Krone BA EasyCut TS 320 Operating instructions

Operating instructions
Original operating instructions
Disc Mower
EasyCut TS 320
(from serial no.: 941 140)
Order no.: 150 000 772 00 us
Table of Contents
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Table of Contents
Pos: 3 /Überschrif ten/Überschrif ten 1/F-J/Inhaltsverzeic hnis @ 31\mod_12519699 52727_78.docx @ 302165 @ 1 @ 1
1 Table of Contents
Pos: 4 /BA/Inhaltsver zeichnis Sprachenne utral @ 10\mod_1221574899 104_0.docx @ 135495 @ @ 1
1Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................... 3
2To this Document ................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1Validity ................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2Re-Ordering ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3Further applicable documents ............................................................................................................ 6
2.4Target group of this document ........................................................................................................... 6
2.5How to use this document .................................................................................................................. 6
2.5.1Directories and References ........................................................................................................ 6
2.5.2Direction Information ................................................................................................................... 7
2.5.3Term “Machine” ........................................................................................................................... 7
2.5.4Figures ........................................................................................................................................ 7
2.5.5Scope of Document..................................................................................................................... 7
2.5.6Means of representation ............................................................................................................. 7
2.5.7Conversion table ....................................................................................................................... 10
3Safety ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1Intended use ..................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2Service life of the machine ............................................................................................................... 11
3.3Basic safety instructions ................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.1Importance of the operating instructions ................................................................................... 12
3.3.2Personnel qualification .............................................................................................................. 12
3.3.3Children in danger ..................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.4Connect the machine to the tractor ........................................................................................... 13
3.3.5Structural changes to the machine ........................................................................................... 13
3.3.6Additional equipment and spare parts ...................................................................................... 13
3.3.7Workstations on the Machine .................................................................................................... 13
3.3.8Operational safety: Technically perfect condition ..................................................................... 14
3.3.9Danger zones ............................................................................................................................ 15
3.3.10Keeping safety devices functional ............................................................................................. 17
3.3.11Personal Protective Equipment ................................................................................................. 17
3.3.12Safety signs on the machine ..................................................................................................... 18
3.3.13Traffic safety .............................................................................................................................. 18
3.3.14Parking the machine safely ....................................................................................................... 19
3.3.15Consumables ............................................................................................................................ 19
3.3.16Sources of danger on the machine ........................................................................................... 19
3.3.17Dangers associated with certain activities: Work on the machine ............................................ 21
3.3.18Dangers associated with certain activities: Working on wheels and tyres ................................ 22
3.3.19Behaviour in hazardous situations and when accidents occur ................................................. 22
3.4Safety routines ................................................................................................................................. 23
3.4.1Stopping and securing the machine .......................................................................................... 23
3.4.2Supporting lifted machine and machine parts securely ............................................................ 23
3.5Safety stickers on the machine ........................................................................................................ 24
3.5.1Position and meaning of the safety stickers on the machine .................................................... 24
3.5.2Re-Ordering Safety Labels and Information Labels .................................................................. 30
3.5.3Attaching Safety Labels and Information Labels ...................................................................... 30
3.5.4Contact ...................................................................................................................................... 30
4Machine Description ............................................................................................................................ 32
Table of Contents
4.1Machine overview ............................................................................................................................. 32
4.2Identification Plate ............................................................................................................................ 33
4.3Information Required for Questions and Orders .............................................................................. 33
5Technical data....................................................................................................................................... 34
5.1Consumables ................................................................................................................................... 35
5.2Tyres ................................................................................................................................................ 35
6Commissioning..................................................................................................................................... 36
6.1Mounting onto the Tractor ................................................................................................................ 37
6.1.1Clutching points ......................................................................................................................... 37
6.2PTO shaft ......................................................................................................................................... 38
6.2.1Length adjustment..................................................................................................................... 38
6.3Install the PTO shaft ......................................................................................................................... 39
6.4Height of tractor lower suspension arms .......................................................................................... 40
7Start-up .................................................................................................................................................. 41
7.1Mounting onto the Tractor ................................................................................................................ 41
7.2Hydraulics ......................................................................................................................................... 43
7.2.1Connecting the hydraulic lines .................................................................................................. 43
7.3Lighting ............................................................................................................................................. 44
7.3.1Connecting Lighting .................................................................................................................. 44
7.4PTO shaft ......................................................................................................................................... 45
7.5Install the PTO shaft ......................................................................................................................... 46
7.6Intermediate PTO shaft .................................................................................................................... 46
7.7Using the safety chain ...................................................................................................................... 47
7.8Hitch ................................................................................................................................................. 48
7.8.1Preparations on the hitch .......................................................................................................... 48
8Operation ............................................................................................................................................... 49
8.1From transport into working position ................................................................................................ 49
