B28-OW-105 (Saloon) Page 2
Remove the ground floor internal walls (13 ->17)
and external walls (18 -> 22) from the sprue. Glue
the internal and external back walls together
(parts 13 & 18), then glue them to the base,
slotting them into the holes provided. Repeat this
for the right wall (parts 14 & 19) and the left
walls (17 & 22).
Repeat this process with the front wall (parts 16 & 21),
then glue the doorway into position (parts 15 & 20).
Note – the swing doors can be either glued into
position, or left hanging from the lugs provided.
Allow this assembly time to dry.
Carefully remove the internal staircase (23) and
steps (24 – 7 pieces) from the sprue.
Apply glue to one end of each step and stick it into the
holes provided in the internal back wall as shown
Apply glue to the open end of each step and
gently using a knife to life each step, insert the
end into the staircase (23) until all have slotted
into position.
To create the supports, remove pieces 25 -> 30 from
the sprue. There are 6 supports with 3 arms (25), 3
supports with a separate left arm (26) and 2 supports
with a separate right arm (28).