Pos: 52 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Papier korb/Über schr iften/ Überschrif t 1: I nstandh altung @ 11\m od_12 3131 87366 29_7 5.docx @ 28955 0 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 53 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Papierkorb/Überschriften/Überschrift 1.1: Jährliche Überprüfung @ 6\mod_11 74482 24571 8_7 5.docx @ 76817 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 54 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/I nhalte/I nfo!/Inh alt: I nfo - J ährliche Üb erprüf ung_1 2pt @ 25\mod_1324460481075_75.docx @ 1139412 @ @ 1
• The maintenance interval prescribed by the manufacturer is
This maintenance interval refers to normal workshop usage. If the equipment is
used more frequently or under severe operating conditions (e.g. outdoors), the
interval must be reduced accordingly.
• Maintenance work shall be done only by authorized and trained service
technicians provided by the manufacturer, licensed dealers or service partners.
• In case of non-compliance the manufacturer's warranty becomes void.
Pos: 55 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 00 HBZ Alle/In halte/Inf o!/In halt: Inf o - DG UV Re gel 100-500 / DGUV Grundsatz 308-003_12pt @ 47\mod_1483611185270_75.docx @ 2804763 @ @ 1
Pos: 56 / Techn ische Dokument atio n/Al le Ger äte/ Über sc hrif ten/ Üb ers chr ifte n 1.1/ P/Üb ers chr if t 1. 1: P fle gehi nwe ise @ 1 5\mod _124 59122 34854_ 75.d ocx @ 39 5780 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 57 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Inhal te/Inhalt: Pfl egehinweis e - Alle Geräte _12pt @ 26\mod_1324468886116_75.docx @ 1141252 @ @ 1
• Periodically clean the equipment and treat it with a care product.
• Repair damage to the paintwork immediately to prevent corrosion.
• Usage of caustic cleaning agents or high pressure and steam jet cleaners may
lead to equipment damage.
Pos: 58 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/I nhalte/I nfo!/Inh alt: I nfo - Pflegehinweise_12pt @ 26\mod_1324461215655_75.docx @ 1139602 @ @ 1
Regular care and maintenance is the key condition for functionality and long life
expectancy of the equipment!
Pos: 59 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Papier korb/Über schr iften/ Überschrif t 1.1: I nstand haltu ng dur ch den Betreiber @ 6\mod_1178543544390_75.docx @ 91370 @ 2 @ 1
Maintenance by the Operator
Pos: 60 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0001 Heb er Alle/In halte/In halt: 5500 Ins tand haltung d urch d en B etreiber Gruben heber @ 26\mod_1326364790778_75.docx @ 1504433 @ @ 1
The pit jack must be extended to its full height at least 1 x per week and
pumped through a few times with the release spindle closed. This automatically
bleeds air from the system and any accumulated leaked oil is eliminated.
• After washing, oil all bright and moving parts.
• The ram, the load bearing pivot, rollers and other moving parts must always be
lightly oiled.
• Periodically lubricate the carriage using the lubricator nipples at the rollers
(8 pcs).
• Underseal residues and other types of dirt can destroy the seals. Clean the
piston rod regularly! Damage to the piston rod must be ground away
immediately, ensuring there is a soft transition at the edges. Detergent and salt
water can freely penetrate and cause considerable damage on the inside.
• Water is dangerous! A compressed air service unit, consisting of air filter, water
separator and oil mister, must be present in the compressed air system near to
the lift (max. distance: 5 m). Drain the service unit weekly, check the level of the
oil and that it functions properly. Clean the service unit.