Section, Page No. Changes
Errata to MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Host Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2
Freescale Semiconductor 11, 11-10 In Table 11-7, “I2CDR Field Descriptions,” replace last sentence of DATA field
description with the following:
“Note that in both master receive and slave receive modes, the very first read is
always a dummy read.”
11.4.5, 11-17 Replace first paragraph of section with the following:
“If boot sequencer mode is selected on POR (by the settings on the
cfg_boot_seq[0:1] reset configuration signals, as described in Section,
“Boot Sequencer Configuration”), the I
C1 module communicates with one or
more EEPROMs through the I
C interface on IIC1_SCL and IIC1_SDA. The boot
sequencer accesses the I
C1 serial ROM device at a serial bit clock frequency
equal to the platform (CCB) clock frequency divided by 3840. The EEPROM(s)
can be programmed to initialize one or more configuration registers of this
integrated device.”
11.5.4, 11-22 Remove the first sentence from the third paragraph, as follows: “The I2C
controller automatically generates a STOP if I2CCR[TXAK] is set.”
11.5.4, 11-22 Remove the second to last sentence of the second paragraph (begins “For 1-byte
of data...”). The complete paragraph should read as follows:
“If a master receiver wants to terminate a data transfer, it must inform the slave
transmitter by not acknowledging the last byte of data (by setting the transmit
acknowledge bit (I2CCR[TXAK])) before reading the next-to-last byte of data. At
this time, the next-to-last byte of data has already been transferred on the I
interface, so the last byte will not receive the data acknowledge (because
I2CCR[TXAK] is set). Before the interrupt service routine reads the last byte of
data, a STOP condition must first be generated.”
Chapter 12, 12-1 Throughout this chapter, replace “CCB clock” with “platform clock.”, 12-13 In Table 12-13, “ULCR Field Descriptions,” update the name of bit 5 from
“NSTB” to “NTSB.”, 13-29 In Table 13-21, “LBCR Field Descriptions,” update the AHD (bit 10) field state
description as follows:
0 During address phases on the local bus, the LALE signal negates one platform
clock period prior to the address being invalidated. At 33.3 MHz, this provides
3 ns of additional address hold time at the external address latch.
1 During address phases on the local bus, the LALE signal negates 0.5 platform
clock period prior to the address being invalidated. This halves the address
hold time, but extends the latch enable duration. This may be necessary for
very high frequency designs., 13-31 In Table 13-22, “LCRR Field Descriptions,” remove “additional” from EADC
(bits 14–15) field description., 13-45 Modify the title of Figure 13-33 to be “External Termination of GPCM Access
(PLL Enabled Mode),” for clarification.