ACCESS-keys memorizing
•Apply the MASTER-key to the reader for 5 seconds at least. The lock is released, short beeps
and three long beeps sound. Take the MASTER-key off before the third long beep ends.
•Apply an ACCESS-key-to-be to the reader. One short and one long beeps sound ("STORED").
One long beep (without a short one) testifies an error (the key already exists or it is defective).
•For next ACCESS-key memorizing apply it to the reader, and so on.
•Apply the MASTER-key briefly, after 2 long beeps apply it again to return into ACCESS mode.
NOTE: 5 short beeps sound, when 670 users' keys are stored.
Further memorizing of ACCESS-keys is impossible.
GUARD-keys memorizing
•Apply the MASTER-key to the reader for 5 seconds at least. The lock is released, short beeps
and three long beeps sound. Take the MASTER-key off before the third long beep ends.
•Press the EXIT button briefly (one long beep sounds, LED lights).
•Apply a GUARD- key-to-be to the reader. One short and one long beeps sound ("STORED").
•For next GUARD- key memorizing apply it to the reader, and so on.
•Apply the MASTER-key briefly to return into ACCESS mode, when finished.
NOTE: 5 short beeps sound, when 7 GUARD-keys are stored in the memory.
Further memorizing of GUARD-keys is impossible.
ACCESS- and GUARD-keys erasing
•Apply the MASTER-key to the reader for 5 seconds at least. The lock is released, short beeps
and three long beeps sound. Take the MASTER-key off before the third long beep ends.
•Apply the MASTER-key briefly to the reader. Two long beeps sound, LED lights.
•Apply a key to be erased to the reader. One short and one long beeps sound ("DONE").
One long beep (without a short one) testifies an error (the key does not exist in memory).
•For next key erasing apply it to the reader, and so on.
• Apply the MASTER-key briefly to return into ACCESS mode, when finished.
NOTE 1: Erasing of a key clears a corresponding memory cell. During the further memorizing,
a key-code will be stored into the first clear cell found. Take it into account managing "Key No…- User"
NOTE 2: Key No1 (ACCESS or GUARD) can be erased under condition of erasing of all keys.
Lost keys erasing
•Apply the MASTER-key to the reader for 5 seconds at least. The lock is released, short beeps
and three long beeps sound. Take the MASTER-key off before the third long beep ends.
•Apply the MASTER-key briefly to the reader, then press the EXIT button twice. LED shuts off.
•Apply the key with previous number (N-1) and the lost key (number N) is erased.
•Apply the MASTER-key briefly to return into ACCESS mode, when finished.
All keys erasing
The following sequence of operations results in erasing of all keys, including the MASTER-key!
•Turn the power off.
•Remove the lid and take the PRG jumper off.
•Turn the power on. A long beep sounds.
•Press the EXIT button. Twenty short beeps sound, LED lights. (The system waits for confirmation).
To confirm, press and hold the EXIT button for 2 seconds while the short beeps sound.
All keys codes are erased during 20 seconds, and the long beep sounds.
•Turn the power off, restore the PRG jumper to its place and fix the lid.