Application Sheet
Lit. No.
ECL2000 with M-Bus Heat Meter
To other equipment or
The limiter function enables the ECL 2000 to
reduce or increase the flow temperature
in the heat circuit in accordance with various
parameters being measured by the control-
ler. The available limiter functionality de-
pends on what sensors are connected to the
ECL 2000.
The energy limiter function in the ECL 2000
is available when the data from an energy
sensor (e.g. heat meter with M-Bus inter-
face) is connected through a Danfoss M-Bus
converter via a LON network to one
of the available LON inputs L1, L2, L3 or L4
at the ECL 2000 and the relevant SNVTs are
The data for accumulated energy is auto-
matically transferred and collected in the
ECL 2000 together with the data for actual
The energy limiter function is also available
for the hot-water circuit.
When the energy consumption exceeds a
user-defined set point (max. limiting), the
hot-water temperature can be modified
(typically reduced).
Parameters for the energy limiter are set up
in the ECL 2000 service menu.
The data received from the heat meter via
the LON network is upon request or if
bound, transmitted to other LON devices or
to a SCADA system / main station.