Krone XDisc 620 Operating instructions

Operating instructions
Original operating instructions
Direct cutting system
XDisc 620
(from serial no.: 1013360)
Order no.: 150 000 687 04 us
Table of Contents
Pos: 2 /Layout Mo dule /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311 226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Table of Contents
Pos: 3 /Überschrif ten/Überschrifte n 1/F-J/Inh altsverzeichnis @ 31\mod_125 1969952727_ 78.docx @ 302 165 @ 1 @ 1
1 Table of Contents
Pos: 4 /BA/Inhalts verzeichnis Spr achenneutr al @ 10\mod_ 1221574899104 _0.docx @ 1354 95 @ @ 1
1 Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................... 3
2 To this Document ................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Validity ................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Re-Ordering ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 Further applicable documents ............................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Target group of this document ........................................................................................................... 6
2.5 How to use this document .................................................................................................................. 7
2.5.1 Directories and References ........................................................................................................ 7
2.5.2 Direction Information ................................................................................................................... 7
2.5.3 Term “Machine” ........................................................................................................................... 7
2.5.4 Figures ........................................................................................................................................ 7
2.5.5 Scope of Document ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.5.6 Means of representation ............................................................................................................. 8
2.5.7 Conversion table ....................................................................................................................... 11
3 Safety ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Purpose of Use ................................................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Intended use ..................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Reasonably foreseeable misuse ...................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Service life of the machine ............................................................................................................... 14
3.5 Basic safety instructions ................................................................................................................... 15
3.5.1 Importance of the operating instructions ................................................................................... 15
3.5.2 Personnel qualification .............................................................................................................. 15
3.5.3 Personnel qualification of the technicians ................................................................................. 16
3.5.4 Children in danger ..................................................................................................................... 16
3.5.5 Connecting front attachments or trailers ................................................................................... 16
3.5.6 Structural changes to the machine ........................................................................................... 17
3.5.7 Additional equipment and spare parts ...................................................................................... 17
3.5.8 Workstations on the Machine .................................................................................................... 17
3.5.9 Operational safety: Technically perfect condition ..................................................................... 18
3.5.10 Danger zones ............................................................................................................................ 19
3.5.11 Keeping safety devices functional ............................................................................................. 22
3.5.12 Personal Protective Equipment ................................................................................................. 22
3.5.13 Safety signs on the machine ..................................................................................................... 23
3.5.14 Traffic safety .............................................................................................................................. 23
3.5.15 Parking the machine safely ....................................................................................................... 24
3.5.16 Consumables ............................................................................................................................ 25
3.5.17 Dangers associated with the operational environment ............................................................. 25
3.5.18 Sources of danger on the machine ........................................................................................... 25
3.5.19 Dangers associated with certain activities: Work on the machine ............................................ 27
3.5.20 Behaviour in hazardous situations and when accidents occur ................................................. 28
3.6 Safety routines ................................................................................................................................. 30
3.6.1 Shutting down and safeguarding the machine .......................................................................... 30
3.6.2 Supporting lifted machine and machine parts securely ............................................................ 30
3.6.3 Safely checking the oil level and changing the oil and filter element ........................................ 31
3.7 Position of the Adhesive Safety Stickers on the Machine ................................................................ 32
3.8 Position of the Adhesive Safety and Information Labels on the Machine ........................................ 32
Table of Contents
3.8.1 Re-Ordering Safety Labels and Information Labels .................................................................. 39
3.8.2 Attaching Safety Labels and Information Labels ...................................................................... 39
3.8.3 Contact for KRONE NORTHAMERICA .................................................................................... 39
4 Machine Description ............................................................................................................................ 40
4.1 Machine overview ............................................................................................................................. 40
4.2 Overview of the different adaptation types ....................................................................................... 42
4.3 Identification Plate ............................................................................................................................ 43
4.4 Information Required for Questions and Orders .............................................................................. 43
4.4.1 Contact ...................................................................................................................................... 43
5 Technical data ....................................................................................................................................... 45
5.1 Consumables ................................................................................................................................... 46
5.1.1 Oils ............................................................................................................................................ 46
5.1.2 Lubricating grease ..................................................................................................................... 46
6 Commissioning ..................................................................................................................................... 47
6.1 Checklist for Initial Operation ........................................................................................................... 47
6.2 Attachment to the forage harvester .................................................................................................. 47
6.3 Adjusting the machine to the forage harvester BiG X 480/530/580/630 and BiG X
680/780/880/1180 ......................................................................................................................................... 48
6.3.1 Adjusting the locking plates ...................................................................................................... 49
6.3.2 Setting input gearbox ................................................................................................................ 52
6.4 Adapt the machine to the forage harvesters BiG X 600/700/770/850/1100 .................................... 55
6.4.1 Adjusting the adapter frame ...................................................................................................... 55
6.5 Preparing the pendulum frame for installation of the front attachment ............................................ 56
6.6 Mounting the front attachment ......................................................................................................... 56
6.6.1 Aligning cutting unit ................................................................................................................... 58
6.7 Detaching the machine..................................................................................................................... 59
7 Start-up .................................................................................................................................................. 61
7.1 Checking and Observing before Start-up ......................................................................................... 62
7.2 Mounting Machine on Forage Harvester .......................................................................................... 62
