Note 1: Settings for different models
BLE module name
setting port
BLE module name
setting port
BLE module name
setting port
BLE module name
setting port
4. Setup with Commands
1. Enter Dongle setting mode → ComPort set BaudRate as 1200,n,8,1
2. su<Service UUID> set E711 (Please see Note 1) → ex: suE711
3. ch<Characteristics UUID> set E813 (Please see Note 1) → ex: chE813
4. ds →Scan nearby device’s name and MAC address
5. ca<MAC> → input device’s MAC address that is found
6. ComPort set BaudRate as 9600,n,8,1
7. Receive the weight data from the platform
5. Setup with FernLand BLE Tool
System requirement for FernLand BLE Tool
Computer & CPU:1 GHz , x86 or x64
Memory:2GB (Recommend to use 4GB)
Display:1024 * 768
System:Windows XP(SP3),Win7,Win8,Win10; English or Traditional Chinese version
USB interface