WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 13
750-516 4DO 24V DC 0.5A/ low-side switching
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 17 /A ll e Ser ien (Al lg emei ne M odul e)/Üb erschr ifte n für alle S erie n/Gerä tebes chrei bung /Gerä tebesc hreib ung - Üb ersc hrift 1 @ 3\ mod_1233756084656_21.docx @ 27096 @ 1 @ 1
3 Device Description
Pos: 18.1 .1 /Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYST EM )/G eräte bes chr eibu ng/Ei nlei tu ng/A nw endung /D O/An wen dung 750- x5xx DO @ 3\mod_1233764594468_21.docx @ 27120 @ @ 1
The 750-516 Digital Output Module transmits binary control signals from the
automation device to the connected actuators (e.g., solenoid valves, contactors,
transmitters, relays or other electrical loads).
Pos: 18.1 .2 /Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYST EM )/G eräte bes chr eibu ng/Ei nlei tu ng/I/ O-B esc hrei bung /DO /I/O- Besc hrei bung 75 0-0516 4 D O 2-Leit er ( DO und 24 V) @ 5\mod_1246612016609_21.docx @ 36569 @ @ 1
The I/O module has 4 output channels, providing a direct connection to 2-wire
The actuators are connected to the following CAGE CLAMP
terminals: DO 1 or
DO 2, DO 3, DO 4 and 24 V.
Pos: 18.1 .3 /Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYST EM )/G eräte bes chr eibu ng/Ei nlei tu ng/I/ O-B esc hrei bung/DO /I/O- Besc hrei bung 75 0-516 Pot ential ver vielfäl tig ungskl emme @ 2 0\mod_1413544885133_21.docx @ 166078 @ @ 1
The 24 V and 0 V potentials can be wired to the 750-516 I/O module directly for
up to 2 actuators. A suitable field side connection module (e.g., 750-614) must be
also be used to connect other actuators.
Pos: 18.1 .4 /Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYST EM )/G eräte bes chr eibu ng/Ei nlei tu ng/I/ O-B esc hrei bung /All ge mein /V er weis a uf Kapi tel " A nsc hlüss e" @ 8\ mod_1276775378035_21.docx @ 57956 @ @ 1
The assignment of the connections is described in the “Connectors” section.
Pos: 18.1 .5 /Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYST EM )/G eräte bes chr eibu ng/Ei nlei tu ng/I/ O-B esc hrei bung /All ge mein /V er weis a uf Kapi tel " G erät e an schl ieß en" > " Ansc hlussb eispi el(e) " @ 5\mod_1246015203281_21.docx @ 36298 @ @ 1
Connection examples are shown in section “Connecting Devices” > … >
“Connection Example(s)”.
Pos: 18.1 .6 /Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYSTEM)/Wichtige Erläuterungen/Sicherheits- und sonstige Hinweise/Achtung/Achtung: DO Induktionss pannungsbegrenzung Elektronik @ 3\mod_1233815757507_21.docx @ 27153 @ @ 1
Limit all induced voltage!
The electronic components of the I/O module can be damaged by the induced
voltage produced when inductive loads are de-activated.
An appropriate protection circuit, e.g., a recovery diode, must be installed in
parallel to the load to limit this induced voltage.
Pos: 18.1 .7 /Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYST EM )/G eräte bes chr eibu ng/Ei nlei tu ng/I/ O-B esc hrei bung /DO /I/O- Besc hrei bung 75 0-05xx DO kurzsc hlussfest @ 3\mod_1233817429086_21.docx @ 27167 @ @ 1
The output channels are electrically short-circuit-protected.
Pos: 18.1 .8 /Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYST EM )/G eräte bes chr eibu ng/Ei nlei tu ng/I/ O-B esc hrei bung /DO /I/O- Besc hrei bung 75 0-0516 D O LSS / nega tivsc halt end (0 V) @ 20\mod_1413469240978_21.docx @ 165932 @ @ 1
The I/O module outputs provide negative switching. If the signal status of an
output channel is at "1" the 0V potential for field power will be switched to the
appropriate output connection.
Pos: 18.1 .9 /Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYSTEM)/Wichtige Erläuterungen/Sicherheits- und sonstige Hinweis e/Achtung/Achtung: DO Überlastsc hutz - Einpeiseklemme mit Sicherung @ 3\mod_1233814881117_21. docx @ 27150 @ @ 1
Provide for overload protection!
Overloading can damage the electronic components of the I/O module.
A fused supply module (750-601) must be installed upstream of the I/O module to
protect it against overloading!
Pos: 18.1 .1 0 /S erie 750 ( W AGO -I/O-SY ST EM) /Wic htig e Er l äuter ung en /Sic her hei ts- un d s onsti ge H in wei se/A cht ung /Ac htung : Maxi mal er Str om Leis tung sko nta kte 10 A @ 3 \mod_1226499143500_21. docx @ 25029 @ @ 1
Do not exceed maximum current via power jumper contacts!
The maximum current to flow through the power jumper contacts is 10 A.
Greater currents can damage the contacts.
When configuring your system, ensure that this current is not exceeded. If
exceeded, insert an additional supply module.
Pos: 18.1 .1 1 /S erie 750 ( W AGO -I/O-SY ST EM)/ Gerät ebe schr eib ung/ Einl eit ung/ LED -Anzeige/LED Zus tand Signal @ 3\mod_1233755258578_21.docx @ 27087 @ @ 1
A green LED indicates the switched status of each channel.
Pos: 18.1 .1 2 /S erie 750 ( W AGO -I/O-SY ST EM)/ Gerät ebe schr eib ung/ Einl eit ung/ LED -Anz eige /V erwei s a uf K api tel " A nzeig eel e ment e" @ 5 \mod_1246010525000_21.docx @ 36194 @ @ 1