Kamstrup MULTICAL® 62, MULTICAL 62 Installation and User Guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Installation and User Guide for the Kamstrup MULTICAL 62 water meter. It contains details on the meter's installation, operation, modules, troubleshooting and setup options. I'm ready to assist you with any questions you may have regarding its features, installation or any other topics covered in the guide.
  • What is the operating temperature range for the MULTICAL® 62?
    Can I separate the flow sensor and calculator of MULTICAL® 62?
    What kind of power supply can be used with MULTICAL 62?
    Can I retrofit modules to MULTICAL® 62?
Installation and User Guide
Water meter
Kamstrup A/S · Industrivej 28, Stilling · DK-8660 Skanderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kamstrup.com · kamstrup.com
2 Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
1 Generl informtion 2
1.1 Permissible operting conditions /
mesuring rnge 3
2 Instlltion 3
2.1 Mounting the flow sensor 4
2.2 Instlltion ngle for ULTRAFLOW® 24 4
2.3 Mounting of clcultor 5
3 Power supply 6
3.1 Bttery supply 6
3.2 Supply modules 6
4 Testing the function 7
5 Plug-in modules 7
5.1 Bse modules 7
5.2 Top modules 11
6 Retrofitting modules 13
7 Informtion Codes “INFO” 15
7.1 Trnsport mode 15
8 Troubleshooting 16
9 Setup vi front keys 17
1 General information
Read this guide before installing the meter.
In cse of incorrect mounting Kmstrup’s gurntee obligtions no longer pply.
MULTICAL® 62 is  cold wter meter (0.1...50 °C) or (0.1...30 °C) nd  hot wter meter (0.1...90 °C)
consisting of  flow sensor nd  clcultor. The flow sensor electronics re plced in the clcul-
tor’s connecting bse, wheres the clcultor top is  disply unit. The flow sensor is connected to
the clcultor by mens of 2.5 m screened cble.
According to OIML R 49 MULTICAL® 62 is de-
scribed s  “complete meter”. In prctice this
mens tht flow sensor nd clcultor MUST
not be seprted. If flow sensor nd clcultor
hve been seprted nd the sels hve thus
been broken, the wter meter is no longer vlid
for billing purposes. Furthermore, the fctory
gurntee no longer pplies.
3Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
The ccumulted wter consumption to be used for billing purposes is displyed in m3 (cubic
Vrious communiction modules nd power supplies cn be dded. The utility cn replce com-
muniction module nd bttery.
If  longer distnce (up to 10 m) is required between flow sensor nd disply unit,
Pulse Trnsmitter (type number 66-99-618) cn be used.
See instructions 5512-587 for further informtion.
Smller cold wter meters 1.6 to 10 m3/h (except for G¾Bx110 nd G1Bx110) cn be fitted with 
striner (filter) nd/or nonreturn vlve (bckflow preventer). The enclosed specil polyethylene
gskets must be used.
Striner, nonreturn vlve nd specil gskets must only be used in cold wter meters.
1.1 Permissible operating conditions / measuring range
Temperture of medium in flow sensor: Cold wter meter: 0.1...50 °C
Hot wter meter: 0.1...90 °C
Pressure stge: Threded meters PN16
Flnge meters PN25
Mechnicl environment: M1 (MID). Fixed instlltion with minimum vibr-
Electromgnetic environment: E1 (MID). Housing nd light industry.
The meter’s control cble must be drwn t
min. 25 cm distnce from other instlltions.
Climtic environment: 5 °C...55 °C.
Must be instlled indoors nd in environments
with non-condensing humidity.
MID = Mesuring Instrument Directive 2004/22/EC.
2 Installation
In order to prevent cvittion the bck pressure in the flow sensor must be minimum 1.5 br t Q3
nd minimum 2.5 br t Q4 (resizes of Q3 nd Q4, see lbel on flow sensor).
The meter must not be exposed to lower pressure thn the mbient pressure (vcuum).
Pressure stges re PN16 for threded meters nd PN25 for flnge meters, see mrking. Flow
sensor mrking does not cover included ccessories.
Stright inlets or outlets re not required in order to comply with MID. A stright inlet section will
only be necessry in cse of hevy flow disturbnces before the meter.
4 Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
2.1 Mounting the flow sensor
Prior to the instlltion of the flow sensor the system ought to be flushed,  fitting piece replcing
the meter.