8.2Before mowing ................................................................................................................................. 50
8.2.1Folding down the Safety Device ............................................................................................... 50
8.3Swivel parking jack into transport position ....................................................................................... 51
8.4Detaching the machine .................................................................................................................... 52
9Driving and Transport .......................................................................................................................... 54
9.1Preparations for road travel .............................................................................................................. 55
9.2Side guards ...................................................................................................................................... 56
9.3Clamp and Buffer ............................................................................................................................. 56
10Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 57
10.1Adjusting the cutting height .............................................................................................................. 57
10.2Adjusting Skids ................................................................................................................................. 58
10.3Setting of the Ground Pressure ........................................................................................................ 58
10.4Setting for tractor track ..................................................................................................................... 59
11Maintenance .......................................................................................................................................... 61
11.1.1Test run ..................................................................................................................................... 61
11.2Spare Parts ...................................................................................................................................... 61
11.3Maintenance table ............................................................................................................................ 62
11.4Tightening torques ............................................................................................................................ 63
11.4.1Metric Thread Screws with Control Thread .............................................................................. 63
11.4.2Metric Thread Screws with Fine Thread ................................................................................... 64
11.4.3Metric Thread Screws with Countersunk Head and Hexagonal Socket ................................... 64
Table of Contents
11.4.4Deviating Tightening Torques ................................................................................................... 65
11.5Tyres ................................................................................................................................................ 66
11.5.1Checking and maintaining tyres ................................................................................................ 66
11.6Tightening torques ............................................................................................................................ 66
11.7Spare Blade Drawer and Special Key .............................................................................................. 67
11.8Swivel Gear ...................................................................................................................................... 68
11.9Input gearbox ................................................................................................................................... 70
11.10Oil level check and oil change on the cutter bar .............................................................................. 71
11.10.1Oil change ................................................................................................................................. 71
11.10.2Checking the oil level ................................................................................................................ 71
11.10.3Aligning the Cutter Bar .............................................................................................................. 72
11.11Checking the Cutter Blades and Blade Holder ................................................................................ 73
11.11.1Cutter Blades ............................................................................................................................ 74
11.11.2Blade screw connection ............................................................................................................ 75
11.11.3Blade Quick-Fit Device ............................................................................................................. 76
11.11.4Periodical Inspection of the Leaf Springs ................................................................................. 77
11.11.5Periodical Inspection of the Cutting Discs / Blade Drums ......................................................... 78
11.11.6Abrasion Limit ........................................................................................................................... 79
11.12Blade Changing on Cutting Discs .................................................................................................... 80
11.12.1Blade Screw Connection ........................................................................................................... 81
11.12.2Blade Quick-Fit Device ............................................................................................................. 82
11.13Replacing the linings ........................................................................................................................ 83
11.14Rotary hub with shear fuse (optional) .............................................................................................. 84
11.14.1After Shearing Off ..................................................................................................................... 86
12Maintenance – lubrication ................................................................................................................... 89
12.1PTO shaft ......................................................................................................................................... 89
12.2Lubrication Chart .............................................................................................................................. 90
13Placing in Storage ................................................................................................................................ 92
14Before the Start of the New Season ................................................................................................... 93
14.1Special Safety Instructions ............................................................................................................... 93
14.2Test run. ........................................................................................................................................... 93
14.3Friction Clutch .................................................................................................................................. 94
15Disposal of the machine ...................................................................................................................... 95
15.1Disposal of the machine ................................................................................................................... 95
16Index ...................................................................................................................................................... 96
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To this Document
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2 To this Document
Pos: 7 /BA/Einleitun g/Gültigkeit/Easy Cut /Gültigkeit EasyC ut TS 320 @ 463\mod_14664139 75627_78.docx @ 312075 6 @ 2 @ 1
2.1 Validity
These operating instructions are valid for the disc mowers of series:
EasyCut TS 320
Pos: 8.1 /Überschri ften/Überschri ften 2/K-O/N/Nachbeste llung (Nachbestellun g dieses Dokuments) @ 349\ mod_1436355974813_7 8.docx @ 2625865 @ 2 @ 1
2.2 Re-Ordering
Pos: 8.2 /BA/Zu diesem Dok ument/Nachbestell ung_Text @ 349\mod_1436 355830140_78.docx @ 262 5835 @ @ 1
If this document should become wholly or partially unusable, you can request a replacement
document by stating the order number mentioned on the cover sheet.
Pos: 9 /Überschrif ten/Überschrif ten 2/K-O/M/Mitgeltende Doku mente @ 187\mod_13801 13031071_78.docx @ 1609664 @ 2 @ 1
2.3 Further applicable documents
Pos: 10 /BA/Zu diesem Doku ment/Mitgeltende Doku mente_Einführun gssatz_alle Maschi nen @ 187\mod_138011394048 3_78.docx @ 1609940 @ @ 1
To ensure that the machine is used safely and as intended, observe the following further
applicable documents:
Pos: 11 /BA/Zu diesem Doku ment/Mitgeltende Doku mente_Betriebsa nleitung(en) Gelenk welle(n) @ 347\mod_1435588 572591_78.doc x @ 2616249 @ @ 1
Operating instructions of universal shaft(s)
Pos: 12 /Überschrif ten/Überschrif ten 2/U-Z/Z/Zielgruppe di eses Dokuments @ 187\mod_1 380113123454_78.d ocx @ 1609723 @ 2 @ 1
2.4 Target group of this document
Pos: 13 /BA/Zu diesem Doku ment/Zielgruppe @ 345\ mod_1434348246902_78. docx @ 2606935 @ @ 1
This document aims at the operators of the machine fulfilling the minimum requirements of
personnel qualification; refer to chapter entitled Safety “Personnel Qualification”.
Pos: 15.1 /Überschri ften/Überschri ften 2/P-T/SSo benutzen Sie di eses Dokument @ 188\mod_138 0548350021_78.doc x @ 1614365 @ 2 @ 1
2.5 How to use this document
Pos: 15.2 /Überschri ften/Überschri ften 3/U-Z/Verzeichni sse und Verweise @ 336\mod_1 429854437094_78.d ocx @ 2556421 @ 3 @ 1
2.5.1 Directories and References
Pos: 15.3 /BA/Zu diesem Do kument/So benutzen Sie di eses Dokument_Verzei chnisse und Verweise_ Text @ 333\mod_142908537 8408_78.docx @ 2544425 @ @ 1
Table of contents/headers:
The table of contents as well as the headers in this instruction are used for quick navigation in
the chapters.
