16 Mseries User Instructions Part Two
2 Barcodes 2.2 Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC)
2.2 Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC)
The SSCC is used to identify and track packages or logistics
units. It constitutes a barcode sticker on the side of a package
that contains the company name, plus a unique identifying
number known as the ‘serial reference’.
Note: SSCC barcodes are printed on pack run total labels only.
There are two types of SSCC that can be programmed:
• Sequence number SSCC which gets the serial reference
from the existing transation sequence number with the 2
digit machine ID at the front - this ensures that the serial
reference is unique.
• Consecutive number SSCC which gets the serial
reference from a new machine based, consecutive
number. The Machine ID may be appended to the front of
the consecutive number.
Note: AI and Dewey Codes can be found in sections 10.2 and
10.3 respectively.
Barcode Programming
The barcode programming is the same as for GTIN. The ‘S’
code in the barcode format is already used to refer to a
transaction sequence number.
The example below shows how a barcode format for an SSCC
is programmed where a 7 digit prefix is required and the
transaction sequence number is being used as the serial
reference number.
This is an example with EAN 128 and demonstrates a
sequential barcode.
Digit 123456789101112131415161718
Packaging Type Check Digit
Company Prefix Serial Reference