Remove dhesive wfers/ protection membrnes from the meter’s inlet nd outlet nd mount the
flow sensor.
You must lwys use new gskets in originl qulity.
The flow direction is indicted by n rrow on the side of the flow sensor.
Threded meters re mounted by mens of couplings. You must mke sure tht the threded
lengths of the couplings do not prevent proper tightening of seling surfces nd tht PN10 cou-
plings re used (PN16 couplings/gskets cn be used).
Using striner nd/or nonreturn vlve the enclosed thicker PE (polyethylene) gskets must be used
in order to void dmging striner or nonreturn vlve.
Striner, nonreturn vlve nd PE-gskets must only be used in cold wter meters.
PE-Gsket Striner Nonreturn vlve PE-Gsket
2.2 Installation angle for ULTRAFLOW® 24
ULTRAFLOW® 24 cn be mounted verticlly,
horizontlly or t n ngle.
5Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
Important! ULTRAFLOW® 24 my be turned up-
wrds to mx. 45° nd downwrds
to mx. 90° in reltion to the pipe
Mx. 45° Mx. 45°
Mx. 90° Mx. 90°
The plstic housing must not point verticlly
upwrds s this my cuse the meter to be
influenced by ir build-up.
2.3 Mounting of calculator
If there is risk of condenstion in the clcultor, MULTICAL® 62 must be mounted on  wll. Use
the fitting s  templte to mrk nd drill two 6 mm holes in the wll. If the flow sensor is mounted
with the plstic housing pointing downwrds, the clcultor ought to be mounted using n ngle
fitting (type no. 3026-252, to be ordered seprtely).
The cble must be mounted minimum 25 cm from other electric instlltions. Do not forget to sel
the clcultor.
52 mm
Wll mounted
91 27
Mounted on flow sensor with
ngle fitting 3026-252
At risk of condenstion, socket extender
(65-61-332) cn be used s n lterntive to wll
6 Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
3 Power supply
MULTICAL® 62 cn be powered by mens of  built-in lithium bttery or 24 VAC or 230 VAC mins
supplied vi n integrl supply module.
The two cbles from bttery or supply module re mounted in the clcultor’s terminl strip.
The polrity must be correct: red cble to terminl no. 60 (+)
blck cble to terminl no. 61 (-)
3.1 Battery supply
MULTICAL® 62 is connected to  lithium bttery, D-cell. The bttery is mrked with instlltion yer,
e.g. 2014 s well s production dte.
Kmstrup type number: 66-00-200-100.
Optiml bttery lifetime is obtined by keeping the bttery temperture below 30 °C.
The voltge of  lithium bttery is lmost constnt throughout the lifetime of the bttery (pprox.
3.65 V). Therefore, it is not possible to determine the remining cpcity by mesuring the voltge.
The bttery cnnot nd must not be chrged nd must not be short-circuited!
Used btteries must be hnded in for pproved destruction, e.g. t Kmstrup A/S.
3.2 Supply modules
The modules re protection clss II nd re
connected vi  two-wire cble (without erth)
through the cble bush of the clcultor plced
in the right side of the connecting bse.
Use connecting cble with n outer dimeter
of 5-10 mm nd ensure correct dismntling s
well s correct cble relief.
Mx. permitted fuse: 6A.
Ntionl regultions for electric instlltions
must be observed.
60 97
24 VAC supply
24 VAC
3.6 V
60 27
230 VAC supply
230 VAC
3.6 V
24 VAC
A trnsformer must be used, e.g.
type 66-99-403 for 24 VAC supply module.
Note: This module cnnot be supplied by
24 VDC.
230 VAC
For direct mins connection.
7Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
4 Testing the function
Crry out  function control when the meter hs been fully mounted. Press the button on
MULTICAL® 62 nd check tht the displyed vlues for wter flow etc. re credible vlues.
5 Plug-in modules
A number of extr functions cn be dded to MULTICAL® 62 by mens of plug-in modules. The
individul modules re briefly described below.
5.1 Base modules
5.1.1 Data + pulse inputs, type 67-00-10
The dt terminls re used for connection of
e.g.  PC. The signl is pssive nd glvniclly
seprted by mens of optocouplers. Conver-
sion into RS232 level requires connection of
dt cble 66-99-106 (D-Sub 9F) or 66-99-098
(USB) with the following connections:
62 Brown (DAT)
63 White (REQ)
64 Green (GND)
The pulse inputs cn be used for connection of
electricity nd wter meters.