8 Driving and Transport .......................................................................................................................... 63
8.1 Switching off the machine ................................................................................................................ 63
8.2 Lashing the machine ........................................................................................................................ 64
8.3 Lifting the machine ........................................................................................................................... 65
9 Operation ............................................................................................................................................... 67
9.1 From transport into working position ................................................................................................ 67
9.1.1 Working Position ....................................................................................................................... 67
9.2 Removing Machine from Forage Harvester ..................................................................................... 68
9.3 Operating side blades (for the version with “side blades”) ............................................................... 69
10 Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 73
10.1 Adjusting the distance between the scraper bars and the auger conveyor ..................................... 74
10.1.1 Set Ground Skid ........................................................................................................................ 75
10.2 Setting Infeed Sheets ....................................................................................................................... 75
11 Maintenance .......................................................................................................................................... 77
11.1 Special Safety Instructions ............................................................................................................... 77
11.1.1 Test run ..................................................................................................................................... 78
11.2 Spare Parts ...................................................................................................................................... 78
11.3 Maintenance table ............................................................................................................................ 79
11.4 Tightening torques ............................................................................................................................ 81
Table of Contents
11.4.1 Metric Thread Screws with Control Thread............................................................................... 81
11.4.2 Metric Thread Screws with Fine Thread ................................................................................... 82
11.4.3 Metric Thread Screws with Countersunk Head and Hexagonal Socket ................................... 82
11.4.4 Tightening Torques for Locking Screws and Bleed Valves on the Gearboxes ......................... 83
11.5 Input gearbox ................................................................................................................................... 84
11.6 Intermediate gearbox ....................................................................................................................... 85
11.7 Cutter bar drive gear ........................................................................................................................ 86
11.8 Oil level check and oil change on the cutter bar .............................................................................. 87
11.8.1 Oil change ................................................................................................................................. 87
11.8.2 Checking the oil level ................................................................................................................ 87
11.8.3 Aligning the Cutter Bar .............................................................................................................. 88
11.9 Checking the Cutter Blades and Blade Holder ................................................................................ 89
11.9.1 Cutter Blades ............................................................................................................................ 89
11.9.2 Blade screw connection ............................................................................................................ 90
11.9.3 Blade Quick-Fit Device.............................................................................................................. 91
11.9.4 Checking the Material Thickness of the Retaining Bolts ........................................................... 91 Checking the material thickness of the retaining bolts ...................................................... 92
11.9.5 Periodical Inspection of the Leaf Springs.................................................................................. 93
11.9.6 Checking the Material Thickness of the Leaf Springs ............................................................... 93 Checking the material thickness of the leaf springs .......................................................... 94
11.9.7 Periodical Inspection of the Cutting Discs / Blade Drums ......................................................... 95
11.9.8 Abrasion Limit ........................................................................................................................... 96
11.10 Blade Changing on Cutting Discs .................................................................................................... 97
11.10.1 Blade Screw Connection ........................................................................................................... 98
11.10.2 Blade Quick-Fit Device.............................................................................................................. 99
11.10.3 Blade change when running "QuickChange tool" ................................................................... 100
11.11 Replacing the linings ...................................................................................................................... 101
11.12 Rotary hub with shear protection ................................................................................................... 102
11.12.1 After shearing off ..................................................................................................................... 104
11.13 Wear plates for trough .................................................................................................................... 106
11.14 Infeed sheets .................................................................................................................................. 106
11.15 Rubber strip .................................................................................................................................... 107
11.16 Drive chains .................................................................................................................................... 107
11.17 Maintenance side blades ............................................................................................................... 108
11.17.1 Checking side blades .............................................................................................................. 108
11.17.2 Changing Blades ..................................................................................................................... 108
11.17.3 Check hydraulic hoses ............................................................................................................ 111
11.17.4 Malfunctions on the side blade ............................................................................................... 111
12 Maintenance lubrication ................................................................................................................. 112
12.1 Special Safety Instructions ............................................................................................................. 112
12.2 PTO shaft ....................................................................................................................................... 113
12.3 Lubrication Chart ............................................................................................................................ 114
13 Placing in Storage .............................................................................................................................. 116
14 Before the Start of the New Season ................................................................................................. 117
14.1 Special Safety Instructions ............................................................................................................. 117
14.2 Test run. ......................................................................................................................................... 118
15 Disposal of the machine .................................................................................................................... 119
15.1 Disposal of the machine ................................................................................................................. 119
To this Document
16 Index .................................................................................................................................................... 120
Pos: 6 /Überschrif ten/Überschrifte n 1/U-Z/Zu diesem Doku ment @ 107\ mod_1334231929 021_78.docx @ 9 65257 @ 1 @ 1
2 To this Document
Pos: 7 /BA/Einleit ung/Gültig keit/Vorsätze/Gültig keit XDisc 62 0 @ 562\mod_ 15422740131 93_78.docx @ 3 732416 @ 2 @ 1
2.1 Validity
These operating instructions are valid for the direct cut header of type:
XDisc 620
Pos: 8.1 /Überschrift en/Überschrift en 2/K-O/N/N achbestell ung (Nachbestellu ng dieses Do kuments) @ 349\ mod_143635 5974813_78.doc x @ 2625865 @ 2 @ 1
2.2 Re-Ordering
Pos: 8.2 /BA/Zu di esem Do kumentNachbestellu ng_Text @ 5 77\mod_157043 5568839_78.d ocx @ 379711 8 @ @ 1
If this document has become unusable in whole or in part, you can order a replacement, quoting
the document number on the cover sheet. Contact data can be found in the chapter “Contact
The document can additionally be downloaded via KRONE MEDIA .
