Kamstrup OMNICON® 2G Modem & OMNICON® 4G Modem Installation and User Guide

  • Hello! I have analyzed the Installation and user guide for the OMNICON 2G Modem. This document provides information on installation, SIM card requirements, antenna mounting, light-emitting diodes indications, error detection, and SMS command usage. It describes a 2G device designed for use with OMNIPOWER electricity meters, featuring an internal antenna and supporting external antennas. I'm ready to answer any questions you have about this device and its functionalities.
  • What type of SIM card is required?
    What should I do if the signal strength is low?
    What does a flashing LED indicate?
    How do I check the signal strength?
    Can I use the internal antenna with an external one?
Instlltion nd user guide
Kmsrup A/S · Indusrivej 28, Silling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmsrup.com · kmsrup.com
2 Kmstrup A/S • 55121467_F1_GB_11.2018
Quick guide
1 Red the signl strength on the module LEDs (minimum two must be on).
2 If the signl strength is below 2, n externl ntenn must be instlled.
3 The externl ntenn must be plced t  loction tht optimises the reception of the signl.
Chnge the position of the ntenn until the best position hs been found.
4 Before leving the instlltion, you must test the signl strength vi  text messge
(=STATUS#). The meter housing nd the doors must be closed before sending the text
1 Tips
Alwys instll n externl ntenn when instlling the unit in  metl cbinet.
The ntenn must be plced outside the cbinet.
Use qud-bnd GSM ntenns to optimise the performnce.
Note tht fire doors s well s concrete nd metl pltes disturb nd weken the GSM signl.
It is possible to order directionl ntenns for res with very poor signl conditions (plese
contct Kmstrup A/S for further informtion).
If the meter is plced
in  metl cbinet, the
ntenn must be plced
outside the cbinet.
If the meter is plced under
ground level (e.g. in 
bsement), the ntenn must
be plced close to  window
or outside the building.
Mke sure tht ll
cbinets nd doors re
closed before sending
the text messge.
Fire door
Metl cbinet
3Kmstrup A/S • 55121467_F1_GB_11.2018
1 Tips
If the meter is plced
in  metl cbinet, the
ntenn must be plced
outside the cbinet.
If the meter is plced under
ground level (e.g. in 
bsement), the ntenn must
be plced close to  window
or outside the building.
Mke sure tht ll
cbinets nd doors re
closed before sending
the text messge.
Fire door
Metl cbinet
1 Tips 2
1 Description 4
1.1 Description of OMNICON® 2G Modem 4
1.2 Use of OMNICON® 2G Modem 4
2 Mounting of OMNICON® 2G Modem 5
2.1 Mounting order 5
3 Light-emitting diodes 6
3.1 LED positions 6
3.2 Start-up 6
3.2.1 Check of SIM card 6
3.2.2 Creation of connection to the network 6
3.2.3 Connected to network and to meter 7
3.2.4 Signal strength indicator 7
3.2.5 Error indication 7
4 SIM crd 8
4.1 Mounting the SIM card 8
4.2 SIM card requirements 8
5 Mounting of externl ntenn (to be ordered seprtely) 9
6 Externl ntenn 10
6.1 OMNICON® 2G Modem 10
7 Error detection help 11
8 SMS commnds 11
4 Kmstrup A/S • 55121467_F1_GB_11.2018
1 Description
1.1 Description of OMNICON® 2G Modem
The module is designed for mounting in
OMNIPOWER® electricity meters.
The module supports 2G (GSM/GPRS)
Integrted solution with mounting in the
meter's module re
Plug-nd-ply instlltion with cler
indiction of the signl strength
Sttus/pulse input
Text messge reding of meter nd signl
Internl ntenn
65 66
1.2 Use of OMNICON® 2G Modem
The OMNICON ® 2G Modem hs the following ppliction possibilities:
Top number Article no. Function Meter types
681xxxxxxxxx 681Axxxxxxxx Bsic module OMNIPOWER® for
5Kmstrup A/S • 55121467_F1_GB_11.2018
2 Mounting of OMNICON® 2G Modem
OMNICON® 2G Modem, rticle number 681Axxxxxxxx, is supplied through the module connector
nd cn be connected to n externl ntenn.
2.1 Mounting order
1 Dismount the top cover of the meter.
2 Insert SIM crd (see “SIM crd”, pge 8).
3 Plce the module in the meter's module
re (plese check tht the eight module
pins re ll plugged in).
4 When ll the green diodes on the module
stop flshing, the signl strength is red on
the indictor
(see “Signl strength indictor”, pge 7).
5 If the signl strength is not cceptble,
mount n externl ntenn. This requires
tht the internl ntenn is removed.
(See “Mounting of externl ntenn (to
be ordered seprtely)”, pge 9 nd
“Externl ntenn, pge 10.
6 Before leving the instlltion, check the
signl strength by sending  text messge
(see “SMS commnds, pge 11).
If the module does not indicte norml
operting conditions (such s sufficient
signl strength), refer to “Error detection
help”, pge 11.
6 Kmstrup A/S • 55121467_F1_GB_11.2018
3 Light-emitting diodes
The LEDs ensure tht the instller is provided with sufficient knowledge to mke  good instlltion
without using externl tools.