Plese note the mximum pulse frequency s
well s correct pulse coding (l/imp. nd Wh/
imp.), which re selected by mens of the FF
nd GG configurtions.
65 - 66 Input A
67 - 68 Input B
8 Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
5.1.2 M-Bus, type 67-00-20/27/28/29
M-Bus cn be mounted in str, ring or bus
topology. Up to 250 meters cn be connected
depending on the M-Bus Mster’s power supply
nd the totl cble resistnce.
Cble resistnce < 29 Ohm
Cble cpcity < 180 nF
The M-Bus network is connected on terminls
24 nd 25. The polrity is unimportnt.
M-Bus comes with pulse inputs.
5.1.3 Radio + pulse inputs, type 67-00-21/25/26/29
The rdio module is used for wireless communiction
vi licence-free rdio frequency nd cn be supplied with internl ntenn or with connection for
externl ntenn.
For further informtion on rdio we refer to Technicl description for rdio (5512-012 DK,
5512-013 GB).
The pulse inputs of this module re identicl with the previously described pulse inputs.
Note: Type 67-00-21 includes rdio nd router functions.
The RdioRouter module must be used with mins supply.
5.1.4 Prog. data logger + RTC + 4…20 mA inputs + pulse inputs, type 67-00-22
The module hs connection possibility for two pressure trnsmitters on terminls 57, 58 nd 59
nd cn be djusted for current reding or pressure rnges of 6, 10 or 16 br.
The module is prepred for remote reding, dt from meter/module being trnsferred to the sys-
tem softwre vi the connected externl GSM/GPRS modem on terminls 62, 63 nd 64.
Furthermore, the module hs two extr pulse inputs, VA nd VB.
The module must be powered by 24 VAC.
5.1.5 Analog output, type 67-00-23
The module hs two ctive nlog outputs, which cn be individully configured t 0…20 mA or
4…20 mA. Furthermore, the outputs cn be configured for  specific mesuring vlue s well s
the required rnge scling.
All output vlues re updted every 10 seconds.
The module must be mounted in MULTICAL® 62 nd is powered by 24 VAC. Configurtion to be
crried out vi the “Bse module” menu of METERTOOL.
See installation instructions 5512-369 (DK-GB-DE).
9Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
5.1.6 Lon Works + pulse inputs, type 67-00-24
The LonWorks module is used for dt trnsfer from MULTICAL® 62 either for dt reding/registr-
tion or regultion purposes vi the Lon-Bus.
The module must be powered by 24 VAC.
A list of network vribles (SNVT) nd further detils bout the LonWorks module pper from dt
sheet. Regrding mounting we refer to instlltion instructions 5512-396.
See installation instructions 5512-396 (DK) or 5512-403 (GB).
5.1.7 Wireless M-Bus + 2 pulse inputs, type 67-00-30
The rdio module hs been designed to form prt of the hnd-held Wireless M-Bus Reder sys-
tems of Kmstrup A/S t license-free rdio frequency (868 MHz).
The module fulfils the C-mode specifictions of prEN13757-4 nd cn thus form prt of other
systems using Wireless M-Bus C-mode communiction.
The rdio module comes with internl ntenn nd externl ntenn connection s well s two
pulse inputs, which re identicl to the previously described pulse inputs.
The Wireless M-Bus rdio trnsmitter is switched off on disptch from the fctory. It turns on
utomticlly when one liter of wter hs run through the meter. The rdio trnsmitter cn lso be
switched on by mens of  forced dil-up to the meter (keep both front keys pressed for pprox.
5 secs. until CALL is displyed).
5.1.8 ZigBee + 2 pulse inputs, type 67-00-60
The ZigBee module is mounted direct in the meter nd is powered by the meter’s supply. The
module opertes within the 2.4 GHz re nd is ZigBee Smrt Energy certified. The certifiction
secures tht the meter cn form prt of other ZigBee networks, e.g. reding severl meter types
from different meter suppliers.
To be ble to offer  compct solution the module uses n internl ntenn.
5.1.9 Metasys N2 (RS485) + N2 (RS485) + 2 pulse inputs, type 67-00-62
The N2 module is used for dt trnsfer from MULTICAL® wter meters to n N2 Mster in 
Johnson Controls System. The N2 module trnsfers ccumulted volume nd flow to n N2 Mster.
