Table Of Figures
Studio Color LCD Controller
Table Of Figures
Figure 1-1. Location of the controller’s voltage selection
switch and fuse. ...................................................1-8
Figure 2-1. Connectors on the controller’s rear panel. ..........2-2
Figure 2-2. The controller’s Addr(ess) menu is at the top
level in the Studio Color menu system............... 2-9
Figure 2-3. The fixture’s Info menu displays information
about the fixture, including the’s current
firmware version............................................... 2-10
Figure 2-4. The controller’s Ver(sion) menu displays the
current firmware version................................... 2-10
Figure 2-5. The controller’s Addr(ess) menu allows you
to set an fixture number from 1—8 so the
controller will recognize the fixture.................. 2-12
Figure 2-6. The fixture number display............................... 2-12
Figure 2-7. The Set menu allows you to change various
fixture parameters, including how fixtures
are addressed..................................................... 2-13
Figure 2-8. The CHNL menu option selects either
DMX addressing or fixture number
“addressing”...................................................... 2-13
Figure 2-9. Configuring the fixture to be controlled by
fixture numbers rather than DMX 512
addresses........................................................... 2-13
Figure 2-10. Properly-constructed data cable........................ 2-15
Figure 2-11. Constructing a data cable terminator................ 2-16
Figure 2-12. Each of the eight fixtures connected to
this controller responds independently to
control commands............................................. 2-17
Figure 2-13. This example shows three controllers
interconnected via their Master and Slave
ports. The master controller provides a single
point of playback control.................................. 2-18
Figure 2-14. Connect the male end of a 3-pin XLR cable
to the controller’s female Data Out port........... 2-19
Figure 2-15. Location of the Master and Slave ports on the
controller’s rear panel....................................... 2-21
Figure 2-16. Location of MIDI In and Out ports................... 2-22