possible by
hand. Again, wait until you are given detailed
instructions before marking any of the panels you
have received so far.
To create the effect of riveting on the aluminium
plates that will cover the fuselage and wings of
your Spitfire, you will use the rivet marker tool, as
shown above. Do not mark out any of your plates
yet, as detailed explanations as to preparation and
spacing will be given at a later stage.
This is how the pieces should look once you have
completed this stage of the assembly.