Kamstrup GSM3P Installation and User Guide

  • Hello, I'm a chat assistant and I've reviewed the Installation and User Guide for the GSM3P modem. This document covers the installation process, SIM card requirements, antenna considerations, and troubleshooting. The guide also details using LED indicators for signal strength and network connectivity. I'm ready to answer your questions about the GSM3P modem.
  • What type of SIM card is required?
    When should an external antenna be used?
    How do I check the signal strength?
    What should I do if the METER LED is flashing?
Instlltion nd User Guide
Kmsrup A/S · Indusrivej 28, Silling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmsrup.com · kmsrup.com
2 Kmstrup A/S • 55122154_A1_GB_06.2017
Quick guide
1 Red the signl strength on the modules Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) (min. two LEDs must be
switched on).
2 If the signl strength is below 2, n externl ntenn must be instlled.
3 The externl ntenn must be plced in  loction tht optimises the reception of the signl.
Chnge the position of the ntenn until the best position hs been found.
4 Before leving the instlltion, test the signl strength by SMS (=sttus#). Mke sure tht the
meter cbinet nd doors re closed before sending the SMS.
1 Tips
Alwys instll n externl ntenn when the meter is instlled in  metl cbinet. The ntenn
must be plced outside the cbinet.
Use qud-bnd GSM ntenns to optimise the performnce.
Note tht fire doors, concrete nd metl pltes disturb nd weken the GSM signl.
It is possible to order directionl ntenns for res with very poor signl conditions (plese
contct Kmstrup A/S for further informtion).
When plcing the meter
in  metl cbinet, mke
sure to plce the ntenn
outside the cbinet.
When plcing the meter
below the ground (e.g. in 
bsement), mke sure to plce
the ntenn close to  window
or outside the building.
Mke sure to close ll
doors nd cbinets
before sending the SMS.
Fire door
Metl cbinet
3Kmstrup A/S • 55122154_A1_GB_06.2017
1 Tips
When plcing the meter
in  metl cbinet, mke
sure to plce the ntenn
outside the cbinet.
When plcing the meter
below the ground (e.g. in 
bsement), mke sure to plce
the ntenn close to  window
or outside the building.
Mke sure to close ll
doors nd cbinets
before sending the SMS.
Fire door
Metl cbinet
1 Tips 2
1 Description 4
1.1 Description of GSM3P Modem 4
1.2 Using GSM3P 4
2 Mounting GSM3P 5
2.1 Mounting procedure 5
3 Light Emitting Diodes 6
3.1 Positioning of LED 6
3.2 Start-up 6
3.2.1 Check of the SIM card 6
3.2.2 Establishment of connection to the network 6
3.2.3 Connected to network and to meter 7
3.2.4 Signal strength indicator 7
3.2.5 Error indication 7
4 SIM crd 8
4.1 Mounting the SIM card 8
4.2 SIM card requirements 8
5 Mounting of externl ntenn (to be ordered seprtely) 9
6 Externl ntenn 9
6.1 GSM3P 9
7 Error detection help 10
8 SMS commnds 10
4 Kmstrup A/S • 55122154_A1_GB_06.2017
1 Description
1.1 Description of GSM3P Modem
The module is designed for mounting in
OMNIPOWER electricity meters.
The module supports 2G (GSM/GPRS)
Integrted solution with mounting in the
meter’s module re.
Plug nd ply instlltion with cler
indiction of the signl strength
Sttus/pulse input
SMS reding of meter nd signl strength
Internl ntenn
Non Kmstrup systems
No dtcll.
65 66
1.2 Using GSM3P
GSM3P hs the following pplictions:
Top number Article no. Function Meter types
681xxxxxxxxx 681Dxxxxxxxx Bsic module OMNIPOWER
5Kmstrup A/S • 55122154_A1_GB_06.2017
2 Mounting GSM3P
GSM3P, rticle number 681Dxxxxxxxx, is supplied vi the module connector nd cn be connected
with n externl ntenn.
2.1 Mounting procedure
1 Dismount the top cover of the meter.
2 Insert SIM crd (se “SIM crd”, pge 8).
3 Plce the module in the meter’s module
re (plese check tht the eight module
pins re ll plugged in).
4 When ll green diodes on the module stop
flshing, the signl strength cn be red on
the indictor (see “Signl strength indictor”,
pge 7).
5 If the signl strength is not cceptble,
mount n externl ntenn. This requires
tht the internl ntenn is removed. See
“Mounting of externl ntenn (to be ordered
seprtely)”, pge 9 nd “Externl
ntenn, pge 9.
6 Before leving the instlltion, check the
signl strength by sending n SMS (see
“SMS commnds”, pge 10).
If the module does not indicte norml
operting conditions (such s sufficient
signl strength), refer to “Error detection
help”, pge 10.
6 Kmstrup A/S • 55122154_A1_GB_06.2017
3 Light Emitting Diodes
The LEDs provide the instller with sufficient knowledge to mke  good instlltion without using
externl tools.