Pos: 9 /Überschrif ten/Überschrifte n 2/K-O/M/Mitg eltende Doku mente @ 187 \mod_1380113 031071_78.doc x @ 1609664 @ 2 @ 1
2.3 Further applicable documents
Pos: 10 /BA/Zu die sem Dokum ent/Mitgeltend e Dokumente _Einführungssatz _alle Maschinen @ 187\mod _1380113940 483_78.docx @ 16 09940 @ @ 1
To ensure that the machine is used safely and as intended, observe the following further
applicable documents:
Pos: 11 /BA/Zu die sem Dokum ent/Mitgeltende D okumente _Betriebsanleit ung Feldhäcksler, KRONE @ 57 2\mod_15634 52352566_78.d ocx @ 377648 6 @ @ 1
Operating instructions of forage harvester, KRONE
Pos: 12 /BA/Zu die sem Dokum ent/Mitgeltende D okumente_B etriebsanleitung Tr ansportwagen, KRONE @ 57 6\mod_15 67689634351_7 8.docx @ 379 1536 @ @ 1
Operating instructions for transport wagon, KRONE
Pos: 13 /BA/Zu die sem Dokum ent/Mitgeltende D okumente_B etriebsanleitung(e n) Gelenkwelle( n) @ 347\ mod_143558857 2591_78.doc x @ 2616249 @ @ 1
Operating instructions of universal shaft(s)
Pos: 14 /Überschri ften/Überschrift en 2/U-Z/Z/Zi elgruppe dies es Dokuments @ 187\mod_1 380113123454_7 8.docx @ 16 09723 @ 2 @ 1
2.4 Target group of this document
Pos: 15 /BA/Zu die sem Dokum ent/Zielgruppe @ 345\mod_1 43434824690 2_78.docx @ 2606 935 @ @ 1
This document aims at the operators of the machine fulfilling the minimum requirements of
personnel qualification; refer to chapter entitled Safety “Personnel Qualification”.
Pos: 16 /Layout M odule /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_119617531 1226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
To this Document
Pos: 17.1 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 2/P-T/ SSo benutzen Sie dieses Doku ment @ 188\ mod_13805483 50021_78.doc x @ 1614365 @ 2 @ 1
2.5 How to use this document
Pos: 17.2 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 3/U-Z/V erzeichnisse und Verweise @ 336\mod_1429 854437094_7 8.docx @ 2556 421 @ 3 @ 1
2.5.1 Directories and References
Pos: 17.3 /BA/Zu diesem Doku ment/So benutze n Sie dieses Do kument_Verz eichnisse und V erweise_Text @ 333\mod_ 14290853784 08_78.docx @ 254 4425 @ @ 1
Table of contents/headers:
The table of contents as well as the headers in this instruction are used for quick navigation in
the chapters.
Index directory:
In the index directory, you can find information on the desired subject via catchwords which are
in alphabetical order. The index directory can be found on the last page of this instruction.
Cross references:
Cross references to another place in the operating instructions or to another document are in
the text and specify the chapter and subchapter or section. The designation of subchapters or
sections is presented in quotation marks.
Check that all screws on the machine are tight, refer to chapter Maintenance, “Tightening
The subchapter or the section can be found via an entry in the table of contents and in the index
Pos: 17.4 /BA/Zu diesem Doku ment/Richtungsanga ben_mit Üb erschrift 3. Ebe ne @ 311\ mod_1418209 262291_78.docx @ 2405467 @ 3 @ 1
2.5.2 Direction Information
Direction information in this document such as front, rear, right and left always applies in the
direction of travel.
Pos: 17.5 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 3/A-E/B /Begriff "Masc hine" @ 337\ mod_1430721887 716_78.doc x @ 2563575 @ 3 @ 1
2.5.3 Term “Machine”
Pos: 17.6 /BA/Zu diesem Doku ment/Begriff Masc hine_Direktsch neidwerk @ 56 2\mod_15 42275529413_7 8.docx @ 37324 88 @ @ 1
Throughout the rest of this document, the direct cut header will also be referred to as the
Pos: 17.7 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 3/A-E/A /Abbildungen _Darstellungs mittel @ 336\m od_14301339190 63_78.docx @ 2558462 @ 3 @ 1
2.5.4 Figures
Pos: 17.8 /BA/Zu diesem Doku ment/Abbildung en_Text @ 336\ mod_143013 4111209_78.d ocx @ 255849 3 @ @ 1
The figures in this document do not always represent the exact machine type. The information
which refers to the figure always corresponds to the machine type of this document.
Pos: 17.9 /Layo ut Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_119617 5311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
To this Document
Pos: 17.10 /Übersc hriften/Überschrif ten 3/U-Z/U mfang des Do kuments @ 346\mod_14349 79896995_78.d ocx @ 261136 6 @ 3 @ 1
2.5.5 Scope of Document
Pos: 17.11 /BA/Z u diesem Do kument/Umfang des Dokuments_alle Beipacks und Varianten en thalten_Te xt @ 346\mod_1 43497946022 6_78.docx @ 2 611335 @ @ 1
In addition to standard equipment, accessories kits and versions of the machine are described
in this document. Your machine may deviate from this document.
