Danfoss DECS 2.0 Operating instructions

Operating instructions
Installation Guide
DECS 2.0
Danfoss District Energy VI.HX.C1.02 DEN-SMT/DK
1.0 Contents .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1
2.0 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
2.1 DECS 2.0 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
3.0 Hard- and software requirements, server side ..........................................................................................................................................................2
3.1 DECS 2.0 server ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
3.2 Data communication interface on DECS 2.0 server ..............................................................................................................................................3
4.0 Hard- and software requirements, client side ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.1 DECS 2.0 client ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
5.0 Installation and setup ........................................................................................................................................................................................................4
5.1 Atvise installation ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.2 OPC UA server installation ..............................................................................................................................................................................................6
5.3 Auto start and bat le .......................................................................................................................................................................................................6
5.4 Communication setup ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.5 Browser setup ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.6 General settings ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.7 Billing ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.8 Billing methods ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Standard ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Tannheim ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Sono ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Solarcomplex .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
1.0 Contents
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
DEN-SMT/DK VI.HX.C1.02 Danfoss District Energy
2.0 Introduction
2.1 DECS 2.0
The Danfoss Energy Control System (DECS) is a web-based SCADA
software solution (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) for
district heating systems.
This SCADA solution is typically installed locally at the heating utility
and will automatically congure its user interface and functionality
to support the application on the controller (for example Danfoss
ECL Comfort 310).
The user of the DECS 2.0 system is able to remote control and monitor
the parameters settings in the controllers and also monitor actual,
reference and historical values of sensors and meters connected to
the controller.
Danfoss ECL Comfort 310, OPR0010 and OPR0020 controllers are
supported by the auto-conguration features of DECS 2.0, but other
district heating controllers, e.g. the ECL Apex 20 controller can also
be supported by manually adding graphics and programs into DECS
This installation guide is intended for installers who are responsible
for the installation of the DECS 2.0 software at district heating
utilities, in larger plants or at owners/operators of stand-alone district
heating plants.
Data is constantly exchanged between controllers and the DECS 2.0
server, and conguration reports and alarm reports are generated
automatically. In addition the heating station and substation
installations can be controlled and monitored from everywhere, as
the server provides an intuitive user interface that is accessible from
any standard browser on a PC, laptop or smartphone connected to
the internet.
The present installation guide contains detailed explanation on how
to install the DECS 2.0 system as well as requirements to hard- and
software. If you need further information on controllers to be used
together with the DECS 2.0 system, please see the below literature
Additional technical literature related to the DECS 2.0 Danfoss
Energy Control system:
* Data sheet on DECS 2.0 VD.HX. A1
* Quick guide for end users on DECS 2.0 VI.HX.B1
* User guide for operators on DECS 2.0 VI.HX. A1
* Installation guide on ECL Comfort 310,
application P330
3.0 Hard- and software requirements, server side
3.1 DECS 2.0 server
Operating system • Microsoft® Windows XP (SP3 with latest
updates installed) (32-bit)
Microsoft® Windows 7 (SP1 with latest
updates installed) (32-bit)
CPU Intel® or AMD® processor (>= 1,6 GHz)
RAM Minimum: 4 GB RAM
Free disc space 500 GB
(depending on the number of controllers connected to DECS 2.0
and archieving frequency)
Video A windows certied graphics card and driver.
