WAGO I/O System 750 Device Description 15
750-506 2DO 24V DC 0.5A/ diagnostics
Version 1.2.1
Pos: 19 /Alle Seri en ( All ge mein e Mo dul e)/Ü ber schr if ten/ Ebe ne 1/ G erät ebes chr eib ung - Ü b erschr if t 1 @ 3 \mod_1233756084656_21.docx @ 27096 @ 1 @ 1
3 Device Description
Pos: 20.1 /S erie 75 0 (W AGO I/O SYS TEM )/ Ger äteb esc hrei bu ng (al te Str ukt ur) /Ei nleit ung /An wen dung /DO /A nwen dung 75 0-x5xx DO @ 3\mod_1233764594468_21.docx @ 27120 @ @ 1
The 750-506 (2DO 24V DC 0.5A/ diagnostics) Digital Output Module transmits
binary control signals from the automation device to the connected actuators
(e.g., solenoid valves, contactors, transmitters or other electrical loads).
Pos: 20.2 /S erie 75 0 (W AGO I/O SYS TEM )/ Ger äteb esc hrei bu ng (al te Str ukt ur) /Ei nleit ung /An wen dung /DO /Üb erl ast, K urzsc hlus s u nd D ra htbru ch wer den kanal weise von der Kl emme erkannt. @ 5\mod_1246609628890_21.docx @ 36550 @ @ 1
These output modules can recognize a short circuit to ground, a line break and
an overload in either channel.
Pos: 20.3 /S erie 75 0 (W AGO I/O SYS TEM )/ Ger äteb esc hrei bu ng (al te Str ukt ur) /Einl eit ung/ I/O-B esc hrei bung /DO /I/ O-Besc hr eibu ng 7 50- 05xx 2 DO 3-Leit er ( DO, 0 V und Er de) @ 5\ mod_1246609920281_21.docx @ 36553 @ @ 1
The I/O module has 2 output channels. 2 actuators with ground (earth) wire
may be directly connected to signal output DO 1, 0 V and ground
or signal output DO 2, 0 V and ground.
Pos: 20.4 /S erie 75 0 (W AGO I/O SYS TEM )/ Ger äteb esc hrei bu ng (al te Str ukt ur) /Ei nleit ung /I/ O-Bes chr ei bung /All ge mein /Ver weis a uf K api tel " Ans chl üss e" @ 8\ mod_1276775378035_21.docx @ 579 56 @ @ 1
The assignment of the connections is described in the “Connectors” section.
Pos: 20.5 /S erie 75 0 (W AGO I/O SYS TEM )/ Ger äteb esc hrei bu ng (al te Str ukt ur) /Ei nleit ung /I/ O-Bes chr ei bung /All ge mein /Ver weis a uf K api tel " Ger ät e an schli eße n" > "A nsc hluss beispi el(e) " @ 5\mod_1246015203281_21. docx @ 36298 @ @ 1
Connection examples are shown in section “Connect Devices” > … >
“Connection Example(s)”.
Pos: 20.6 /S erie 75 0 (W AGO I/O SYS TEM )/ Wic htig e Er läut eru nge n (al te Str ukt ur)/ Sic her heit s- un d sonsti ge Hinweis e/Achtung/Achtung: DO Induktionsspannungsbegrenzung Elektronik @ 3\mod_1233815757507_21.docx @ 27153 @ @ 1
Limit all induced voltage!
The electronic components of the I/O module can be damaged by the induced
voltage produced when inductive loads are de-activated.
An appropriate protection circuit, e.g., a recovery diode, must be installed in
parallel to the load to limit this induced voltage.
Pos: 20.7 /S erie 75 0 (W AGO I/O SYS TEM )/ Ger äteb esc hrei bu ng (al te Str ukt ur) /Ei nleit ung /I/ O-Bes chr eibu ng/D O/I/ O-B esc hrei bu ng 7 50-05 xx DO kurzsc hlussfest @ 3\mod_1233817429086_21.docx @ 27167 @ @ 1
The output channels are electrically short-circuit-protected.
Pos: 20.8 /S erie 75 0 (W AGO I/O SYS TEM )/ Ger äteb esc hrei bu ng (al te Str ukt ur) /Ei nleit ung /I/ O-Bes chr eibu ng/D O/I/ O-B esc hrei bu ng 7 50- x5xx DO HSS / positivschalt end (24 V) @ 3\mod_1233816955742_21.doc x @ 27160 @ @ 1
The I/O module outputs provide high-side switching. If the signal status of an
output channel is at “high” the 24 V potential for field power will be switched to
the appropriate output connection.
Pos: 20.9 /S erie 75 0 (W AGO I/O SYS TEM )/ Ger äteb esc hrei bu ng (al te Str ukt ur)/Ei nl eitu ng/I/ O-B esc hrei bung /DO /I/O- Besc hrei bu ng 7 50-05xx Leistungskontakt durch Einspeisemodul @ 5\mod_1246856959993_21.docx @ 36590 @ @ 1
The supply voltage for the field side is derived from an adjacent supply module
by means of power jumper contacts.
Pos: 20 .10 /S erie 750 ( WAGO I /O SYST EM)/ Wichti ge Erläu terung en (al te Stru ktur )/Sic herhei ts- un d s onsti ge H in wei se/Ac ht ung/ Ac htung : D O Ü ber last sch utz - Einpeiseklemme mit Sicherung @ 3\mod_1233814881117_21.docx @ 27150 @ @ 1
Provide for overload protection!
Overloading can damage the electronic components of the I/O module.
A fused supply module (750-601) must be installed upstream of the I/O module
to protect it against overloading!
Pos: 20.1 1 / Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O I /O SY ST EM) /Ger äte bes chr eib ung (alt e St ruk tur )/Ei nlei tung /LED -A nzei ge /LED Zus ta nd Si gn al F ehl er K urzs chl uss/D r ahtbr uc h/Ü berl ast @ 5\mod_1246873201797_21.docx @ 36664 @ @ 1
The status of the two output channels is indicated via green status LEDs. A color
change to red signals an open circuit, overload or a short circuit.
Pos: 20.1 2 / Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O I /O SY ST EM) /Ger äte bes chr eib ung (alt e St ruk tur )/Ei nlei tung /LED -A nzei ge /Ver weis a uf K api tel " Anz eige el eme nte" @ 5 \mod_1246010525000_21. docx @ 36194 @ @ 1
The meaning of the LEDs is described in the “Display Elements” section.
Pos: 20.1 3 / Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O I /O SY ST EM) /Ger äte bes chr eib ung (alt e St ruk tur )/Ei nlei tung /Ver s orgu ng/ Ver sorg ung 24 V, 0 V ü ber Lei stung skont akte St and ard @ 3\mod_1226498974531_21.docx @ 25020 @ @ 1
The I/O module 750-506 (2DO 24V DC 0.5A/ diagnostics) receives the 24 V
voltage supply for the field level from an upstream I/O module or from the
fieldbus coupler/controller via blade-formed power jumper contacts. It then