Index directory:
In the index directory, you can find information on the desired subject via catchwords which are
in alphabetical order. The index directory can be found on the last page of this instruction.
Cross references:
Cross references to another place in the operating instructions or to another document are in
the text and specify the chapter and subchapter or section. The designation of subchapters or
sections is presented in quotation marks.
Check that all screws on the machine are tight, refer to chapter Maintenance, “Tightening
The subchapter or the section can be found via an entry in the table of contents and in the index
Pos: 15.4 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.doc x @ 4165 @ @ 1
To this Document
Pos: 15.5 /BA/Zu diesem Do kument/Richtungsang aben_mit Überschr ift 3. Ebene @ 311\mod_14182 09262291_78.doc x @ 2405467 @ 3 @ 1
2.5.2 Direction Information
Direction information in this document such as front, rear, right and left always applies in the
direction of travel.
Pos: 15.6 /Überschri ften/Überschri ften 3/A-E/B/Begri ff "Maschine" @ 337\mod_143 0721887716_78.doc x @ 2563575 @ 3 @ 1
2.5.3 Term “Machine”
Pos: 15.7 /BA/Zu diesem Do kument/Begriff Maschine_Mähwerke @ 338\mod_1 430722216123_78.d ocx @ 2563731 @ @ 1
Throughout the rest of this document, the mower will also be referred to as the “machine”.
Pos: 15.8 /Überschri ften/Überschri ften 3/A-E/A/Abbildung en_Darstellungs mittel @ 336\mod_143013391 9063_78.docx @ 2558462 @ 3 @ 1
2.5.4 Figures
Pos: 15.9 /BA/Zu diesem Do kument/Abbildungen _Text @ 336\mod_14301341 11209_78.docx @ 2558493 @ @ 1
The figures in this document do not always represent the exact machine type. The information
which refers to the figure always corresponds to the machine type of this document.
Pos: 15.10 /Übersc hriften/Überschri ften 3/U-ZUmfang des Dokum ents @ 346\mod_143497989699 5_78.docx @ 2611366 @ 3 @ 1
2.5.5 Scope of Document
Pos: 15.11 /BA/Zu diese m Dokument/Umfang des Doku ments_alle Beipacks un d Varianten enthalte n_Text @ 346\mod_143497 9460226_78.docx @ 2611335 @ @ 1
In addition to standard equipment, accessories kits and versions of the machine are described
in this document. Your machine may deviate from this document.
Pos: 15.12 /Übersc hriften/Überschri ften 3/A-E/D/Darstel lungsmittel @ 336\mod_1 429865448625_78.d ocx @ 2556625 @ 3 @ 1
2.5.6 Means of representation
Pos: 15.13 /Übersc hriften/Zwischenüber schriften/P-T/Sy mbole im Text @ 336\mod_14301 21354111_78.doc x @ 2557539 @ @ 1
Icons in the text
Pos: 15.14 /BA/Zu diese m Dokument/Darstell ungsmittel_ohne Hin weis und Warnung_BA @ 339\mod_1 431002650179_78.d ocx @ 2570965 @ @ 1
In this document, the following means of representation are used:
Action step
A bullet point () designates an action step you have to perform, as for example:
Set the left outside mirror.
Sequence of actions
Several bullet points () located in front of a sequence of action steps identify a sequence of
actions to be performed step by step, as for example:
• Loosen counter nut.
Set the screw.
Tighten counter nut.
Dashes (-) identify lists such as, for example:
– Brakes
– Steering
– Lighting
Pos: 15.15 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_119 6175311226_0.docx @ 416 5 @ @ 1
To this Document
Pos: 15.16 /Übersc hriften/Zwischenüber schriften/P-T/Sy mbole in Abbildungen @ 336\ mod_1430121455379_ 78.docx @ 2557570 @ @ 1
Symbols in figures
Pos: 15.17 /BA/Zu diese m Dokument/Darstell ungsmittel_Übersic ht Symbole_BA @ 329\mod_1 427193088297_78.doc x @ 2523598 @ @ 1
To visualize parts and actions steps, the following icons are used:
Icon Explanation
1 Reference sign for part
I Position of a part (e.g. move from pos. I to pos. II)
X Dimensions (e.g. B = width, H = height, L = length)
Action step: Tighten screws with torque key with specified tightening torque
Direction of motion
Direction of travel
enlargement of display detail
Framings, dimension line, dimension line limitation, reference line for visible parts
or visible mounting material
Framings, dimension line, dimension line limitation, reference line for covered
parts or covered mounting material
Laying routes
LH Left-hand machine side
RH Right-hand machine side
Pos: 15.18 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_119 6175311226_0.docx @ 416 5 @ @ 1
To this Document
Pos: 15.19 /Übersc hriften/Zwischenüber schriften/U-Z/W arnhinweise_Zu diese m Dokument @ 337\mod_143072069 0194_78.docx @ 2563366 @ @ 1
Warning signs
Pos: 15.20 /BA/Zu diese m Dokument/Warnhinweise _Zu diesem Dokument_ Text @ 337\mod_14307203 01162_78.docx @ 2563335 @ @ 1
WARNING! - Type and source of hazard!
Effect: Injuries, serious material damage.
Measures for hazard prevention.
CAUTION! - Type and source of hazard!
Effect: Damage to property.
Measures for risk prevention.
