Pixel 6a

Google Pixel 6a User manual

  • Hello! I've analyzed the Nikon S Rangefinder Camera user manual and am ready to assist you. This manual details the camera's functions, from winding the film and setting shutter speeds to focusing and using various lenses. I can answer your questions about synchronizing flash, depth of field settings, and more for this camera. Please, ask your question.
  • How do I set the shutter speed?
    How do I focus the camera?
    How do I use the depth of field scale?
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Front View
A. Winding knob
B. Automotic exposure counter
C. Shuffer releose button ond screw for
ottoching coble releose
D. Fost shutter-speed diol
E. Slow shutter-speed diol
F. lever for winding ond rewinding the
G. Rewinding knob
l-1. Accessory shoe
l. Combined ronge and view finder windowg
J. Focusing wheel
K. Infinity lock for focusing-wheel
t. Diophrogm ring
A^. Spring cotch for lens
N. Depth of field scole
O. Distonce scole
P. Eyelet for neck strop
A. Synchronizer sockel " F " (fosl shutter)
R. Lens cop
Reor View
Eye-piece for combined ronge ond
view finder
Synchronizer socket
locks for removing
(slow shutter)
ond replocing comero
V. Socket lo receive
evereody cose
or tripod
screw on
:11 '- r'rj
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Digitally signed by mike
DN: cn=mike butkus,
o=orphancameras, ou=29,
Date: 2017.06.27 19:05:47
Set f ever on " A " (Fig. 25) so rhoi film moy
be odvonced.
The bock ond boltom of the comerct ore mode
in one piece. To remove, lurn fhe lwo semi'
circulor locks on the bottom (Fig. 26) until fhe
engroved orrows poinl lo " o ". The comers
bock is now unlocked ond moy be rernoved by
sfiding it with lhumb os shown in fig. 27.
Ploce o film cortridge or o looded film mogo-
zine in the left end chomber so lhot proieclion
on the ouler shell of the mogozine fits in lhe
guide notch.
Insert the end of the leoder of the mogozine
film into the slit on the loke-up spool (Fig. 28)
ond let o little proiection ot the enlronce of
the slit cotch lhe perforolion on the film-
Then lurn the spool forther ond lel the sprockei
cotch lhe perforotion of the film (Fig. 29).
When film hos been looded reploce lhe comero's
bock ond secure it by turning the semi-circulor
locks until the orrows point to " S "
h is importoni thot the comero bock is properly
reploced ond locked. lf there is ony difficulty
in locking, open ogoin ond see if the film is
properly in ploce.
In order lo oscertoin thol the loke-up spool
hos cought ihe film properly, turn the winding
knob slightly ond see if rhe rewinding knob
rototes in rhe d irection opposite lo thot
indicoted by lhe orrow
Before sforting to ioke piclures with o newly
looded film, turn the winding knob ond press
lhe releose bufton, gnd repeol lhe some opero'
tion ogoin in order to poss thot porl of the
fitm which hos probobly been offected by light
during looding.
Automatic Exposure 0ounter
Set the counter (fig. 30) ot zero,
using the two smoll lugs on the
foce of it. The counter indicofes ,
ihe number of pictures loken.
not the number of unexposed
To remove the exposed film rewind the film bock into the
cortridge or film mogozine,
A roll of film which hos only portly been exposed con olso
be rewound ond removed for some purpose or olher The
.some roll cqn be looded ogoin ot o loler dole, ond the
unexposed port used ogoin. In this cose nofe the number
of exposed fromes indicoted on the exposure counler, ond
use il for guidonce when using lhe film ogoin.
To rewind o wholy or porlly exposed roll, lurn the reversing
lever (Fig. 3l) to " R " ond revolve the rewinding knob in
thbi birection lo which the engroved orrow points. When
the film is completely rewound, resistqnce is feh, bul keep
on lurning the rewinding knob until fhis resislonce is no longer
felt ond lhe turning of shutter releose buffon slops, which
con be oscertoined by wotching lhe red mork on lhe top
of the bullon. The film hos ndw been complelely rewound,
ond moy be unloqded.
When o color fflter is used, il needs lo lengthen exposure
lime or lo enlorge lens opening i.e, lo choose o Jower
diophrogm scole figure occording to the requiremenl of lhe
fiher focfor, which should olso be odiusted by the sensitivity
of the film used.
Fihers occurotely mode ond well finished ore supplied (Fig.
