Lcns: Pen F3.5 D. Zuiko 1 clement f3.5,
28 mm focol lcngth.
Pen-S F2.8 D. Zuiko 4 elcmcnt 12.8,
30 mm focol lcnglh.
Shutter: Pcn F3.5 Copol with Blub, I lZS, tlSO,
l/100, ll20O second.
Pen F2.8 Copol with Blub, l18, lll5,
t/30, t/60, | 1125,
F/rtopr: Pen F3.5f
3.5f 4f 5.6f 8f ll Jl6t22
t2.8 t1f 5.6 f I f ll
r Luminous Bright Fromc Findcr 0.5
Focuring: Helicol focuring with morkings ot 2leel,
2.25,2.5 3, 1, 5,7, 10, 15, 30 ond
Infinity. Click stops ot 7 ond | 5 feet.
(Greot ronge ot | 5 feet ollow3 every-
thing to be shorp from 6 feet to
Infnity.| By revolving the helicol ring
or for oul or posible, you will bc
focuted ot obout I foot.
Winding : Round roll wind ol comero rcor dcsigncd
lo roll quickly right olong your thumb.
One lhumb molion winds film for ncxt
thol, cocks lhe shutlcr, counls the
expo3ure, prevenlr doublc exposurG.
Rcwind: Fold-down cronk type rewind levcr.
Looding: Entire bock cover unlocks, tlipr down
ond oul.
Dimension: Pen F3.5 2.7 inch high 4.2 inch widc,
1.6 inch deep over oll ouler dimcnrions.
Pen-S F2.8 2J inch high, 1.2 inch wide,
1.6 inch deep overoll outer dimensions.
Weight: Pen F3.5 350 gr.
Pen-S F2.8 400 gr.