Theory of Operation
1-2 MIC-6 Instruction Manual Thermo Scientific
The purpose of the MIC-6, Multi Instrument Calibrator, is to
simultaneously calibrate, in approximately 15 minutes, up to six TVA2020
instruments, with zero air and up to 5 different span concentrations at a
preset flow rate to each instrument of approximately 2 LPM. The calibrator
design and data storage are optimized for LDAR compliance monitoring.
The MIC-6 has two calibration modes, manual and auto. Auto mode is
designed specifically for the TVA2020. Manual mode can be used to
calibrate up to six legacy TVA1000B or other similar instruments
eliminating the need for Tedlar bags or similar gas delivery systems. In auto
mode, the calibrator will communicate with the TVA2020 through the
USB connection eliminating the need for user interaction during the
calibration. During the calibration, each span gas, starting with zero air, is
delivered to the instruments in increasing concentration. Immediately after
calibration the gases are reintroduced to the instruments to confirm the
calibration and set the reference point for the drift check.
The calibrator can also perform a manual or automatic drift check of the
instruments. In auto drift check mode the calibrator compares the most
recent calibration data to the current instrument reading and reports the
percent difference. Manual drift check mode, like the calibration mode, can
be used with TVA1000B or similar instruments.
The calibration gas tank information must be entered into the calibrator to
perform the automated features. The MIC-6 will use the tank information,
specifically the expiration date, to alert the user that the tank is due to
expire within a month of the expiration date.
The MIC-6 also contains a Calibration Precision feature that automatically
performs a calibration precision test for the TVA2020. The MIC-6 will
calculate the average concentration and response time based on the data
obtained. The data is available for download via USB or Bluetooth. Only
one instrument at a time can be attached to the MIC-6 via the USB cable
to activate this feature.
The MIC-6 has sufficient memory to store 6 years’ worth of daily
calibration and drift data on over 100 instruments. The number of
individual instruments that can be calibrated on a daily basis is only limited
by the amount of time available. The data is stored in the order it is
received in memory thereby eliminating the possibility of postdating
entries. If this were attempted by altering the calibrator’s date and time the
downloaded data file would contain non-sequentially dated data.
The data stored in the internal memory can be downloaded via a USB
memory device or through a user supplied Bluetooth connection. In either
case the file is in a .CSV format.