32) tor stondord 5 cm F : 1.4 ond ,F : 2 Nikkor lenses in the
following colors ond foctors :
Yl Light Yellow 1.5-2 times
Y3 Medium Yellow 2.5-3 times
R0 Oronge 3.5-4 times
Sizes of fhe filter ore 50 mm
in diometer, Series Vll for
F:1.4 ond 40mm, Series Vl for
F :2. Both surfoces of fiher
gloss ore onti-refleclion cooted.
Eoch one is furnished with
ploslic cose.
Use of Jens-hood is recommended or somelimes necessory,
when the lens hos to be protecled ogoinst frontol ond
sidewoy stroy light. Lens-hoods (fig. 33) for Nikkor sfondord
fens (f-50 mm) f : 1.4 ond J ,2 ore ovoilobte ot exlrochorge.
The hood is first screwed onto odopler ring, which in lurn
screws on lhe lens. Filter gloss when used is held belween
the hood ond the odopter. Core
must be token lest fhe filter should
fall olf vrhile hondling.
When the hood is nol used, the
filter is otlqched to tho lens by
meons of filter holder, furnished
with the hood
Hood odopter for 50 mm F t 1.4
sfondord lens is olso used for 35
mm F: 2.5 wide ongle. For 35mm
F : 3.5 slip-on firpe lens.hoocj is
Tan ffiemnova ["gms
lf it is desired to dismount the lens
l. Set the dtstogroe scste ot lnflnity.
2. Depress the spring cotch (Fig. 34) with the left thumb.
3. Turn the borrel clockwise with the right hond until
the red index mork on the borrel meets the recl
mork on the comero body.
The lens borrel con now be removed genily from lhe comero
Mor.rnting of the lens con be performed by reversing the
obove procedure.
'The opening in the comero body, if lhe comers is loqded,
should not be exposed to o brighr light while lens is re-
moved. lt is odvisoble to hold the cqmero toword your body.
Leather case and rear lens cap for l{ikkor standard lens.
These ore avoiloble ot exlro chorge. They protects the lens
from domoge or dusl when lhe lens hos been dismounted
ond kept sepcrote.
Inlerchangeclble trens
!n order to fix telephoto or vride ongle lens lc the comero
I Set lhe ronge scsles borh of cdmers ond lens
ot Infinity.
2 Push lho len: into the opening of the comero body
(Fig. 35) cs for os it goes, moking sure thot o red
mork on the lens borrel is on lhe some line os thot
of the comero body
3. Then lurn the lcns to the left (onti-clockwise) until it
stops with o click.
4. See thot in this position the fluted piece returns lo
the originol position.
Dismounting of the lens con be performed by reversing lhe
obove procedure with the fluted piece depressed,
Telephoto lens should nol be focused by meons of the
focusing wheel on the comero, but by turning the knurled
ring on lhe lens borrel.
When infro-red film is used, the distonce selting obtoined
by meons of double imoge coincidence lhrough ronge finder
hos lo be rectified before shooling by wheeling round the
distonce morking ogoinst the index mork represented by o
red rod to R. ?{
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Telephoio [ens should be ploced into its leofher eose, hood
firsl. lf hood is neor.the enlronce, chonces ore lhof you pulf,
fhe l.ens out by the hood ond the lens drops off.
Vfeur Ffilder
The wide cngle lens covers o lorger fleld of view' ond the
lelepolo lens tokes o smsller field of view compored with
0hcl covered bY o stondord lens'
Hence, fhe use of speciol view finders to suil interchongeoble
are the folicwing three kinds. One is good for one
length only.
For Telephofo
lens 'l 35 mm rJ, ri"Prrot" For Wide Angle
lens 85 mm lens 35 mm
of focol length only, o universol view finder is designed for
universol duty for oll types' There qre two kinds : vorifocol
ond vorifrome.
Siip the finder with its proiected eye piece towords the
bock of tlre comero onto the occessory shoe (Fig. 3Z)' Set
ihe indicotor to the scole on the body of the flnder occording
to the focol lenglh of the lens being used. When 2'8 cm
lens is used, put cn oitcchment lens on the finCer front,
indicotor being set ot 3.5 cm.
Focus the lens ond then set
lhe porollox odiustment scole
ot the view fincler bqse in
conformif y with the focused
distonce shown on the borrel
of the lens (Fig. 38).
Use the red ind icotor for