E.C.O. No: 1629-029 3 of 13 6100-0216
Part No:
Cutting Station
Square saw blade before rst cut.
Validate squareness with test cut.
Install appropriate saw blade.
Have the necessary tools at the cutting station.
Clean aluminum debris from saw bed before each cut.
Clean aluminum debris from from parts before assembling.
To avoid aluminum shavings from damaging carpet and walls, a cutting station should be used.
A cutting station can be built by using shipping materials (protective foam or cardboard sheeting) to
protect oors and walls. Commercial saw hoods are also available that will mount to the saw or saw
table, these hoods are preferred as the saw can be easily moved to work areas.
Vacuums can also be used to manage cutting debris but wall/oor protection or a saw hood should also
be used.
The saw table should be elevated to a comfortable working height and be able to safely support long
lengths (8’) of stock material.
3Pull seals back before cutting rails, then slide back and cut
excess ush with a utility knife.
NOTE: The mounting rail (A) will always
be 1 inch shorter than the top and
bottom rails (B & F). Make sure to
remove the same amount from each
extrusion. If you remove 3 inches from
top and bottom rails (B & F) then remove
3 inches from the mounting rail (A).