Set f ever on " A " (Fig. 25) so rhoi film moy
be odvonced.
The bock ond boltom of the comerct ore mode
in one piece. To remove, lurn fhe lwo semi'
circulor locks on the bottom (Fig. 26) until fhe
engroved orrows poinl lo " o ". The comers
bock is now unlocked ond moy be rernoved by
sfiding it with lhumb os shown in fig. 27.
Ploce o film cortridge or o looded film mogo-
zine in the left end chomber so lhot proieclion
on the ouler shell of the mogozine fits in lhe
guide notch.
Insert the end of the leoder of the mogozine
film into the slit on the loke-up spool (Fig. 28)
ond let o little proiection ot the enlronce of
the slit cotch lhe perforolion on the film-
Then lurn the spool forther ond lel the sprockei
cotch lhe perforotion of the film (Fig. 29).
When film hos been looded reploce lhe comero's
bock ond secure it by turning the semi-circulor
locks until the orrows point to " S "
h is importoni thot the comero bock is properly
reploced ond locked. lf there is ony difficulty
in locking, open ogoin ond see if the film is
properly in ploce.
In order lo oscertoin thol the loke-up spool
hos cought ihe film properly, turn the winding
knob slightly ond see if rhe rewinding knob
rototes in rhe d irection opposite lo thot
indicoted by lhe orrow
Before sforting to ioke piclures with o newly
looded film, turn the winding knob ond press
lhe releose bufton, gnd repeol lhe some opero'
tion ogoin in order to poss thot porl of the
fitm which hos probobly been offected by light
during looding.
Automatic Exposure 0ounter
Set the counter (fig. 30) ot zero,
using the two smoll lugs on the
foce of it. The counter indicofes ,
ihe number of pictures loken.
not the number of unexposed