FläktGroup eQ RANGE EQRB RHE whole rotor Installation guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the installation and maintenance instructions for the FläktGroup heat exchangers, specifically models 005-018 and 020-072. This document covers important checks before starting the heat exchanger, specific procedures for absorption rotors, and how to adjust rotor seals and change bearings. It also outlines maintenance schedules and cleaning methods. I'm ready to answer any questions you might have about these devices.
  • What should be checked before starting the heat exchanger?
    What is the recommended start-up procedure?
    How should I handle start-up after a long downtime?
    How is the rotor position adjusted?
Checks before starting the heat exchanger
The fans must not be run during the construction
period if the heat exchanger is not running.
Also make sure that the appropriate filters have
been fitted.
The rotor is free to rotate.
The peripheral seal of the rotor is in contact with
the partition, and that the gap is the same
(approx. 8 mm) all around.
The horizontal seal is lightly in contact with
the rotor all around.
There is no significant damage to the rotor face.
To prevent damage of the rotor surfaces, make
sure that no foreign objects have been left inside.
To prevent damage to the power and signal cables,
make sure that all cables are attached in a way so
that they cannot be damaged by the rotor.
Regarding the control logic and operation:
During start up and after each time the AHU has been
stopped, it is recommended that the exhaust fan opera-
tes during 1 minute before the supply fan is started.
Size 005-018
Size 020-072
SIZE 005-018, 020-072
FläktGroup DC_9112GB 20231009_R2 Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
Absorption rotors
The surface coating on absorption rotors operates
by absorbing and releasing moisture. The surface
coating is very effective at absorbing moisture. The
moisture in the airflow is transferred from one air
stream to the other when the rotor rotates. If the
rotary heat exchanger is stationary for an extended
period without air flowing through it, the surface
coating will continue to absorb moisture. When the
unit is started following a long period of downtime,
the rotor may have absorbed a lot of water. We
recommend ensuring that there is a continuous
airflow through the rotary heat exchanger. If, for
some reason, continuous operation of the unit is
not permitted, start the exhaust air fan at minimum
airflow following an extended period of downtime
and ventilate the rotary heat exchanger to remove
excess moisture.
Installation and maintenance instruction
FläktGroup DC_9112GB 20231009_R2 Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
The EQRB rotor cassette is fitted with sealing strips equipped with
synthetic bristles with intervening plastic foil. The sealing strips
are fitted along the rotor periphery and seal there against the
inside of the facing plate,
partially along the inside of
the dividing beam (Sizes 005 – 018)
or top (Size 020-072)
Adjustment of sealings:
Size 005-018. The sealings are fixed mounted.
Size 020-072 – Adjustment is possible. When commissioning
check that the rotor is running true and that the seals are tight.
Otherwise the rotor must be adjusted. See the following instructions:
The rotor shaft is mounted in eccentric shaft mountings.
These can be turned individually to angle the shaft and thus also
the rotor in order to ensure that the sealing gap is uniform all
round. Adjustment to only one shaftmounting is normally suffi-
Proceed as follows:
1. Back off the locknut and locking screw on the front beam of
the shaft mounting which is mosteasily accessible.
2. When the gap is equal all round, tighten the locking screw and
refit the centre seal.
Clearance between partion and rotor ca 8-10 mm
3. The centre seal is resettad by loosing the bolts or the top on
the beams and more the sealing holder to current positioning,
tightening all bolts.
EURA 1;2
Perfiperal seal
Centre seal
Set screws
Rotor support
Installation and maintenance instruction
FläktGroup DC_9112GB 20231009_R2 Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
The drive unit of the EQRB rotor cassette consists of a motor base
plate, drive motor with belt pulley for round drive belt, motor base
plate, and the necessary cables and speed controller, is fitted.
For sizes 005-018 are the engine mounted on the front panel.
For the size 020 to 050 and 054, 063, 072 units, the drive
motor is secured by screws directly to the motor base plate.
When doing larger service of the drive or rotor it is recommended
to remove the whole motor bracket by loosening the bolts.
After having correctly refitted and secured the motor, fit the
drive belt around the belt pulley. The drive belt does not require
SIZES 005 – 018
A. Withdraw the cassette from the Air Handling Unit casing just
so far that the rotor shaft retaining screw is accessible.
Remove the drive belt from the motor pulley.Then dismantle
the motor base plate, centre spacer, rotation monitor and
the speed controller mounting bracket.
B. Block up the rotor and back off the shaft retaining screws.
Then dismantle one centre beam.Withdraw the rotor shaft.
The rotor can now be rolled out of the cassette.
C. The worn bearings can now be tapped out of the rotor hub.
D. Clean the bearing positions and the inside of the bearing
casing to remove old grease and fit new bearings. If you first
chill the bearings, this will make it easier to fit them. Use an
intermediate ring in front of the bearing to prevent bearing
E. Roll the rotor back to its position inside the cassette and refit
the other components in the reverse order.
