Lamborghini Countach LP 500S
Locate the two pins in the centre of the
underbody assembly. These will be used to
secure the battery cables.
Turn the underbody assembly over and t
the battery box cover to the open face of the
battery box tted in the previous step. The
tabs should t into the arrowed slots.
Tighten the captive screw already tted in
the cover to secure it temporarily.
Turn the assembly back over and use two
short lengths of tape to stick the cables to
the surface of the battery box. This will
reduce the risk of any strain being put
on the soldered connectors.
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Work the cables around and along the
opposite side of the ridge, using the
corresponding pins (circled) to hold them
in place.
Take another one of the M2.6 x 6mm
self-tapping screws from Stage 43 and t
it into the indicated hole.
Take the two cables and run them towards
the centre of the underbody, then t them
along the inside ridge, using the pins
identied in Step 16 to hold them in place.
Turn the underbody upside down once
more, and line up the front spoiler (Stage 6)
to the front of the part, oriented as shown.
The mounting tabs should slot in under the
underbody panel.
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The mounting tabs
should slot in under the
underbody panel