Pos: 17.12 /Übersc hriften/Überschrif ten 3/A-E/D /Darstellungs mittel @ 336\ mod_142986 5448625_78.doc x @ 2556625 @ 3 @ 1
2.5.6 Means of representation
Pos: 17.13 /Übersc hriften/Zwisch enüberschrifte n/P-T/Symb ole im Text @ 336\mod_143 0121354111_78.d ocx @ 255753 9 @ @ 1
Icons in the text
Pos: 17.14 /BA/Z u diesem Do kument/Darstellungs mittel_ohne Hi nweis und Warnung_BA @ 3 39\mod_143 1002650179_7 8.docx @ 25 70965 @ @ 1
In this document, the following means of representation are used:
Action step
A bullet point () designates an action step you have to perform, as for example:
Set the left outside mirror.
Sequence of actions
Several bullet points () located in front of a sequence of action steps identify a sequence of
actions to be performed step by step, as for example:
Loosen counter nut.
Set the screw.
Tighten counter nut.
Dashes (-) identify lists such as, for example:
Pos: 17.15 /La yout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_11961 75311226_0.doc x @ 4165 @ @ 1
To this Document
Pos: 17.16 /Übersc hriften/Zwisch enüberschrifte n/P-T/Symb ole in Abbildunge n @ 336\m od_143012145537 9_78.docx @ 2557570 @ @ 1
Symbols in figures
Pos: 17.17 /BA/Z u diesem Do kument/Darstellungs mittel_Übersi cht Symbole_BA @ 329\m od_14271930882 97_78.docx @ 2523598 @ @ 1
To visualize parts and actions steps, the following icons are used:
Pos: 17.18 /La yout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_11961 75311226_0.doc x @ 4165 @ @ 1
To this Document
Pos: 17.19 /Übersc hriften/Zwisch enüberschrifte n/U-Z/Warn hinweise_Zu diese m Dokument @ 337\mod _1430720690194_ 78.docx @ 25 63366 @ @ 1
Warning signs
Pos: 17.20 /BA/Z u diesem Do kument/Warnhinw eise_mit Wahi Gefahr_Zu die sem Dokum ent_Text @ 530 \mod_1519294 695592_78.docx @ 3612316 @ @ 1
DANGER! - Type and source of the hazard!
Effect: Danger to life or serious injuries.
Measures for hazard prevention.
WARNING! - Type and source of the hazard!
Effect: Injuries, serious material damage.
Measures for hazard prevention.
CAUTION! - Type and source of hazard!
Effect: Damage to property.
Measures to avoid damage.
Pos: 17.21 /Übersc hriften/Zwisch enüberschrifte n/F-J/Hinw eise mit Infor mationen und Em pfehlungen_Zu diesem Dokume nt @ 337\mo d_14307217345 82_78.docx @ 2 563548 @ @ 1
Notes with information and recommendations
Pos: 17.22 /BA/Z u diesem Do kument/Hinweise mit Informatio nen und Empfehl ungen_Text @ 337\mod_143 0721371455_ 78.docx @ 2 563487 @ @ 1
Effect: Economic benefit of the machine.
Measures to be performed.
Pos: 17.23 /La yout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_11961 75311226_0.doc x @ 4165 @ @ 1
To this Document
Pos: 17.24 /BA/Z u diesem Do kument/Umrechn ungstabelle metrisc hes Syste m auf US-S ystem_Überschri ft 3. Ebene und Einleitungssatz @ 342\mod_1 43273701169 4_78.docx @ 2 590505 @ 3 @ 1
2.5.7 Conversion table
By means of the following table, metric units can be converted into US units.
Pos: 17.25 /BA/Z u diesem Do kument/Umrechn ungstabelle metrisc hes Syste m auf US-S ystem @ 503\mod _14968352624 77_78.docx @ 3461203 @ @ 1
SI Units (Metric)
Inch-Pound Units
Unit Name
Unit Name
liters per
US gallon per
cubic meter
per hour
pound per
square inch
bar (non-SI)
newton meter
pound-foot or
pound-inch or
meter per
foot per
meter per
foot per
kilometer per
miles per
US gallon
US gal.
US ounce
US oz.
cubic inch
Pos: 17.26 /La yout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_11961 75311226_0.doc x @ 4165 @ @ 1
To this Document
Pos: 17.27 /La yout Module /Diese Seite ist be wusst freigelass en worden. @ 1\mod_120 1783680373_78.d ocx @ 54443 @ @ 1
This page has been left blank deliberately.
Pos: 18 /Layout M odule /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_119617531 1226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 19.1 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 1/P-T/ Sicherheit @ 0\ mod_119556 6748646_78.doc x @ 635 @ 1 @ 1
3 Safety
Pos: 19.2 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 2/U-Z/V Verwendungsz weck @ 1\mo d_120170724 6738_78.docx @ 54055 @ 2 @ 1
3.1 Purpose of Use
Pos: 19.3 /BA/Einl eitung/Vorsätze/ Verwendung szweck XDisc 620 @ 580\m od_15742608 33044_78.doc x @ 3883803 @ @ 1
The KRONE direct cut header XDisc 620 is a harvesting header which is attached to a KRONE
forage harvester and is used to mow stalk and leaf material growing on the ground.
Pos: 19.4.1 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 2/A-E /B/Bestimmungsg emäße Ver wendung @ 10 3\mod_13321 69199326_78.d ocx @ 940071 @ 2 @ 1
3.2 Intended use
Pos: 19.4.2 /BA/ Sicherheit/9. Bes timmungsge mäße Verwendung _Fehlanwend ung/Bestimmungsg emäße Ver wendung: Einl eitungssatz Ernteg utver wendung_Vorsatz B X XDisc @ 519\mod_15078 06760932_78.d ocx @ 356652 8 @ @ 1
This machine is a direct cut header and is used to mow crops and to feed them to the forage
Pos: 19.4.3 /BA/ Sicherheit/9. Bes timmungsge mäße Verwendung _Fehlanwend ung/Bestimmungsg emäße Ver wendung: Erntegu t_MT @ 518 \mod_1507 793589254_7 8.docx @ 3564 840 @ @ 1
The crops designated for the intended use of this machine are mown stalk and leaf crops
growing on the ground.