Intermediate ring
Mark the position of the centre beam.
If it is mounted in wrong position the purging
sector dont work properly.
Installation and maintenance instruction
FläktGroup DC_9112GB 20231009_R2 Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
SIZES 020 – 050, 054, 063, 072
AA. Withdraw the cassette from the Air Handling Unit casing
just so far that the rotor shaft retaining screw is accessible.
Remove the drive belt from the motor pulley. Then dismantle
the stay, if fitted, the motor base plate, centre spacer, rotation
monitor and the speed controller.
BB. Block up the rotor and remove the locking nuts and locking
bolts of the shaft mount as shown in figure BB.
CC. Tap the rotor shaft out of the hub without damaging the
shaft. Use a soft rod made of brass or the like!
Place the two spacer rings at a safe location and clean
them if necessary. These rings are seated between
the framework and the bearings.
DD. Then replace the bearings as described in Items C and D in
the previous section (sizes 005-018).
EE. Refit the details in the reverse order.
Set screws
Locking bolts
(loose slightly)
After you have fitted new bearings, adjust
the rotor as described. See page 2.
The rotor position is factory-preset and normally does not need
any adjustment. However, adjustment may be necessary in
certain cases, for example after fitting new bearings. The rotor
position is simple to adjust provided that the recommended
inspection sections have been arranged. Otherwise, the cassette
will have to be withdrawn out of the AirHandling Unit.
A. Back off the locking nut and the lockingbolt. Adjust the
adjusting nuts to centre the shaft in the hole in the centre
support. Do this on both sides of the frame. Tighten the lock-
ing bolts applying a torque of 50 Nm. The shaft is now in its
initial position. Now check that the rotor is correctly posi-
tioned. If so, secure the locking bolt by means of the locking
nut on both sides. If not, proceed with step ”B”.
B. Ascertain in which direction the rotor runs out.
Slightly loosen the bolts. Use the set screws to adjust
the rotor in proper positioning. Tightening the bolts applying
a torque of 50 Nm. Recheck the position of the rotor. If the
rotor is centered, secure the locking bolts and tightening
the set screws.
C. Slightly loosen the bolts on inside, top and bottom at the axis
holder that is easiest to reach. Adjust by hand. Tightening
all bolts.
Set screws
Locking bolts
(loose slightly)
Locking bolts
incl. bottom
(loose slightly)
Shaft screw
Installation and maintenance instruction
FläktGroup DC_9112GB 20231009_R2 Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
Due to wear, it may be necessary to change the drivebelt.
The original belt has a welded joint. The replacement belt is jointed
together by means of the pin supplied with it. The correct replace-
ment belt with correct length can be selected from the spare
parts list. Alternatively, 10 or 20 meter length can be purchased
for cutting and fixing on site.
Check that the rotor is rotating in the right direction.
Inspection and service on the heat recovery unit concern mainly
the rotor, seals and drive equipment.
The heat recovery unit is accessible for service through the
inspection doors which cover the whole of the side wall. The
rotor can be rolled out for service.
The intervals are based on the assumption that the unit is in
operation for about 2000 hours over a 12-month period and
operates in a normal comfort ventilation installation. If the dust
content of the supply and/or exhaust air is high, the unit should
be inspected more frequently. Maintenance of the heat recovery
unit is greatly facilitated if the recommended equipment is used
for monitoring and purging operation.
Object Interval Action
Rotor face 6 months Inspect and clean,
if necessary.
Drive belt 6 months Check for tension and wear.
Rotor bearings 12 months The EQRB has permanently
lubricated bearings.
12 months Check the performance.
Check that there is no dust deposit on the rotor faces.
If necessary, either vacuum-clean the rotor or use compressed
air aimed straight at the surface from a distance of at least 50
mm blowing from the clean towards the dust coated side.
If vacuum-cleaning or blowing with compressed air proves to
be inadequate (greasy dust), clean the non-hygroscopic rotor
surface as follows:
Spray a grease solvent by hand onto the dust-coated surface,
then blow clean with compressed air from the opposite side
aimed straight at the surface from a distance of at least 50 mm.
As an alternative, the rotor may be flushed with low pressure
steam up to 50 kPa or water up to 50 bar from a distance of at
least 50 mm aiming straight at the surface, provided that the
condensate from the steam or the flushing water can be satis-
factory collected.
Check that there is no dust deposit on the rotor faces.
If necessary, either vacuum-clean the rotor face or use
compressed air aimed straight at the surface from a distance
of at least 50 mm blowing from the clean side towards the dust
coated side.
Water or grease solvents may not be used for these types of
The EQRB is equipped with permanently lubricated bearings
for which no maintenance is needed. Check that the bearing
sound is normal.
The EQRB has a fixed purging sector and no adjustment is
Never use methyl ethyl ketone, acetone
or other agressive solvents.