Note: All LEDs turn off fter 10 minutes.
They cn be rectivted by pushing the button.
3.1 LED positions
3.2 Strt-up
3.2.1 Check of SIM crd
3.2.2 Cretion of connection to the network
7Kmstrup A/S • 55121467_F1_GB_11.2018
3.2.3 Connected to network nd to meter
The network to which the module is connected ppers from the LEDs t the bottom of the
module. More thn one LED cn be on t  time. Furthermore, the red METER LED flshes if there
is no connection between the meter nd the module. The Dt/GPRS LED is lit if the module is
ssigned n IP ddress.
3.2.4 Signl strength indictor
When the signl strength is less thn 2, n externl ntenn must be mounted. If n externl
ntenn hs lredy been mounted, it should be repositioned to obtin the required signl
Very good
3.2.5 Error indiction
If one of the LEDs flshes, it mens the following:
1 SIM crd protected by PIN code
2 No SIM crd
3 Missing network registrtion
4 Communiction error with modem
Note: All LEDs turn off fter 10 minutes.
They cn be rectivted by pushing the button.
8 Kmstrup A/S • 55121467_F1_GB_11.2018
4 SIM crd
4.1 Mounting the SIM crd
The unit cn be ordered with the SIM crd
mounted from the fctory. Check tht the crd
hs been inserted. The telephone number of
the crd ppers from  lbel on the module.
Kmstrup A/S cnnot be held responsible for
theft nd misuse of SIM crds from OMNICON®
2G/4G modem units.
When the SIM crd holder is opened, the
connection to the SIM crd is disrupted.
When the SIM crd hs been inserted
correctly nd the holder is closed, the module
strts utomticlly.
If the unit is supplied without  SIM crd, mke
sure to insert one before using the unit.
The SIM crd holder is opened by pushing the
bright holder bck nd crefully tipping it up.
Then plce the SIM crd with the “cut-off”
corner in the top left side nd with the contcts
fcing the PCB.
4.2 SIM crd requirements
The SIM crd must fulfil the following requirements:
DATA/SMS, Mini-SIM (stndrd size)
PIN code must be disbled, no voice nd no prepid crd.
9Kmstrup A/S • 55121467_F1_GB_11.2018
5 Mounting of externl ntenn (to be ordered seprtely)
Externl ntenns with DC resistnce between the inner nd outer conductors of 1 K ohms or less
re detected utomticlly. This pplies to the following ntenns:
66990015 Mini Tringle, 1 m cble, MCX connector
6699448 Mini Tringle, 2.5 m cble, MCX connector
6880013 Mini Tringle, 10 cm cble, SMA connector
6699458 Discos, 1.5 m cble
6699449 Mgnet
6699465 Cvity GSM, 2.5 m cble
6880014 Directionl ntenn, without cble, with SMA connector
10 Kmstrup A/S • 55121467_F1_GB_11.2018
6 Externl ntenn
6.1 OMNICON® 2G Modem
Connect the externl ntenn to the connector
on the module. Be creful to her  "click" to
ensure tht the two connectors re connected
correctly. It is NOT llowed to use ny tools for
mounting the ntenn connector. Plce the
ntenn cble inside the plstic frme of the
module, nd led the cble out through the
cble chnnel t the bottom of the electricity
It is importnt to especilly note tht the
internl ntenn CANNOT be mounted together
with the externl ntenn nd thus must med
To ensure tht the externl ntenn is mounted
in such  wy tht it optimises the reception
conditions, the signl indictor on the module
must be observed (see “Light Emitting Diodes,
pge 6). Chnge the position of the externl
ntenn until the best position hs been found.
Mounting the externl ntenn
Remove the internl ntenn nd replce
it with n externl ntenn.
11Kmstrup A/S • 55121467_F1_GB_11.2018
7 Error detection help
Note: SMS commnds must be sent in either cpitl letters or smll letters.
The METER LED flshes constntly
The module hs no contct with the meter.
Check tht the module hs been mounted
The three LEDs to the right on the signl
indictor flsh constntly
The SIM crd hs not been inserted correctly or
is defective.
If LED no. 2 flshes SIM crd is locked.
The GPRS/Dt LED does not emit light fter
It my tke up to 3 minutes.
Ask the telecom supplier if there is  GPRS
subscription for the SIM crd (check APN, if
In cse of wek mobile signl Mount n externl ntenn. Reposition the
ntenn to find the optiml position, if required.
Send  text messge to the modem,
e.g. =STATUS#
The unit must respond with the signl strength
of the module.
Alwys complete by performing  control
reding from the reding system
Cll the utility to mke sure tht meter dt hs
been received by the reding system.
Defective modem Enclose  precise description of the error nd
return it to Kmstrup.
8 SMS commnds
Note: SMS commnds must be sent in either cpitl letters or smll letters.
Cpitl nd smll letters must not be mixed in the sme SMS commnd.
Syntx =STATUS#
Exmple =STATUS#
Return reply, correct
Antenn, (pndt), Online, 3555
Kmstrup A/S • 55121467_F1_GB_11.2018