Pos: 15.21 /Übersc hriften/Zwischenüber schriften/F-J /Hinweise mit Informatione n und Empfehlungen_ Zu diesem Dokument @ 337\mod_ 1430721734582_78.doc x @ 2563548 @ @ 1
Notes with information and recommendations
Pos: 15.22 /BA/Zu diese m Dokument/Hinweise mit I nformationen und Empfeh lungen_Text @ 337\mod_ 1430721371455_78. docx @ 2563487 @ @ 1
Effect: Economic benefit of the machine.
Measures to be performed.
Pos: 15.23 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_119 6175311226_0.docx @ 416 5 @ @ 1
To this Document
Pos: 15.24 /BA/Zu diese m Dokument/Umrechnung stabelle metrisc hes System auf US-System_ Überschrift 3. E bene und Einleitungssatz @ 342\ mod_1432737011694_78. docx @ 2590505 @ 3 @ 1
2.5.7 Conversion table
By means of the following table, metric units can be converted into US units.
Pos: 15.25 /BA/Zu diese m Dokument/Umrechnung stabelle metrisches S ystem auf US-System @ 338\m od_1430810601994_78.d ocx @ 2565914 @ @ 1
Quantity SI Units (Metric) Factor Inch-Pound Units
Unit Name Abbreviation Unit Name Abbreviation
Area hectare ha 2.47105 acre acres
Flow liters per
minute L/min 0.2642
US gallon per
minute gpm
cubic meter
per hour m³/h 4.4029
Force newton N 0.2248 pound-force lbf
Length millimeter mm 0.03937 inch in.
meter m 3.2808 foot ft.
Power kilowatt kW 1.3410 horsepower hp
Pressure kilopascal kPa 0.1450
pound per
square inch psi
megapascal MPa 145.0377
bar (non-SI) bar 14.5038
Torque newton meter Nm 0.7376
pound-foot or
foot-pound ft·lbf
8.8507 pound-inch or
inch-pound in·lbf
Temperature degree
Celsius °C °Cx1.8+32
Fahrenheit °F
Velocity meter per
minute m/min 3.2808
foot per
minute ft/min
meter per
second m/s 3.2808
foot per
second ft/s
kilometer per
hour km/h 0.6215
miles per
hour mph
Volume liter L 0.2642 US gallon US gal.
milliliter ml 0.0338 US ounce US oz.
centimeter cm³ 0.0610 cubic inch in³
Weight kilogram kg 2.2046 pound lbs
Pos: 16 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruc h---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 17.1 /Überschri ften/Überschri ften 1/P-T/Sicherhei t @ 0\mod_1195566748646_7 8.docx @ 635 @ 1 @ 1
3 Safety
Pos: 17.2.1 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 2/A-E/B/Besti mmungsgemäße Verwendung @ 103\ mod_1332169199326_ 78.docx @ 940071 @ 2 @ 1
3.1 Intended use
Pos: 17.2.2 /BA/Ei nleitung/Bestimmungsg emäßer Gebrauch/Easy Cut/Bestimmungsge mäßer Gebrauch (Einzahl) @ 3\mod_12045483578 09_78.docx @ 70671 @ @ 1
The disc mower is built exclusively for customary use in agricultural work (intended use).
Pos: 17.2.3 /BA/Ei nleitung/Bestimmungsg emäßer Gebrauch/Nic ht bestimmungsgemäß @ 103\ mod_1332171672294_7 8.docx @ 940272 @ @ 1
Unauthorised modifications to the machine may have a negative effect on the machine
characteristics or safe and reliable use of the machine or may interfere with proper operation.
Unauthorised modifications shall therefore release the manufacturer of any liability for
consequential damage.
Pos: 17.3 /Überschri ften/Überschri ften 2/K-O/N/Nutzungsdauer der Maschine @ 318\mod_1 423658430909_78.doc x @ 2465744 @ 2 @ 1
3.2 Service life of the machine
Pos: 17.4 /BA/Einlei tung/Nutzungsdauer der Maschine_Text @ 318\m od_1423556613022_78.d ocx @ 2463145 @ @ 1
The service life of this machine strongly depends on proper use and maintenance as well as
the operating conditions.
Permanent operational readiness as well as long service life of the machine can be
achieved by observing the instructions and notes of these operating instructions.
After each season of use, the machine must be checked thoroughly for wear and other
Damaged and worn parts must be replaced before placing the machine into service again.
After the machine has been used for five years, carry out full technical inspection of the
machine. According to the results of this inspection, a decision concerning the possibility of
reuse of the machine should be taken.
Theoretically, the service life of this machine is unlimited as all worn or damaged parts can
be replaced.
Pos: 17.5 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.doc x @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 17.6.1 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 2/F-J/GGrundlege nde Sicherheitshi nweise @ 186\mod_1380009 482364_78.docx @ 160658 5 @ 2 @ 1
3.3 Basic safety instructions
Pos: 17.6.2 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegende S icherheitshin weise/Nichtbeachtun g der SiHi und WaHi (Einf ührtext Grundlegende Si Hi)_fuer alle @ 175\mod_ 1372834139379_78.doc x @ 1504793 @ @ 1
Non-compliance with the safety instructions and warnings
Non-compliance with the safety instructions and warnings may result in injuries and damage to
the environment and property.
Pos: 17.6.3 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 3/A-E/B/Bedeutun g der Betriebsanlei tung @ 186\mod_138001139158 3_78.docx @ 1606670 @ 3 @ 1
3.3.1 Importance of the operating instructions
Pos: 17.6.4 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegende S icherheitshin weiseBedeutung der Betri ebsanleitung_fuer a lle @ 451\mod_146279625 5723_78.docx @ 3064819 @ @ 1
The operating instructions are an important document and a part of the machine. They are
aimed at the user and contain safety-relevant information.