N2 Open from Johnson Controls is  widespred nd estblished field bus protocol used within
building utomtion. The N2 module for MULTICAL® 62 ensures simple integrtion from Kmstrups
wter meters to N2 Open bsed systems. Address re is 1-255 determined by the lst three digits
of the meters customer number.
5.1.10 SIOX module (Auto detect Baud rate), type 602-00-64
SIOX is used for dt reding of smll nd medium-sized groups of wter meters vi cble, the
dt redings being presented by the min system, e.g. MCom, Fix or Telefrng. Further inform-
tion on these systems cn be ordered from the supplier of these. Furthermore,  configurtion tool
is vilble from Telefrng.
The two-wire seril SIOX bus connection is optoisolted from the meter nd is connected without
regrd to polrity (i.e. the polrity is unimportnt). The module is powered by the SIOX bus. Commu-
niction speed between 300 nd 19,200 bud. The module utomticlly uses the highest possible
communiction speed. The module converts dt from KMP protocol to SIOX protocol.
10 Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
5.1.11 BACnet MS/TP (B-ASC) RS485 + 2 pulse inputs (VA, VB), type 67-00-66
The BACnet module is used for dt trnsfer from MULTICAL® 62 wter meters into BACnet sys-
tems. The BACnet module trnsfers meter number (progrmmble), seril number, ccumulted
volume flow (V1), ctul flow, ccumulted vlues from dditionl meters with vi puls InA, InB s
well s info codes from the wter meter to the BACnet system. BACnet is  widespred nd estb-
lished field bus protocol used within building utomtion. The BACnet module for MULTICAL® 62
ensures simple integrtion from Kmstrup’s wter meters to BACnet bsed systems. The module
cn be used s both mster or slve, depending on the used MAC ddress.
5.1.12 Modbus RS485 RTU* Slave Module with 2 pulse inputs (VA, VB), type 67-00-67
The Modbus bse module for MULTICAL® 62 ensures  simple integrtion from Kmstrups wter
meters into Modbus bsed systems.
Modbus is n open, widespred nd well estblished seril communiction protocol used within
building utomtion.
Further detils bout the Modbus MS/TP module pper from dt sheet 5810-1253, GB-version.
5.1.13 GSM/GPRS module (GSM6H), type 602-00-80
The GSM/GPRS module functions s trnsprent communiction pth between reding softwre
nd MULTICAL® 62 nd is used for dt reding. The module includes n externl dul-bnd GSM
ntenn which must be used. The module itself includes  number of light emitting diodes indict-
ing the signl level, which re very useful during instlltion. The GSM/GPRS module must be used
together with high-power mins supply (230 VAC: 602-00-00-3 nd 24 VAC: 602-00-00-4).
5.1.14 3G GSM/GPRS module (GSM8H), type 67-00-81
Like GSM6H this module functions s trnsprent communiction pth between reding softwre
nd MULTICAL® 62 nd is used for dt reding.
However, this module supports both 2G (GSM/GPRS) nd 3G (UMTS) which mkes it pplicble in
res with 3G coverge only.
The module requires n externl Antenn, which covers both 900 MHz, 1800 MHz nd
2100 MHz.
The module itself is fitted with  line of light emitting diodes indicting signl strength which re
very useful during instlltion. Furthermore, it is indicted whether the module is connected to 
2G or  3G network.
Regarding mounting we refer to installation instructions (DK: 5512-1121, GB: 5512-1122,
DE: 5512-1123, FI: 5512-1124, SE: 5512-1125).
*) RTU : Remote Terminl Unit.
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MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
5.1.15 Ethernet/IP module (IP201), type 602-00-82
The IP module functions s trnsprent communiction between reding softwre nd
MULTICAL® 62 nd is used for dt reding. The Module supports both dynmic nd sttic ddress-
ing. This is specified in the order or selected during subsequent configurtion. The module hs
no built-in security nd must, therefore, lwys be used in connection with  firewll or NAT. The
Ethernet/IP module must be used together with high-power mins supply (230 VAC: 602-00-00-3
nd 24 VAC: 602-00-00-4).
5.1.16 High-Power RadioRouter + 2 pulse inputs (VA, VB), type 602-00-84
The High-Power RdioRouter module hs built-in router functionlity nd is thus optimized to form
prt of  Kmstrup rdio network, the red dt being utomticlly trnsferred to system soft-
wre vi the network unit RF Concentrtor. Furthermore, the module cn be red by Kmstrup’s
hnd-held reding systems, e.g. USB Meter Reder nd MULTITERM Pro.