Pos: 19.4.4 /BA/ Sicherheit/9. Bes timmungsge mäße Verwendung _Fehlanwend ung/Bestimmungsg emäße Ver wendung: T ext 2_ALLE Mas chinen @ 518\ mod_150779 3861582_78.doc x @ 3564996 @ @ 1
The machine is designed exclusively for use in agriculture and may only be used when
all safety devices are available according to the operating instructions and are in the
protective position.
all safety instructions of the operating instructions have been observed and complied with,
both in chapter “Basic safety instructions” and directly in the chapters of the operating
The machine may be used only by people who satisfy the personnel qualification requirements
designated by the machine manufacturer.
These operating instructions are part of the machine and must therefore be at hand when the
machine is in use. The machine may be operated only when the operator has received training
and in compliance with these operating instructions.
If the machine is used for applications which are not described in these operating instructions,
this may result in serious injuries or death and damage to the machine and other property.
Unauthorised modifications to the machine may affect the properties of the machine or disrupt
the proper operation. For this reason, unauthorised modifications shall exclude any liability of
the manufacturer for consequential damage.
The intended use shall also include the adherence to the operating, maintenance and repair
conditions set by the manufacturer.
Pos: 19.4.5 /La yout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_119617 5311226_0.doc x @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 19.4.6 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 2/U- Z/V/Vernüftig erweise vorherseh bare Fehlanwe ndung @ 103 \mod_1332169 519322_78.docx @ 940100 @ 2 @ 1
3.3 Reasonably foreseeable misuse
Pos: 19.4.7 /BA/ Sicherheit/9. Bes timmungsge mäße Verwend ung_Fehlanw endung/Vernünftig erweise vor hersehbare Fehla nwendung: Te xt1_ALLE Maschi nen @ 518\ mod_15077960 08012_78.doc x @ 3565027 @ @ 1
Any use beyond the intended use, see chapter Safety, “Intended use”, is regarded as improper
use and is therefore misuse according to the Machinery Directive. The manufacturer is not liable
for damage resulting from this, the user alone bears the risk.
Such misuse is for example:
Pos: 19.4.8 /BA/ Sicherheit/9. Bes timmungsge mäße Verwendung _Fehlanwend ung/Vernünftiger weise vor hersehbare Fe hlanwendung: A ufz Bearbeitung von Erntegüter n_alle außer TT und BM @ 518\ mod_150779 6335943_78.d ocx @ 3565 439 @ @ 1
Processing of crops which are outside the intended use of the machine, see chapter Safety,
“Intended use”
Pos: 19.4.9 /BA/ Sicherheit/9. Bes timmungsge mäße Verwendung _Fehlanwend ung/Vernünftiger weise vorhers ehbare Fehlan wendung: Aufz Tr ansport vo n Personen_A LLE Maschinen @ 518\mod _150779685459 2_78.docx @ 35 65573 @ @ 1
Transportation of people
Pos: 19.4.10 /B A/Sicherheit/9. Bestimmungsge mäße Verwen dung_Fehlan wendung/Vernünftig erweise vorh ersehbare Fehl anwendung: Aufz Transport von Gütern_alle außer TT @ 5 18\mod_1507 796990273_7 8.docx @ 3565645 @ @ 1
Transportation of goods
Pos: 19.4.11 /B A/Sicherheit/9. B estimmungsge mäße Verwen dung_Fehlan wendung/Vernü nftigerweise vorh ersehbare Fehl anwendung: Aufz Überschreitu ng Gewicht_XDisc EasyCollec t @ 518\mod _1507797335 364_78.doc x @ 3565709 @ @ 1
Exceedance of the permitted technical total weight of the carrier vehicle
Pos: 19.4.12 /B A/Sicherheit/9. B estimmungsge mäße Verwendu ng_Fehlanwen dung/Vernünftig erweise vorherse hbare Fehlanw endung_letzt e Aufz und T ext_ALLE M aschinen @ 518 \mod_15077974 20836_78. docx @ 3565741 @ @ 1
Non-compliance with the safety labels on the machine and safety notes in the operating
Performing troubleshooting, setting, cleaning, repair and maintenance work contrary to the
information in the operating instructions
Unauthorised modifications to the machine
Attachment of unauthorised or unapproved additional equipment
Use of spare parts which are not KRONE original spare parts
Stationary operation of the machine
Unauthorised modifications to the machine may affect the properties of the machine or disrupt
proper operation. For this reason, unauthorised modifications will exclude any liability of the
manufacturer for consequential damage.
Pos: 19.5 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 2/K-O/NN utzungsdauer der Maschin e @ 318\mod _1423658430909 _78.docx @ 2465744 @ 2 @ 1
3.4 Service life of the machine
Pos: 19.6 /BA/Einl eitungNutzungs dauer der M aschine_Text @ 5 36\mod_15 21559267125 _78.docx @ 3632 646 @ @ 1
The service life of this machine strongly depends on proper use and maintenance as well as
the operating conditions.