Only the procedures indicated in the operating instructions are reliable. If the operating
instructions are not observed, people may be seriously injured or killed.
Before using the machine for the first time, read and follow all the “Basic Safety Instructions”
in the Safety chapter.
Before working, also read and observe the respective sections in the operating instructions.
Keep the operating instructions ready to hand for the user of the machine.
Hand over the operating instructions to subsequent users.
Pos: 17.6.5 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 3/P-T/PPersonal qualifikation @ 187\ mod_1380011550253_78. docx @ 1606703 @ 3 @ 1
3.3.2 Personnel qualification
Pos: 17.6.6 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegende S icherheitshin weise/Personalquali fikation_BA_fuer alle @ 176\mod_137284061 1484_78.docx @ 1505639 @ @ 1
If the machine is not used properly, people may be seriously injured or killed. To avoid
accidents, each person who works with the machine must satisfy the following minimum
He is physically capable of controlling the machine.
He can work safely with the machine in accordance with these operating instructions.
He understands the method of operation of the machine within the scope of his work and
can identify and avoid the dangers associated with the work.
He has read the operating instructions and can implement the information in the operating
instructions accordingly.
He is familiar with driving vehicles safely.
For road travel he has adequate knowledge of the highway code and has the stipulated
driving licence.
Pos: 17.6.7 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 3/K-O/KKinder i n Gefahr @ 187\mod_138001165 0765_78.docx @ 1606732 @ 3 @ 1
3.3.3 Children in danger
Pos: 17.6.8 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegende S icherheitshin weise/Kinder in Gefahr _angebaute und angehängte Maschinen @ 176\mod_13 72842540941_78.doc x @ 1505758 @ @ 1
Children cannot assess danger and behave unpredictably.
As a result, children are especially at risk.
Keep children away from the machine.
Keep children away from consumables.
Especially before starting up and moving the machine, ensure that there are no children in
the danger zone.
Pos: 17.6.9 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1 196175311226_0.doc x @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 17.6.10 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 3/K-O/MMaschi ne an den Traktor ankuppeln @ 279\ mod_1405347497196_ 78.docx @ 2150065 @ 3 @ 1
3.3.4 Connect the machine to the tractor
Pos: 17.6.11 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weiseMaschine sicher ankuppeln_angebaut e und angehängte Maschinen_o hne Vorsätze @ 455\mod_1 464250456943_78.doc x @ 3084986 @ @ 1
When tractor and machine are not correctly connected, there is a risk of causing serious
Observe all operating instructions when connecting:
The operating instructions of the tractor
The operating instructions of the machine
The operating instructions of universal shaft
Observe the changed driving behaviour of the combination.
Pos: 17.6.12 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 3/A-E/B/Bauli che Änderungen an der Masc hine @ 187\mod_138001187 4486_78.docx @ 1606786 @ 3 @ 1
3.3.5 Structural changes to the machine
Pos: 17.6.13 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weiseBauliche Änderung en an der Maschine_fuer al le @ 453\mod_14639881 43077_78.docx @ 3077215 @ @ 1
Structural changes and enhancements may impair the functionality and operational safety of the
machine. Thus there is a risk of serious injuries or death.
Structural changes and enhancements are not permitted.
Pos: 17.6.14 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 3/U-Z/Zusatzau srüstungen und Ersa tzteile @ 187\mod_138001 2000801_78.docx @ 16068 19 @ 3 @ 1
3.3.6 Additional equipment and spare parts
Pos: 17.6.15 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weiseZusatzausrüstu ngen und Ersatzteile _fuer alle @ 453\mod_1463 988536645_78.doc x @ 3077246 @ @ 1
Additional equipment and spare parts which do not comply with the requirements of the
manufacturer may impair the operational safety of the machine and cause accidents.
To ensure operational safety, use original parts or standard parts which correspond to the
requirements of the manufacturer.
Pos: 17.6.16 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 3/A-E/AArbei tsplätze an der Maschine @ 453\ mod_1463988634725_7 8.docx @ 3077278 @ 3 @ 1
3.3.7 Workstations on the Machine
Pos: 17.6.17 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weise/Arbeitsplä tze - Kontrolle über di e fahrende Maschine_Selbs tfahrer @ 176\mod_137285 0001832_78.doc x @ 1506413 @ @ 1
Control of the moving machine
The moving machine requires the driver to react quickly at any time. Otherwise, the machine
may move in an uncontrolled manner and seriously injure or kill people.
Start the engine from the driver's seat only.
Never leave the driver's seat while the machine is moving.
Never climb in or out of the machine while it is moving.
Pos: 17.6.18 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weise/Arbeitsplä tze - Mitfahrende Personen _fuer alle @ 176\mod_1372 850186689_78.doc x @ 1506442 @ @ 1
Passengers may be seriously injured by the machine or fall off the machine and get run over.
Ejected objects may strike and injure passengers.
Never let people ride on the machine.
Pos: 17.6.19 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_11961753 11226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 17.6.20 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 3/A-E/B/Betr iebssicherheit: Tec hnisch einwandfrei er Zustand @ 187\mod_13800 12216128_78.doc x @ 1606877 @ 3 @ 1
3.3.8 Operational safety: Technically perfect condition
Pos: 17.6.21 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weise/Betriebssi cherheit - Betrieb nur nach ordnungsgemäßer Inbetr iebnahme_fuer all e @ 176\mod_1372854464728 _78.docx @ 1506530 @ @ 1
Operation only when the machine has been started up correctly
If the machine is not started up correctly according to these operating instructions, the
operational safety of the machine is not ensured. As a result, accidents may occur and people
may be seriously injured or killed.
