Security Log
The security log is a report which shows functions that have been carried out above a user‐entered security level. For
example, a report printed for security level eight would print each level eight and nine function carried out, with the date
and time and the name of the operator who performed the function.
2.4 Machine Data
Machine date is configuration information that applies only to the individual scale. It allows the scale to be customised for
its operating role in the store.
Pre‐set key assignments
The programmable keys on the membrane keyboard may be set to any combination of functions, including PLU, tares,
Departments or Operators.
The different types of assignments are:
• Standard key assignments.
• ECR key assignments.
•Pre‐pack key assignments.
• Function key assignments.
Standard key assignment:
PLU, Operator, Log, PIN, Tax, Department, Tare, Prop. Tare, Dual Capacity, Alternate Currency, Return,
Discount, Sub ‐ total and Hash, Hand Price Keys, ‐UP/PLU Positive Non‐weighed, Negative Non‐weighed,
Traceability Panel, Edit Preset Traceability, Traceability Passport, Pre‐Weigh, Code, Stock, Weight Override,
Checkout Operator, Customer Number and Consecutive Number, PLU search, Paper Select, Fixed Price, Re‐
open Receipt, Print Control, Quick Price Promo, PLU Data Print.
ECR key assignments:
Up to 15 payment keys, No Sale, Float, Pick up, Paid out, Received on Account and Refund.
Pre‐pack key assignments:
Rewrap, Non‐add, Wrapper on/off, re‐price and pack run.
Function Key Assignments:
Add, Clear, Enter, Fix Number, Override, Zero, Void, Test, Tare, Price Base, Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Total, Yes
The pre‐set keys can be re‐titled by applying adhesive labels to the operator's overlay or by re‐printing the complete
2.5 Data back‐up
Data back‐up provides the following options:
System Dump/System Load. Saving and loading the following data to/from memory stick:
PLU's, logo's, carcass tracking data, ADD label info, tax rates, stored tares, Euro rate and symbol, label
formats, scroll messages sign‐on/off messages, store name, operator numbers, network ID, departments
information labels, pack runs, nutritional information, e‐mail alerts, sales messages and discounts.
Machine Dump/Load. Saving and loading the following data to/from memory stick:
Machine identity, key assignments, key set‐ups, printer set‐up, print modes, trace code, symbols, custom
menus, label mode, label type, label detect, tare interlock, barcode assignments, Euro print set‐up and
display contrast.
Totals Receive. Saves and loads a backup file of the totals information produced from the scale.
2.6 Data Reports
The following reports may be printed on receipt paper for data management purposes:
PLU file list, operators report, text report, discount list, security level, payment key list, account list, promo
batch list, traceabilityreports, barcodes, logos, tax rates, tare weights, AIs, nutrients, pack runs,
information labels, vouchers, batch reports, e‐mail set‐up, PLU data print and Mix n Match.
Any data report can be halted by pressing the Clear key.