Minimum resolution is 1280*1024 pixel
party software • Atvise server V2.1.18 (Certec)
Loytec network interface software 4.1.x for
LON networks
Microsoft® .NET Framework 3.5 and
compatible versions
Web browser SVG capable internet browser:
Mozilla Firefox up to version 13.0.1
Please see section 5.5 for deactivation of automatic update
Internet Explorer 9.0
Web browser must comply with requirements of Atvise SCADA
Client software
(visit http://www.atvise.com)
Backup recommendations RAID Level 1 or RAID Level 5
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
Danfoss District Energy VI.HX.C1.02 DEN-SMT/DK
3.2 Data communication interface on DECS 2.0 server
Modbus RS485 port compatible with
MOXA UPort 1130
MOXA NPort 5150
Phoenix Contact FL COM SERVER RS485
TCP/IP Ethernet compatible interface
LON bus Loytec LON NIC (LonWorks/EIA 709) using PCI, Parallel or USB for
LON networks
4.0 Hard- and software requirements, client side
4.1 DECS 2.0 client
Operating system Microsoft® Windows XP (SP3 with latest
updates installed)
Microsoft® Windows 7 (SP1 with latest
updates installed)
CPU Intel® or AMD® processor (>= 1,6 GHz)
RAM Minimum: 2 GB RAM
Free disk space 1 GB
Video A windows certied graphics card and driver.
Minimum resolution is 1280*1024 pixel
Web browser SVG capable internet browser:
Mozilla Firefox up to version 13.0.1
Please see section 5.5 for deactivation of automatic update
Internet Explorer 9.0
Web browser must comply with requirements of Atvise SCADA
Client software
(visit http://www.atvise.com)
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
DEN-SMT/DK VI.HX.C1.02 Danfoss District Energy
5.0 Installation and setup
5.1 Atvise installation
To install the Atvise system, execute the installer atvise-2.1.18-
In the installer welcome screen, click ‘Next.
The wizard will guide you through the necessary steps.
Fig. 1: Installer welcome screen
Choose the destination folder for the Atvise system and
click ‘Next.
Fig. 2: Destination folder
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
Danfoss District Energy VI.HX.C1.02 DEN-SMT/DK
When the installation is done, click ‘Finish (see gure 3).
Fig. 3: Atvise setup completed
Upon installation, the ‘Project Console is displayed.
Before the Atvise system can be used a license must be entered.
Enter the License dialog (see gure 5) by clicking the ‘License
menu item. Copy and paste the license code supplied by your
system provider and click OK.
Now stop the Atvise server (see gure 4) by clicking the ‘Stop’ but-
ton, wait for the start button to turn green. The supplied Nodes.db
can now be copied to the root of the Atvise installation directory
(see gure 2).
Afterwards start the server from the ‘Project Console (see gure 4).
Wait for the stop button to turn red. The DECS 2.0 system can now
be entered by clicking the ‘Browser’ button in the ‘Project Console.
Fig. 4: Project console
The context menu of the Atvise program in the notication area.
If the windows security settings request administrator privileges,
then the context menu will ask you to click the menu item ‘Run As
Fig. 5: Context menu
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
DEN-SMT/DK VI.HX.C1.02 Danfoss District Energy
5.2 OPC UA server installation
To install the OPC UA server, simply copy and paste the supplied
OPC-Server and Cong folder to a desired destination folder.
Fig. 6: OPC server folder
5.3 Auto start and bat le
To add automatically startup of the DECS system upon Windows
reboot, a bat le can be added to the start / startup folder of the
Windows system.
To make the bat le or to modify, start MS. Notepad and write in
the necessary lines to start up the system with your conguration.
Save the le in your desired destination with ‘File->SAVE AS’ and
change the ‘save as type:’ to all les (*.*)’ and input the le name
with the extension bat.
Fig. 7: How to make the bat le
A network driver is necessary to make it possible for the OPC
server to communicate with the controllers. An installation can
contain a mix of the following types of network, if so then a driver
for each type should be added to the bat le.
If the controller network is of the type TCP, then the following line
should be part of the bat le:
(In the following example the desired destination folder is:
start /b “DriverC:\DECS\2_1_18\OPC-Server\Driver\Com-
If the controller network is of the type LON, then the following line
should be part of the bat le:
(In the following example the desired destination folder is:
start /b “DriverC:\DECS\2_1_18\OPC-Server\Driver\CommDrv-
If the controller network is of the type Modbus, then the following
line should be part of the bat le:
(In the following example the desired destination folder is:
start /b “DriverC:\DECS\2_1_18\OPC-Server\Driver\CommDrv-
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
Danfoss District Energy VI.HX.C1.02 DEN-SMT/DK
Application example showing a locally centralized communication
To deactivate lines, place REM in front of the lines.
j Private house
k Communication server + OPC
l Internet
m Fieldbus: LON, Modbus, Ethernet communication
n DECS 2.0 client
(external service provider/district heating end users)
o ECL Comfort 310 controller
p District heating utility
q SCADA server *)
r DESC 2.0 client (central administration)
*) The SCADA server will automatically start up with Windows.