Do not use the machine unless it has been started up correctly, see chapter Start-up.
Pos: 17.6.22 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weise/Betriebssi cherheit - Technisch ei nwandfreier Zustand der Maschine_fuer alle @ 176\ mod_1372854718958_7 8.docx @ 1506559 @ @ 1
Technically perfect condition of the machine
Improper maintenance and adjustment may affect the operational safety of the machine and
cause accidents. As a result, people may be seriously injured or killed.
Perform all maintenance and adjustment work according to the chapters Maintenance and
Before performing any maintenance or adjustment work, shut down and safeguard the
machine, see chapter Safety "Shutting down and safeguarding the machine".
Pos: 17.6.23 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weise/Betriebssi cherheit - Gefahr durc h Schäden an der Maschine Mähwerke @ 393\mod_1446449439438_ 78.docx @ 2810065 @ @ 1
Danger from damage to the machine
Damage to the machine may affect the operational safety of the machine and cause accidents.
Thus there is a risk of serious injuries or death. The following parts of the machine are of special
importance for safety:
– Safety devices
– Connection fittings
– Lighting
– Hydraulics
– Tyres
– Universal shaft
In case of doubts concerning the reliable state of the machine, for example when consumables
leak out, in the event of visible damage or unexpectedly changed handling:
Shut down and safeguard the machine, see chapter Safety, “Shutting Down and
Safeguarding the Machine”.
Eliminate possible causes for damage immediately, for example gross contamination or
tighten loose screws.
If possible, repair the damage according to these operating instructions.
In the event of damage which could have an effect on the operational safety and which
cannot be remedied on your own using these operating instructions: Damage must be
repaired or eliminated by qualified specialist workshop.
Pos: 17.6.24 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_11961753 11226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 17.6.25 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weise/Betriebssi cherheit - Technische Gren zwerte_Verweis auf Technische Daten Mähwer ke @ 399\mod_144724285766 8_78.docx @ 2827115 @ @ 1
Technical limit values
When the technical limit values of the machine are not met, the machine could be damaged. As
a result, accidents may be caused and people may be seriously injured or killed. With regard to
safety, it is of special importance to comply with the following technical limit values:
Gross vehicle weight
Maximum transport height
Maximum permissible speed
Maximum permissible operating pressure of hydraulics
Maximum permissible drive speed
Maximum permissible axle loads of tractor
Comply with limit values, refer to chapter “Technical Data”.
Pos: 17.6.26 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 3/F-J/GGefahren bereiche @ 187\mod_138 0012427290_78.doc x @ 1606906 @ 3 @ 1
3.3.9 Danger zones
Pos: 17.6.27 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weiseGefahrenberei che_Einleitung_f uer alle @ 453\mod_14639912 92572_78.docx @ 3077571 @ @ 1
When the machine is switched on, a danger zone may be created around this machine.
To avoid getting into the danger zone of the machine, maintain at least the safety distance.
If the safety distance is not followed, people may be seriously injured or killed.
Do not switch on the drives and the engine until you are sure that no one has ignored the
safety distance.
If people ignore the safety distance, switch off the drives.
Stop the machine in the shunting operation and field mode.
Pos: 17.6.28 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weise/Gefahrenberei che rund um Anhängegerä t, Anbaugerät o. Anhänger T2 Mähwerke @ 393\mod_14464529 08075_78.docx @ 2810357 @ @ 1
Persons could be seriously hurt or killed if the danger zone is ignored.
Instruct persons to keep away from the danger zone of tractor and machine.
Drives and engine must only be switched on when there is no one in the danger zone.
Before working in front of or behind the tractor and in the danger zone of the machine:
Shutdown and safeguard the machine, refer to chapter Safety “Shutting Down and
Safeguarding the Machine”. This also applies to short-term control work. Many severe
accidents in front of and behind tractor and machine are caused by carelessness and
running machines.
Consider the information in all operating instructions concerned.
The operating instructions of the tractor
The operating instructions of the machine
The operating instructions of the universal shaft
Pos: 17.6.29 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_11961753 11226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 17.6.30 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weiseGefahrenberei ch zwischen Traktor und Ma schine_Wender-Sc hwader_RP_LW_BP_Mäh werke @ 453\mod_14640018779 43_78.docx @ 3078893 @ @ 1
Danger zone between tractor and machine
People standing between the tractor and machine may be seriously injured or killed if the tractor
rolls away or by carelessness or machine movements:
Before working between tractor and machine: Shutdown and safeguard the machine, refer
to chapter Safety “Shutting Down and Safeguarding the Machine”. This also applies to brief
inspection work.
If the power lifter has to be actuated, keep all people away from the range of movement of
the power lifter.
Pos: 17.6.31 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weiseGefahrenberei ch bei eingeschaltet em Antrieb_fuer alle @ 453\ mod_1463995368453_78. docx @ 3078086 @ @ 1
Danger zone when drive is switched on
When the drive is switched on, there is a danger to life caused by rotating machine parts. There
must be nobody in the danger zone of the machine.
Before starting the machine, direct all people out of the danger zone of the machine.
If hazardous situations arise, switch off drives immediately and instruct people to leave the
danger zone.
