2 Kmstrup A/S • 55122545_A1_GB_08.2019
OMNIPOWER – single phse with integrted 2G modem
Instlltion mnul
Connect the meter in ccordnce with the instlltion digrm on the meter’s type lbel.
Depending on the configurtion, fixed vlue is displyed, or the disply chnges be-
tween selected indictions every 10 seconds.
It is possible to chnge the disply reding mnully by ctivting the push button on the
meter. The vilble redings depend on the meter’s configurtion.
Security nd instlltion guidelines
The meter is only to be used for mesuring electricl energy nd shll operte within the
specified vlues only.
The meter must be disconnected when working on it. It cn be highly dngerous to touch
the meter prts when the meter is switched on.
Therefore, the relevnt security fuse must be removed nd kept in plce where it cn-
not be inserted by unuthorized persons.
Current locl stndrds, guidelines, regultions nd instructions must be observed. Only
uthorized personnel is permitted to instll electricity meters.
Meters for direct connection must be protected ginst short circuit by security fuse in
ccordnce with the mximum current stted on the meter.
Filing to obey the ”Guidelines for sfety nd instlltion”, the gurntee no longer p-