Permanent operational readiness as well as long service life of the machine can be
achieved by observing the instructions and notes of these operating instructions.
After each season of use, the machine must be checked thoroughly for wear and other
Damaged and worn parts must be replaced before placing the machine into service again.
After the machine has been used for five years, carry out full technical inspection of the
machine. According to the results of this inspection, a decision concerning the possibility of
reuse of the machine should be taken.
Pos: 19.7 /Layo ut Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_119617 5311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 19.8.1 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 2/F-J/G Grundlegen de Sicherheitshi nweise @ 186\ mod_138000 9482364_78.doc x @ 1606585 @ 2 @ 1
3.5 Basic safety instructions
Pos: 19.8.2 /BA/ Sicherheit/1. Gr undlegende Sich erheitshinweis e/Nichtbeacht ung der SiHi und WaHi (Einführte xt Grundlege nde SiHi)_f uer alle @ 175\ mod_1372834 139379_78.doc x @ 1504793 @ @ 1
Non-compliance with the safety instructions and warnings
Non-compliance with the safety instructions and warnings may result in injuries and damage to
the environment and property.
Pos: 19.8.3 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 3/A-E /B/Bedeutung der Betriebsanl eitung @ 186\ mod_138001 1391583_78.doc x @ 1606670 @ 3 @ 1
3.5.1 Importance of the operating instructions
Pos: 19.8.4 /BA/ Sicherheit/1. Gr undlegende Sich erheitshinweis eBedeutung der Betriebsanleit ung_fuer alle @ 451\mod_1 46279625572 3_78.docx @ 30 64819 @ @ 1
The operating instructions are an important document and a part of the machine. They are
aimed at the user and contain safety-relevant information.
Only the procedures indicated in the operating instructions are reliable. If the operating
instructions are not observed, people may be seriously injured or killed.
Before using the machine for the first time, read and follow all the “Basic Safety Instructions”
in the Safety chapter.
Before working, also read and observe the respective sections in the operating instructions.
Keep the operating instructions ready to hand for the user of the machine.
Hand over the operating instructions to subsequent users.
Pos: 19.8.5 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 3/P-T/ PPersonalqu alifikation @ 18 7\mod_13800 11550253_78.d ocx @ 1606703 @ 3 @ 1
3.5.2 Personnel qualification
Pos: 19.8.6 /BA/ Sicherheit/1. Gr undlegende Sich erheitshinweis e/Personalqu alifikation_BA_ fuer alle @ 176\ mod_137284 0611484_78.d ocx @ 150563 9 @ @ 1
If the machine is not used properly, people may be seriously injured or killed. To avoid
accidents, each person who works with the machine must satisfy the following minimum
He is physically capable of controlling the machine.
He can work safely with the machine in accordance with these operating instructions.
He understands the method of operation of the machine within the scope of his work and
can identify and avoid the dangers associated with the work.
He has read the operating instructions and can implement the information in the operating
instructions accordingly.
He is familiar with driving vehicles safely.
For road travel he has adequate knowledge of the highway code and has the stipulated
driving licence.
Pos: 19.8.7 /La yout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_119617 5311226_0.doc x @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 19.8.8 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 3/P-T/ P/Personalqu alifikation des F achpersonals @ 510\mod_ 1501758760055 _78.docx @ 349 8479 @ 3 @ 1
3.5.3 Personnel qualification of the technicians
Pos: 19.8.9 /BA/ Sicherheit/1. Gr undlegende Sich erheitshinweis e/Personalqualifi kation des F achpersonals_fu er alle @ 481\ mod_147557 4402915_78.d ocx @ 324109 5 @ @ 1
If the work (assembly, conversion, modification, extension, repairs, retrofitting) is performed
improperly on the machine, people may be seriously or fatally injured. To avoid accidents,
everyone who performs work according to these instructions must meet the following minimum
Qualified professional, with relevant training.
Capable of assembling the (partially) disassembled machine according to the assembly
instructions provided by the manufacturer.
Capable of extending, modifying or repairing the function of the machine according to the
relevant instructions provided by the manufacturer.
Ability to perform the work safely according to these instructions.
Understands the mode of operation of the work to be performed and the machine and is
able to identify and avoid the hazards associated with the work.
Has read these instructions and is able to apply the information in these instructions
Pos: 19.8.10 /Üb erschriften/Üb erschriften 3/K- O/KKinder in Gefahr @ 187\mod_138001 1650765_78. docx @ 16067 32 @ 3 @ 1
3.5.4 Children in danger
Pos: 19.8.11 /B A/Sicherheit/1. Gru ndlegende Sic herheitshinw eise/Kinder in Gef ahr_angebaute und angehängt e Maschine n @ 176\mod _1372842540 941_78.doc x @ 1505758 @ @ 1
Children cannot assess danger and behave unpredictably.
As a result, children are especially at risk.
Keep children away from the machine.
Keep children away from consumables.
Especially before starting up and moving the machine, ensure that there are no children in
the danger zone.
Pos: 19.8.12 /Üb erschriften/Üb erschriften 3/A- E/A/Ankuppel n von Vorsatzger äten oder Anh ängern @ 187 \mod_1380011 743445_78.doc x @ 1606761 @ 3 @ 1
3.5.5 Connecting front attachments or trailers
Pos: 19.8.13 /B A/Sicherheit/1. Gru ndlegende Sic herheitshinw eise/Ankuppeln vo n Vorsatzgerät en (an Selbstfa hrer) @ 271\ mod_140290 4536615_78.doc x @ 204446 7 @ @ 1
If the machine is incorrectly connected to a forage harvester, there is a risk of causing serious
When connecting front attachments or trailers, follow all operating instructions:
The operating instructions for the machine
The operating instructions for the forage harvester
The operating instructions for the universal shaft
Follow the coupling instructions, see chapter Initial start-up, "Adjusting machine to forage
harvester" and chapter Start-up, "Attaching to the forage harvester".