Pos: 17.6.32 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weiseGefahrenberei ch Zapfwelle_fuer al le @ 453\mod_14639936890 07_78.docx @ 3077933 @ @ 1
Danger zone PTO shaft
People may be caught, pulled in and seriously injured by the PTO shaft and the driven
Before switching on the PTO shaft:
Make sure that all safety devices are fitted and in the protection position.
Ensure that there is nobody in the danger zone of PTO shaft and universal shaft.
Switch off the drives if they are not necessary.
Pos: 17.6.33 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weiseGefahrenberei ch Gelenkwelle_fuer alle @ 453\mod_146399307 5614_78.docx @ 3077842 @ @ 1
Danger zone universal shaft
People may become caught by the universal shaft, pulled in and seriously injured.
Observe the operating instructions of the universal shaft.
Provide the section tube and universal shaft guards with adequate cover.
Allow the universal shaft locks to engage.
Attach the chains to prevent the universal shaft guards from rotating with the shaft.
Ensure that there is nobody in the danger zone of PTO shaft and universal shaft.
Make sure that the universal shaft guards are attached and functional.
If the angles between universal shaft and PTO shaft are too large, switch off the PTO shaft.
The machine may be damaged. Parts could be hurled up and hurt people.
Pos: 17.6.34 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_11961753 11226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 17.6.35 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weise/Gefahrenberei ch Nachlaufende Masc hinenteile Mähwerke @ 399\ mod_1447244265991_78. docx @ 2827185 @ @ 1
Danger zone due to machine parts running on
After the drives have been switched off, the following machine parts will run on:
– Universal shafts
– Cutting discs
– Conditioners
– Conveying devices
– Drive elements
If machine parts run on, people could be seriously injured or killed.
Shutdown and safeguard the machine, refer to chapter Safety “Shutting Down and
Safeguarding the Machine”.
Only touch machines parts when they are at standstill.
Pos: 17.6.36 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 3/P-T/SSchutz vorrichtungen funk tionsfähig halten @ 187\ mod_1380021062004_78. docx @ 1607105 @ 3 @ 1
3.3.10 Keeping safety devices functional
Pos: 17.6.37 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weiseSchutzvorri chtungen funktionsfähi g halten_fuer alle @ 453\mod_1464012282699_7 8.docx @ 3080198 @ @ 1
If safety devices are missing or damaged, people may be seriously injured or killed by moving
machine parts.
Replace damaged safety devices.
Remount dismounted safety devices and all other parts before start-up and move them to
protective position.
If it is doubtful whether all safety devices have been correctly installed and are functional,
have a service centre check them.
Pos: 17.6.38 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 3/P-T/PPersönli che Schutzausrüstu ngen @ 453\mod_1464013064 506_78.docx @ 3080269 @ 3 @ 1
3.3.11 Personal Protective Equipment
Pos: 17.6.39 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weise/Persönlic he Schutzausrüstungen_f uer alle @ 464\mod_146668 1947003_78.doc x @ 3127800 @ @ 1
The wearing of personal protective equipment is an important safety measure. Missing or
unsuitable personal protective equipment increases health risks and injuries.
Personal protective equipment is for example:
Suitable protective gloves
– Safety boots
Wear tight-fitting protective clothing
– Hearing protection
– Protective goggles
Specify and provide personal protective equipment for the particular job.
Use only personal protective equipment which is in proper condition and offers effective
Adjust personal protective equipment to the person, for example the size.
Pos: 17.6.40 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_11961753 11226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 17.6.41 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weise/Geeignete Klei dung tragen @ 176\mod_137301 1520074_78.doc x @ 1508413 @ @ 1
Wear suitable clothing
Loose clothing increases the risk of it becoming caught or wrapped around rotating parts and of
it becoming caught on protruding parts. As a result, people may be seriously injured or killed.
Wear tight-fitting clothing.
Never wear rings, chains or other items of jewellery.
Cover long hair with a hairnet.
Wear sturdy shoes or protective work boots.
Pos: 17.6.42 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 3/P-T/SSicher heitskennzeichnung en an der Maschine @ 187\mod_1 380021311979_78.d ocx @ 1607165 @ 3 @ 1
3.3.12 Safety signs on the machine
Pos: 17.6.43 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weise/Sicherhei tskennzeichnungen an der Maschine_fuer alle @ 176\ mod_1373014574852_7 8.docx @ 1508510 @ @ 1
Safety stickers on the machine warn of hazards in danger areas and are an important
component of the safety equipment of the machine. Missing safety stickers increase the risk of
serious and fatal injuries.
Clean dirty safety stickers.
After cleaning, always check that safety stickers are complete and legible.
Immediately replace missing, damaged and unrecognisable safety stickers.
Provide spare parts with the designated safety stickers.
Description, explanation and order numbers of the safety stickers, see chapter Safety, "Safety
stickers on the machine".
Pos: 17.6.44 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 3/U-Z/Verkehrs sicherheit @ 187\mod_13 80021550886_78.doc x @ 1607192 @ 3 @ 1
3.3.13 Traffic safety
Pos: 17.6.45 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weiseVerkehrssic herheit - Gefahren beim Fahren auf Straße und Feld_anghän gte Geräte @ 453\mod_14640 14552482_78.doc x @ 3080360 @ @ 1
Danger when driving on road and field
Hitched or mounted machines change the handling characteristics of the tractor. The handling
characteristics depend for instance on operating state and ground. If changed handling
characteristics are not considered, the driver may cause accidents.
