10 Kmstrup A/S • 55122154_A1_GB_06.2017
7 Error detection help
Note: SMS commnds must be sent in either cpitl letters or smll letters.
The METER diode flshes constntly
The module hs no contct with the meter.
Check tht the module hs been mounted
The three diodes to the right on the signl
indictor flsh constntly
The SIM crd hs not been inserted correctly or
is defective.
LED no. 2 flshes The SIM crd is locked.
The GPRS/dt diode does not emit light fter
Strt-up my tke up to 3 min.
Ask your telecom supplier if there is GPRS
subscription for the SIM crd (check ny APN).
Wek mobile signl Mount n externl ntenn. Reposition the
ntenn to find the optiml position, if required.
Send n SMS to the modem, Monter ekstern ntenne. Forsøg evt. forskellige
plceringer for t finde den optimle plcering.
e.g. = =STATUS#. The unit must respond with the signl strength
of the module.
Alwys complete by performing control
reding from the reding system.
Cll the utility to mke sure tht meter dt
hve been received.
Defective modem Return the modem to Kmstrup with precise
description of the error.
8 SMS commnds
Note: SMS commnds must be sent in either cpitl letters or smll letters.
Cpitl nd smll letters must not be mixed in the sme SMS commnd.
Syntx =STATUS#
Exmple =STATUS#
Retursvr, korrekt
Antenn, (pndt), Online, 3555