Note the modified driving behaviour of the combination.
Pos: 19.8.14 /L ayout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_11961 75311226_0.d ocx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 19.8.15 /Üb erschriften/Üb erschriften 3/A- E/B/Bauliche Ä nderungen an d er Maschine @ 187\mod_ 1380011874486_ 78.docx @ 160 6786 @ 3 @ 1
3.5.6 Structural changes to the machine
Pos: 19.8.16 /B A/Sicherheit/1. Gru ndlegende Sic herheitshinw eiseBauliche Änderu ngen an der Maschine_f uer alle @ 453 \mod_146398 8143077_78.doc x @ 3077215 @ @ 1
Structural changes and enhancements may impair the functionality and operational safety of the
machine. Thus there is a risk of serious injuries or death.
Structural changes and enhancements are not permitted.
Pos: 19.8.17 /Üb erschriften/Üb erschriften 3/U-Z/Z usatzausrüs tungen und Ers atzteile @ 1 87\mod_1380 012000801_78. docx @ 1606819 @ 3 @ 1
3.5.7 Additional equipment and spare parts
Pos: 19.8.18 /B A/Sicherheit/1. Gru ndlegende Sic herheitshinw eiseZusatzausrüs tungen und Ersa tzteile_fuer alle @ 453\ mod_1463988536 645_78.doc x @ 3077246 @ @ 1
Additional equipment and spare parts which do not comply with the requirements of the
manufacturer may impair the operational safety of the machine and cause accidents.
To ensure operational safety, use original parts or standard parts which correspond to the
requirements of the manufacturer.
Pos: 19.8.19 /Üb erschriften/Üb erschriften 3/A- E/AArbeitsplätz e an der Masc hine @ 453\m od_146398863 4725_78.docx @ 3077278 @ 3 @ 1
3.5.8 Workstations on the Machine
Pos: 19.8.20 /B A/Sicherheit/1. Gru ndlegende Sic herheitshinw eise/Arbeitsplätz e - Mitfahren de Personen_f uer alle @ 176\ mod_1372850 186689_78.doc x @ 1506442 @ @ 1
Passengers may be seriously injured by the machine or fall off the machine and get run over.
Ejected objects may strike and injure passengers.
Never let people ride on the machine.
Pos: 19.8.21 /L ayout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_11961 75311226_0.d ocx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 19.8.22 /Üb erschriften/Üb erschriften 3/A- E/B/Betriebssic herheit: Tec hnisch einwandfrei er Zustand @ 187\mod_138 0012216128_ 78.docx @ 16068 77 @ 3 @ 1
3.5.9 Operational safety: Technically perfect condition
Pos: 19.8.23 /B A/Sicherheit/1. Gru ndlegende Sic herheitshinw eise/Betriebssich erheit - Betri eb nur nach or dnungsgemäßer I nbetriebnahm e_fuer alle @ 1 76\mod_1372 854464728_7 8.docx @ 150653 0 @ @ 1
Operation only when the machine has been started up correctly
If the machine is not started up correctly according to these operating instructions, the
operational safety of the machine is not ensured. As a result, accidents may occur and people
may be seriously injured or killed.
Do not use the machine unless it has been started up correctly, see chapter Start-up.
Pos: 19.8.24 /B A/Sicherheit/1. Gru ndlegende Sic herheitshinw eise/Betriebssich erheit - Tec hnisch einwan dfreier Zustand d er Maschine_fu er alle @ 176\ mod_1372854 718958_78.d ocx @ 1506559 @ @ 1
Technically perfect condition of the machine
Improper maintenance and adjustment may affect the operational safety of the machine and
cause accidents. As a result, people may be seriously injured or killed.
Perform all maintenance and adjustment work according to the chapters Maintenance and
Before performing any maintenance or adjustment work, shut down and safeguard the
machine, see chapter Safety "Shutting down and safeguarding the machine".
Pos: 19.8.25 /B A/Sicherheit/1. Gr undlegende Sic herheitshin weise/Betriebssic herheit - Gefa hr durch Schä den an der Masc hine (XDisc) @ 579\mod_15 73563178980 _78.docx @ 387 9302 @ @ 1
Danger resulting from damage to the machine
Damage to the machine may impair the operational safety of the machine and cause accidents.
As a result, people may be seriously or fatally injured. The following parts of the machine are
particularly important for safety:
Safety devices
Connecting devices
Hydraulic system
Universal shafts
If there is doubt about the operational reliability of the machine, for example if consumables are
leaking out, if there is visible damage or if the operating behaviour unexpectedly changes:
Shut down and safeguard the machine, see Safety chapter, "Shutting down and
safeguarding the machine".
Immediately eliminate potential causes of damage, for example remove heavy soiling or
tighten slack screws.
If possible, repair the damage according to these operating instructions.
In case of damage which may affect operational reliability and cannot be repaired according
to these operating instructions: Have damage repaired by a qualified specialist workshop.