Follow procedures for driving on roads and in fields, refer to chapter “Driving and
Pos: 17.6.46 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weiseVerkehrssic herheit - Maschine für die Straßenfahrt vorbereit en_fuer alle @ 454\mod_146 4099981349_78.doc x @ 3081856 @ @ 1
Dangers if machine is not prepared properly for road travel
If the machine is not prepared properly for road travel, serious accidents may occur with traffic.
Before driving on roads, prepare the machine for road travel, refer to chapter Driving and
Transport, “Preparations for Road Travel”.
Pos: 17.6.47 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weiseVerkehrssic herheit - Kippgefahr_f uer alle @ 454\mod_146410 0399183_78.docx @ 308 1887 @ @ 1
Risk of tipping on slopes
The machine may overturn when driving on slopes. As a result, accidents may occur and
people may be seriously injured or killed. The risk of tipping over depends on many factors.
Observe procedures for driving, see chapter “Driving and Transport”.
Pos: 17.6.48 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_11961753 11226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 17.6.49 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 3/K-O/MMaschi ne sicher abstellen @ 187\ mod_1380021652951_78. docx @ 1607221 @ 3 @ 1
3.3.14 Parking the machine safely
Pos: 17.6.50 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weiseMaschine sicher abstellen_fuer al le @ 454\mod_1464101522489_78. docx @ 3081948 @ @ 1
An improperly parked machine may move uncontrollably or overturn. People may be crushed
and killed.
Park the machine on a stable and even ground.
Before adjusting, repairing, servicing or cleaning the machine, ensure that it is securely
Observe section “Parking the Machine” in chapter Driving and Transport.
Pos: 17.6.51 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weiseMaschine sicher abstellen - Unbeaufsic htigtes abstellen_S elbstfahrer @ 454\mod_1 464101861713_78.d ocx @ 3081979 @ @ 1
Unattended parking
Adults and especially children are at risk from an inadequately secured and unattended parked
Before leaving the machine: Shutdown and safeguard the machine, refer to chapter Safety
“Shutting Down and Safeguarding the Machine”.
Pos: 17.6.52 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 3/A-E/B/Betr iebsstoffe @ 187\mod_138 0021996500_78.doc x @ 1607250 @ 3 @ 1
3.3.15 Consumables
Pos: 17.6.53 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weise/Betriebsst offe - Ungeeignete Betri ebsstoffe_ohne Ver weis_fuer alle ohne Kap Masc hinenbeschreibung @ 328\ mod_1426675339245_78. docx @ 2514216 @ @ 1
Unsuitable operating materials
Operating materials that do not correspond to the requirements of the manufacturer may impair
the operational safety of the machine and cause accidents.
Only use operating materials that meet manufacturer requirements.
Pos: 17.6.54 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weiseBetriebsstof fe - Umweltschutz und Ents orgung_fuer alle @ 454\m od_1464155176116_7 8.docx @ 3082356 @ @ 1
Environmental protection and disposal
Consumables such as diesel fuel, brake fluid, frost protection agent and lubricants (e. g.
gearbox oil, hydraulic oil) may damage the environment and the health of people.
Do not release consumables into the environment.
Fill consumables in a liquid-tight labelled container and dispose of according to the official
Absorb leaked consumables with an absorbent material, fill them in a liquid-tight labelled
container and dispose of them according to the official regulations.
Pos: 17.6.55 /Überschr iften/Überschr iften 3/F-J/GGefahren quellen an der Maschine @ 187\ mod_1380022841201_7 8.docx @ 1607417 @ 3 @ 1
3.3.16 Sources of danger on the machine
Pos: 17.6.56 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weise/Gefahrenquel len - Lärm (Traktor und Masc hine) Verweis auf Techni sche Daten @ 321\mod_142485 9929013_78.doc x @ 2481250 @ @ 1
Noise may lead to health problems
When working with the machine for a longer time, serious health damage may result such as
hearing loss, deafness or tinnitus. When using the machine at high speed, the noise level
increases as well.
Before starting up the combination of tractor and machine, evaluate the danger by noise.
Determine and use hearing protection that is suitable depending on environmental
conditions, working hours as well as working conditions and operating conditions of the
machine. In this process, observe sound pressure level, refer to chapter Technical Data.
Define rules for the utilization of hearing protection and for working time.
When the machine is in operation, keep windows and doors of the cab closed.
Remove hearing protection for road travel.
Pos: 17.6.57 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_11961753 11226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 17.6.58 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weise/Gefahrenquel len - Flüssigkeiten unt er Druck -nur Hydrauli köl @ 244\mod_1395751930792_ 78.docx @ 1906831 @ @ 1
Liquids under pressure
The following liquids are under high pressure:
– Hydraulic oil
Liquids under high pressure may penetrate the body through the skin and cause serious
If a damaged pressure system is suspected, immediately contact a qualified service centre.
Never search for leaks with bare hands. Even a pin-sized hole may cause serious injuries.
Keep body and face away from leaks.
If liquids penetrate the body, immediately consult a doctor. The liquid must be removed from
the body as quickly as possible. Danger of infection!
Pos: 17.6.59 /BA/Si cherheit/1. Grundlegend e Sicherheitshin weiseGefahrenque llen - Heiße Flüssigkeit en_fuer alle @ 454\mod_14 64170610909_78.doc x @ 3083502 @ @ 1
Hot liquids
If hot liquids are drained, people may burn and/or scald themselves.
When draining hot consumables, wear personal protective equipment.
If required, leave liquids and machine parts to cool down before performing repair,
maintenance and cleaning work.
Pos: 17.6.60 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_11961753 11226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
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Krone BA EasyCut TS 320 Operating instructions

Operating instructions

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