Kamstrup OMNIPOWER® CT meter Installation and User Guide

  • Hello! I have analyzed the Installation manual for the OMNIPOWER CT Electricity Meter by kamstrup. This document covers the installation process, safety guidelines, and features of the meter such as the built-in radio and display indicators. I'm ready to answer your questions about the meter and its installation.
  • What does it mean when the L1, L2, or L3 indicators are on?
    What does the blinking meter constant LED indicate?
    What is the purpose of the push button on the meter?
Instlltion mnul
Kmsrup A/S · Indusrivej 28, Silling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmsrup.com · kmsrup.com
2 Kmstrup A/S • 55121520_E1_GB_10.2016
Connect the meter in ccordnce with the instlltion digrm on the meter’s type lbel.
Depending on the configurtion,  fixed vlue is displyed, or the disply chnges between select-
ed indictions every 10 seconds.
It is possible to chnge the disply reding mnully by ctivting the left push button on the
meter. The vilble redings depend on the meter’s configurtion.
Security nd instlltion guidelines
The meter is only to be used for mesuring electricl energy nd shll operte within the specified
vlues only.
The meter must be disconnected when working on it. It cn be highly dngerous to touch the meter
prts when the meter is switched on.
Therefore, the relevnt security fuse must be removed nd kept in  plce where it cnnot be
inserted by unuthorized persons.
Current locl stndrds, guidelines, regultions nd instructions must be observed. Only uthor-
ized personnel is permitted to instll electricity meters.
Meters for indirect connection must be protected ginst short circuit by  security fuse in ccord-
nce with the mximum current stted on the meter.
Filing to obey the ”Guidelines for sfety nd instlltion”, the gurntee no longer pplies.
LCD disply
Opticl interfce
LED (meter constnt)
Push button (selble)
Utility sels
Type lbel
Secondry module
Push button
The meter constnt LED blinks proportionlly to the consumed ctive secondry energy.
Only uthorized personnel my brek the utility seling.
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The phse current nd the supply voltge indictions indicte situtions described below.
From the connection of the meter:
Indictions L1, L2, L3 Indicte
On Voltge is bove minimum limit (160 V)
Off Voltge is below minimum limit (160 V)
Indiction Indicte
On Lod is bove minimum limit (0.6 W)
Off Lod is below minimum limit (0.6 W)
If the lod exceeds the minimum limit nd the meter is configured with this reding, consumption
will be indicted vi the qudrnt reding. The direction of the three phse currents is indicted vi
the rrows bove, respectively L1, L2 nd L3.
7-digit identifiction field
Qudrnt indiction
Module indiction Text field
Unit field
Breker symbol
Tmper symbol
Triff indiction
Rdio network symbol
Error symbol
Phse sequence indiction
9-digit vlue field
Phse current indiction
Prepyment symbol
Supply voltge indiction
Size: 2.5-10 mm² elevting connections
Screw: Ph 2 / 4x1 mm
Torch: 1.8 Nm +/- 10 %
4 Kmstrup A/S • 55121520_E1_GB_10.2016
With built-in rdio
If the meter is supplied with integrl rdio for estblishment of remote reding, the meter utomt-
iclly connects to  rdio network. The integrl rdio is equipped with n internl ntenn. If the
rdio signl is not sufficient, n externl ntenn must be connected. Plese see current docu-
menttion on vilble ntenns.
Mounting  communiction module in the meter my influence the rdio communiction. Plese
contct Kmstrup A/S.
Short-circuit connection
When  3-phse meter is used for  2-phse instlltion, it is recommended not to mke 
short-circuit connection between the meter’s phse inputs 1 nd 2 (i.e. between terminls 1 nd 4
or between terminls 2 nd 5).
Instlltion dimensions
Connection digrms
The vlid connection digrm ppers from the type lbel.
3-phse, 4-wire 3-phse, 3-wire (Aron)
7 8 95 62 3 4
+2120 7 8 952 3