Pos: 19.8.26 /L ayout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_11961 75311226_0.d ocx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: 19.8.2 7 /BA/Sicherheit/ 1. Grundlegen de Sicherheits hinweise/Betriebssic herheit - T echnische Gre nzwerte (XDisc) @ 580\mod_ 15743176966 55_78.docx @ 38 83977 @ @ 1
Technical limit values
If the technical limit values of the machine are not observed, the machine may be damaged. As
a result, accidents may occur and people may be seriously or fatally injured. With regard to
safety, it is particularly important to comply with the following technical limit value:
maximum permitted operating pressure of the hydraulics
maximum permitted drive speed
maximum permitted axle loads of forage harvester
Comply with limit value, see chapter Machine description, "Technical data".
Pos: /Ü berschriften/Üb erschriften 3/F-J/ G/Gefahren bereiche @ 187\mod_13800 12427290_78.d ocx @ 160690 6 @ 3 @ 1
3.5.10 Danger zones
Pos: /BA /Sicherheit/1. Gr undlegende Sic herheitshin weise/Gefahrenb ereiche_Einleitu ng_fuer alle @ 453\mod_ 14639912925 72_78.docx @ 30 77571 @ @ 1
When the machine is switched on, a danger zone may be created around this machine.
To avoid getting into the danger zone of the machine, maintain at least the safety distance.
If the safety distance is not followed, people may be seriously injured or killed.
Do not switch on the drives and the engine until you are sure that no one has ignored the
safety distance.
If people ignore the safety distance, switch off the drives.
Stop the machine in the shunting operation and field mode.
Pos: /BA /Sicherheit/1. Gr undlegen de Sicherheitshi nweise/Gefahr enbereiche_Sich erheitsabstand_ Tabelle_BiG M_ X-DISC_M ähwerke_BiG X _Schwader_W ender @ 453\ mod_1464004 870510_78.docx @ 3079707 @ @ 1
The safety clearance is:
For machine in shunting operation and
field mode
In front of the machine
30 m
Behind the machine
5 m
Laterally to the machine
3 m
For machine switched on without driving motion
In front of the machine
3 m
Behind the machine
5 m
Laterally to the machine
3 m
Pos: /BA /Sicherheit/1. Grundlegen de Sicherheitshi nweise/Gefahr enbereiche_Sich erheitsabstand_ allg Text_fuer alle @ 453\m od_1463992314 739_78.docx @ 3077782 @ @ 1
The safety distances named here are minimum distances according to the intended use. These
safety distances must be increased depending on operating conditions and environmental
conditions, when required.
Pos: /BA /Sicherheit/1. Gr undlegende Sic herheitshin weise/Gefahrenb ereiche_Te xt Abhilfe_Vorsätze @ 566\ mod_1552979300 371_78.doc x @ 3750180 @ @ 1
Before performing any work in the danger zone of the machine: Shut down and safeguard
the machine, see chapter Safety, "Shutting down and safeguarding the machine". This also
applies to brief inspection work.
Consider the information in all relevant operating instructions:
The operating instructions of the machine
The operating instructions of the universal shaft
The operating instructions of the forage harvester
The operating instructions of the transport wagon
Pos: /L ayout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.d ocx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Pos: /BA /Sicherheit/1. Gr undlegende Sic herheitshin weiseGefahren bereich Gelen kwelle_fuer alle @ 576\mod_1 56931205581 5_78.docx @ 37 93186 @ @ 1
Danger zone universal shaft
People may be caught, pulled in and seriously injured by the universal shaft.
Observe operating instructions for the universal shaft.
Ensure sufficient overlap of section tube and universal shaft guards.
Allow the universal shaft locks to engage. There must be no areas of the locking device on
the PTO shaft fork which could cause catching or entrapment (e.g. by annular design,
protective collar around the locking pin).
Attach chains to prevent the universal shaft guards from rotating with the shaft.
Make sure that there is no one in the danger zone of PTO shaft and universal shaft.
Make sure that the universal shaft guards are mounted and that they are fully functional.
Switch off the PTO shaft when the angles between the universal shaft and the PTO shaft
are too large. The machine may be damaged. Parts may be hurled up and cause injury to
Pos: /BA /Sicherheit/1. Gr undlegende Sic herheitshin weise/Gefahrenb ereich Zapf welle_fuer alle @ 453\mod_14 63993689007_ 78.docx @ 3 077933 @ @ 1
Danger zone PTO shaft
People may be caught, pulled in and seriously injured by the PTO shaft and the driven
Before switching on the PTO shaft:
Make sure that all safety devices are fitted and in the protection position.
Ensure that there is nobody in the danger zone of PTO shaft and universal shaft.
Switch off the drives if they are not necessary.
Pos: /BA /Sicherheit/1. Gr undlegende Sic herheitshin weise/Gefahrenb ereich zwisch en Exaktfeldhäcksl er und V orsatz_BiG X_V orsätze @ 45 3\mod_14639 94660446_78.doc x @ 3078024 @ @ 1
Danger zone between precision forage harvester and header
People staying between precision forage harvester and header could be seriously hurt or killed
caused by precision forage harvester rolling away, carelessness or machine movements.
Before working between precision forage harvester and header: Shut down and safeguard
the machine, see chapter Safety, “Shutting Down and Safeguarding the Machine”. This also
applies to brief inspection work.
If the lifting unit has to be actuated, keep all people away from the range of movement of
the header.
Pos: / Layout Modul e /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1 196175311226_0. docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
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Krone XDisc 620 Operating instructions

Operating instructions

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