9Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
5.1.6 Lon Works + pulse inputs, type 67-00-24
The LonWorks module is used for dt trnsfer from MULTICAL® 62 either for dt reding/registr-
tion or regultion purposes vi the Lon-Bus.
The module must be powered by 24 VAC.
A list of network vribles (SNVT) nd further detils bout the LonWorks module pper from dt
sheet. Regrding mounting we refer to instlltion instructions 5512-396.
See installation instructions 5512-396 (DK) or 5512-403 (GB).
5.1.7 Wireless M-Bus + 2 pulse inputs, type 67-00-30
The rdio module hs been designed to form prt of the hnd-held Wireless M-Bus Reder sys-
tems of Kmstrup A/S t license-free rdio frequency (868 MHz).
The module fulfils the C-mode specifictions of prEN13757-4 nd cn thus form prt of other
systems using Wireless M-Bus C-mode communiction.
The rdio module comes with internl ntenn nd externl ntenn connection s well s two
pulse inputs, which re identicl to the previously described pulse inputs.
The Wireless M-Bus rdio trnsmitter is switched off on disptch from the fctory. It turns on
utomticlly when one liter of wter hs run through the meter. The rdio trnsmitter cn lso be
switched on by mens of forced dil-up to the meter (keep both front keys pressed for pprox.
5 secs. until CALL is displyed).
5.1.8 ZigBee + 2 pulse inputs, type 67-00-60
The ZigBee module is mounted direct in the meter nd is powered by the meter’s supply. The
module opertes within the 2.4 GHz re nd is ZigBee Smrt Energy certified. The certifiction
secures tht the meter cn form prt of other ZigBee networks, e.g. reding severl meter types
from different meter suppliers.
To be ble to offer compct solution the module uses n internl ntenn.
5.1.9 Metasys N2 (RS485) + N2 (RS485) + 2 pulse inputs, type 67-00-62
The N2 module is used for dt trnsfer from MULTICAL® wter meters to n N2 Mster in
Johnson Controls System. The N2 module trnsfers ccumulted volume nd flow to n N2 Mster.
N2 Open from Johnson Controls is widespred nd estblished field bus protocol used within
building utomtion. The N2 module for MULTICAL® 62 ensures simple integrtion from Kmstrup’s
wter meters to N2 Open bsed systems. Address re is 1-255 determined by the lst three digits
of the meters customer number.
5.1.10 SIOX module (Auto detect Baud rate), type 602-00-64
SIOX is used for dt reding of smll nd medium-sized groups of wter meters vi cble, the
dt redings being presented by the min system, e.g. MCom, Fix or Telefrng. Further inform-
tion on these systems cn be ordered from the supplier of these. Furthermore, configurtion tool
is vilble from Telefrng.
The two-wire seril SIOX bus connection is optoisolted from the meter nd is connected without
regrd to polrity (i.e. the polrity is unimportnt). The module is powered by the SIOX bus. Commu-
niction speed between 300 nd 19,200 bud. The module utomticlly uses the highest possible
communiction speed. The module converts dt from KMP protocol to SIOX protocol.