Media Server and Set-top Box Installation Guide
mini-VSAT Broadband
System with IP-MobileCast
KVH, TracPhone, CommBox, IP-MobileCast, NEWSlink, SPORTSlink, MOVIElink, TVlink, MUSIClink, and TRAININGlink are trademarks of
KVH Industries, Inc. mini-VSAT Broadband is a service mark of KVH Industries, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective
companies. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. No company shall be liable for errors contained herein.
© 2014-2016 KVH Industries, Inc., All rights reserved. 54-1050 Rev. D
This guide explains how to install a KVH Media Server and an optional Set-top Box on a vessel
equipped with a mini-VSAT Broadband antenna system.
Who Should Perform the Installation?
To ensure a safe and effective installation, only a KVH-certified technician should install the Media
Server. To find a technician near you, visit If you are installing the
Media Server with a new TracPhone
VIP-series antenna system, install and test the TracPhone system
first in accordance with its Installation Guide.
IMPORTANT! Network Planning Required
Before you connect the Media Server to any vessel network, you MUST consult with the vessel’s ICT
(Information and Communications Technology) specialist/network administrator to choose the right
network mode, identify any additional network devices/Ethernet cabling that needs to be installed,
and get their signed agreement on the Installation Plan (see “Choosing a Network Mode” on page 10).
Early engagement and collaboration with the vessel’s authorized network expert is essential!
Technical Support
1. Product Overview ................................. 3
2. Bench Testing ......................................... 4
3. Activating the Service ........................... 5
4. Installing the Media Server .................. 6
5. Connecting Power ................................. 7
6. Accessing the Web Interface ................ 9
7. Choosing a Network Mode................ 10
8. Setting the Network Mode..................11
9. Configuring a Third-Party Router .....12
10. Connecting to the Network.................13
11. Installing the Set-top Box ....................14
12. Testing the Media Server.....................15
13. Testing the Set-top Box........................16
14. Educating the Customer......................17
A. Troubleshooting................................... 18
B. Maintenance ......................................... 21
C. Specifications........................................ 22
D. Network Configuration Options....... 23
E. Playback Devices Supported.............. 28
North/South America, Australasia:
Phone: 1 866 701-7103 (U.S. only)
Phone: +1 401 851-3806
Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia-Pacific
Phone: +45 45 160 147