Note: All diodes turn off fter 10 minutes
They cn be rectivted by pushing the button.
3.1 Positioning of LED
3.2 Strt-up
3.2.1 Check of the SIM crd
3.2.2 Estblishment of connection to the network
7Kmstrup A/S • 55122154_A1_GB_06.2017
3.2.3 Connected to network nd to meter
The lower LEDs of the modules indicte with which network the module is connected. More
thn one LED cn be lit t the sme time. In ddition, the red METER LED flshes if there is no
connection between the meter nd the module. The Dt/GPRS LED is lit if the module hs been
llocted n IP ddress.
3.2.4 Signl strength indictor
When the signl strength is less thn 2, n externl ntenn must be mounted. If n externl
ntenn hs lredy been mounted, it should be repositioned to obtin the required signl
Very good
3.2.5 Error indiction
If one of the diodes flshes, it mens the following:
1 SIM crd protected by  PIN
2 No SIM crd
3 Missing network registrtion
4 Communiction error with modem
Note: All diodes turn off fter 10 minutes
They cn be rectivted by pushing the button.
8 Kmstrup A/S • 55122154_A1_GB_06.2017
4 SIM crd
4.1 Mounting the SIM crd
The unit cn be ordered with the SIM crd
mounted from the fctory. Plese check tht
the crd hs been inserted. The telephone
number of the crd ppers from  lbel on
the module. Kmstrup A/S cnnot be held
responsible for theft or misuse of SIM crds
from GSM3P units.
When the SIM crd holder is opened, the
connection to the SIM crd is disrupted.
When the SIM crd hs been inserted
correctly, nd the holder is closed, the module
strts utomticlly.
If the unit is supplied without  SIM crd, mke
sure to insert one before using the unit.
The SIM crd holder is opened by pushing the
bright holder bck nd crefully tipping it up.
Next, plce the SIM crd with the “cut-off”
corner in the top left side nd with the contcts
fcing the PCB.
4.2 SIM crd requirements
The SIM crd must fulfil the following requirements:
DATA/SMS, Mini-SIM (stndrd size)
PIN code must be disbled, no voice nd no pre-pid crd cn be used.
9Kmstrup A/S • 55122154_A1_GB_06.2017
5 Mounting of externl ntenn (to be ordered seprtely)
Externl ntenns with DC resistnce between the inner nd outer conductors of 1 K ohms or less
re detected utomticlly. This pplies to the following ntenns:
Mini Tringle ntenn (order No. 6699448)
Mini Tringle ntenn (order No. 6880013)
Directionl ntenn (order No. 6880014).
6 Externl ntenn
6.1 GSM3P
Connect the externl ntenn to the connector
on the module. Be creful to her  “click”
before the two connectors re connected
correctly. Do NOT use ny tools in connection
with the mounting of the ntenn plug. Plce
the ntenn cble inside the plstic frme of
the module, nd led the cble out through the
cble chnnel t the bottom of the electricity
It is importnt to notice tht the internl
ntenn must NOT be mounted together with
the externl ntenn nd must therefore be
To ensure tht the externl ntenn is mounted
in such  wy tht it optimises the reception
conditions, observe the signl indictor on
the module (see “Light Emitting Diodes, pge
6). Chnge the position of the externl
ntenn until the best position hs been found.
Mounting of externl ntenn.
Remove the internl ntenn nd replce it with n
externl ntenn.
10 Kmstrup A/S • 55122154_A1_GB_06.2017
7 Error detection help
Note: SMS commnds must be sent in either cpitl letters or smll letters.
The METER diode flshes constntly
The module hs no contct with the meter.
Check tht the module hs been mounted
The three diodes to the right on the signl
indictor flsh constntly
The SIM crd hs not been inserted correctly or
is defective.
LED no. 2 flshes The SIM crd is locked.
The GPRS/dt diode does not emit light fter
Strt-up my tke up to 3 min.
Ask your telecom supplier if there is  GPRS
subscription for the SIM crd (check ny APN).
Wek mobile signl Mount n externl ntenn. Reposition the
ntenn to find the optiml position, if required.
Send n SMS to the modem, Monter ekstern ntenne. Forsøg evt. forskellige
plceringer for t finde den optimle plcering.
e.g. = =STATUS#. The unit must respond with the signl strength
of the module.
Alwys complete by performing  control
reding from the reding system.
Cll the utility to mke sure tht meter dt
hve been received.
Defective modem Return the modem to Kmstrup with  precise
description of the error.
8 SMS commnds
Note: SMS commnds must be sent in either cpitl letters or smll letters.
Cpitl nd smll letters must not be mixed in the sme SMS commnd.
Syntx =STATUS#
Exmple =STATUS#
Retursvr, korrekt
Antenn, (pndt), Online, 3555
11Kmstrup A/S • 55122154_A1_GB_06.2017
Kmstrup A/S • 55122154_A1_GB_06.2017