Inslructions for use of Focor lenses:
o Focusing
- Approoch the subject with the comero unfil you see it in the vievvfinder
in the size desired. Then - occording to the distonce (toble, columns ll to lV)
fit the oppropriote Focor lens or both lenses
over the comero lens mount (F
2 on
the comero lens ond F
I on top of the F 2 lens).
Meosure the exoct distonce
from the summii of the lens to the centre of the subiect
qnd set
the lens
to the oppropriqle distonce
os per column
I of the toble corresponding
to whqt is given by columns ll to lV.
o Aperture qnd depth of field - To moke sure of odequote depth of field, stop down
to of leost f15.6
or fl8. For copying of text motter flll or fl16 is recommended.
o Viewfinder lmoge Fit the Proxirect ottochment into the occessory shoe of the
comero so thot it is in front of the viewfinder. Then rotote the front ond reor scole
rings to set the distonce corresponding to the subiect distonce. You now see the
finder imoge free from porollox. The slight vignetting of the corners, due to the
rounded shope of the Proxirect,
will, of course, not oppeor in the picture.
o Exposure - The Focor lenses do not offect the exposure volue determined in the
normol woy. When using o colour filter, mount it in front of the Focor lens
ond toke
into occount its foctor.
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