Fig. 8:
Automatic startup of OPC server
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
DEN-SMT/DK VI.HX.C1.02 Danfoss District Energy
Application example showing the DECS 2.0 system distributed in
several sub-systems.
j Private house
k Communication server
l Internet
m Fieldbus: LON, Modbus, Ethernet communication
n DECS 2.0 client
(external service provider/district heating end users)
o ECL Comfort 310 controller
p District heating utility
q OPC server
r SCADA server *)
s DESC 2.0 client (central administration)
*) The SCADA server will automatically start up with Windows.
To deactivate lines, place REM in front of the lines.
Fig. 9: Automatic startup of Communication server
Fig. 10: Automatic startup of OPC server
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
Danfoss District Energy VI.HX.C1.02 DEN-SMT/DK
Application example showing all sub-systems installed on one
localized server at the district heating utility.
j Private house
k District heating utility
l Modbus-RS485 network
m Internet
n Communication server, SCADA, OPC
o DECS 2.0 client
(external service provider/district heating end users)
p DESC 2.0 client (central administration)
q ECL Comfort 310 controller
To deactivate lines, place REM in front of the lines.
Fig. 11: Automatic startup of Communication server
Fig. 12: Automatic startup of OPC server
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
DEN-SMT/DK VI.HX.C1.02 Danfoss District Energy
5.4 Communication setup
The communication drivers for the DECS system can be found
under the ‘OPC Server / Driver folder.
If the connected controllers are using LON, then the CommDrv-
Lon.exe must be started and the Loytec NIC Driver must be
installed and setup (see gure 13).
CommDrvLon.ini must be modied in regard to the LON-Domain
and the HostAddress, if the host address is not the localhost.
We recommend the use of PCI LON NIC.
Fig. 13: Loytec NIC driver setup
The CommDrvLon.ini le must be modied, so that the LONPort is
pointing to the right com port. The HostAddress must be modi-
ed, if the localhost is not used (see gure 14).
When using the LON communication driver, please make sure
that the lt_proxy.dll is compatibel with the Loytec NIC driver. The
version can be veried in the rst lines of the LOG le after starting
the driver. You will nd the LOG le in the desired destination
folder under OPC\driver\log.
It should read:
‘LON-CheckNic: Proxy DLL, NIC Software, DLLs OK’
Note that the version number can vary! (see gure 15).
In doubt please overwrite the actual lt_proxy.dll with the le from
the Loytec NIC install directory. The le location is normally: ‘C:\
Program Files\LOYTEC\NIC\Windows\OrionStack\dll\’
Fig. 14: CommDrvLon.ini setup
Fig. 15: LonDebugLOG
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
Danfoss District Energy VI.HX.C1.02 DEN-SMT/DK
If the controllers are using Modbus, then the CommDrvModbus.
exe must be started.
The CommDrvModbus.ini le must be modied, so the Modbus-
Port is pointing to the right com port.
The HostAddress must be modied, if the localhost is not used (see
gure 16).
Fig. 16: CommDrvModbus.ini setup
Port conguration is done with comredir_2.2-301.exe and the
setup can look like the following (see gure 17).
Fig. 17: Comredirector setup
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
DEN-SMT/DK VI.HX.C1.02 Danfoss District Energy
If the connected controllers are using TCP/IP, then the Comm-
DrvTcp.exe must be started.
The CommDrvTcp.ini must be modied if the HostAddress is not
the localhost (see gure 18).
Fig. 18: CommDrvTcp.ini setup
The communication drivers are located under the folder ‘OPC-
Fig. 19: Location of the communication drivers
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
Danfoss District Energy VI.HX.C1.02 DEN-SMT/DK
5.5 Browser setup
To avoid the browser in updating to a new, not supported version,
remove the automatic check for update.
Please consult the user guide of your browser.
To permit the browser in showing old data upon an update, deac-
tivate the cache management.
Please consult the user guide of your browser.
5.6 General settings
Before changes to ‘General settings you need to login. Please see
the section on login in User Guide VI.HX.A1.
In the ‘General settings page you can nd the settings for the plac-
ing of les.
If desired, the eld ‘Export Path controls where the csv output
from ‘Reports’ are stored.
If customer folders are created, the eld ‘Customer Folder’ con-
trols their placing.
The path must be terminated with single backslash (“\”).
Fig. 20: General settings page
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
DEN-SMT/DK VI.HX.C1.02 Danfoss District Energy
5.7 Billing
There are four dierent billing types:
Kind 0 Standard
Kind 1 Tannheim
Kind 2 Sono
Kind 3 Solarcomplex
Each kind has dierent formatting and limitations.
The billing kind is chosen by setting the type number as the value
in the system parameters ‘Billing Kind1’.
Fig. 21: Billing Kind 1
To set the destination folder for the billing data, set the value of
the system parameters ‘Billing Path. The path must be written with
double backslash (“\\”).
The path must be terminated with double backslash (“\\”).
Fig. 22: Billing Path
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
Danfoss District Energy VI.HX.C1.02 DEN-SMT/DK
5.8 Billing methods
Billing method 0: Standard File name:
For each controller: “R”+ ControllerID + “:”Max. 10 (OPR20) or 5
(ECL310 + OPR10) meter data –
amount of heat + read-out time
For each controller: “R”+ ControllerID + “:”Max. 10 (OPR20) or 5
(ECL310 + OPR10) meter data –
amount of heat, reading + read-out time
Billing method 1: Tannheim File name:
Object number
_ Meter number
_ Calculator unit
_ Date in the format: DD.MM.YY
_ Volume
_ Heat amount
_ Date in the format: DD.MM.YY
_ 1
_ Date/time of the read-out is in the format: DD.MM.YYY HH:MM:SS
The format is split up with semicolon and all lines are terminated
with a new line.
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
DEN-SMT/DK VI.HX.C1.02 Danfoss District Energy
5.8 Billing methods (continued)
Billing method 2: Sono File name:
_ ControllerID
_ Number for each MBusUnit (from 1 – 10, if available)
_ Amount of heat
_ Tari energy 1
_ Tari energy 2
_ Tari energy 3 (=amount of heat – Tari energy 1 – Tari energy 2)
_ Date/time from read out in the format: DD.MM.YYY HH:MM:SS
The format is split up with semicolon and all lines are terminated
with a new line.
Billing method 3: Solarcomplex File name:
_ “Billing:”
_ Meter number (Fixed length 80 Byte; if not used, lled with „)
_ Additional name (Fixed length 16 Byte; if not used, lled with „)
_ EdisKZ (Fixed length 30 Byte; if not used, lled with „)
_ Amount of heat (Fixed length 13 Byte; if not used, lled with „)
_ Read-out date in the format: YYYYMMDD (Fixed length 8 Byte)
_ Read-out indicator (Fixed length 5 Byte; if not used, lled with „)
_ Settlement date in the format: YYYYMMMDD (Fixed length 8 Byte)
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
Danfoss District Energy VI.HX.C1.02 DEN-SMT/DK
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
DEN-SMT/DK VI.HX.C1.02 Danfoss District Energy
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
Danfoss District Energy VI.HX.C1.02 DEN-SMT/DK
Installation Guide DECS 2.0
Produced by Danfoss A/S © 10/2012
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Danfoss DECS 2.0 Operating instructions

Operating instructions

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