The RdioRouter module is vilble for opertion in both licence-free nd licence demnding
frequences permitting  trnsmitting strength of up to 500 mW. The module is by defult fitted
with internl ntenn, connection for externl ntenn, nd two extr pulse inputs. The High Power
RdioRouter module (602-00-84) must be used together with the High Power mins supply
(230 VAC: 602-00-00-3 nd 24 VAC: 602-00-00-4).
5.2 Top modules
5.2.1 Type 67-05: RTC + data output + hourly
data logger
The module hs  glvniclly seprted dt
port which functions with the KMP protocol.
The dt output cn be used for e.g. connec-
tion of externl communiction units or other
hrdwired dt communiction which it is not
expedient to crry out vi the opticl communi-
ction on the meter’s front.
62: DATA (brown) – 63:REQ (white) – 64: GND
(green). Use dt cble type 66-99-106 with
9-pole D-sub or type 66-99-098 with USB
Furthermore, the module includes n hourly
dt logger.
Only current nd ccumulted dt cn be
red. Hourly/dily/monthly/yerly dt loggers
cnnot be red through the dt port of top
module 67-05.
12 Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
5.2.2 Type 67-07: RTC + M-Bus
M-Bus cn be connected in str, ring nd bus
topology. Depending on M-Bus Mster nd
cble length/cross section up to 250 meters
with primry ddressing cn be connected, nd
even more using secondry ddressing.
Cble resistnce in network: < 29 ohm
Cble cpcity in network: < 180 nF
The connection polrity of terminls 24-25 is
Unless otherwise stted in the order, the
primry ddress consists of the lst three digits
of the customer number, it cn be chnged,
however, vi the PC progrm METERTOOL.
Module to be used in mins supplied meters
5.2.3 Type 67-0B: RTC + pulse output for CV
+ prog. data logger
The RTC nd pulse output functions of this
top module re identicl with the functions
described for top module 67-08.
The top module is prepred for use in 
Kmstrup rdio network together with the Rdi-
oRouter bse module 67-00-21-000-3xx, red
dt being trnsferred to the system softwre
vi the network unit RF Concentrtor.
5.2.4 Type 602-0C: 2 pulse outputs for CE
and CV
This top module hs two configurble pulse
outputs, which re suitble for volume pulses.
The pulse resolution follows the disply (deter-
mined by the CCC-code). E.g. CCC=119 (qp 1,5):
1 pulse/kWh nd 1 pulse/0.01 m3.
The pulse outputs re optoisolted nd with-
stnd 30 VDC nd 10 mA.
Normlly energy (CE) is connected to 16-17 nd
volume (CV) to 18-19, but other combintions
cn be selected by mens of the PC progrm
METERTOOL, which is lso used for selecting
the pulse t either 32 or 100 ms.
13Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
6 Retrofitting modules
Both top modules nd bse modules for MULTICAL® 62 cn be supplied seprtely for retrofitting.
The modules re configured nd redy for instlltion from the fctory. Some of the modules
require individul configurtion fter instlltion, which is possible by mens of METERTOOL.
Top module Possible configuration after installation
Dt output + hourly dt logger 5Clock djustment.
RTC + M-Bus 7Clock djustment.
Primry nd secondry M-Bus ddresses cn be
chnged vi METERTOOL or M-Bus. Furthermore,
monthly logger dt cn be selected insted of yerly
logger dt vi M-bus.
RTC + pulse output for CV + prog. dt logger BClock djustment.
Configurtion of pulse outputs.
2 pulse outputs for CE nd CV CConnection nd pulse vlue re chnged vi
Base module
Dt + pulse inputs 10 Pulse vlues of VA nd VB re chnged vi
M-Bus + pulse inputs 20 Pulse vlues of VA nd VB re chnged vi
Primry nd secondry M-Bus ddresses cn be
chnged vi METERTOOL or M-Bus. Furthermore,
monthly logger dt cn be selected insted of yerly
logger dt vi M-bus.
RdioRouter + pulse inputs 21 Pulse vlues of VA nd VB re chnged vi
Prog. dt logger + RTC + 4…20 mA inputs +
pulse inputs
22 Clock djustment.
Pulse vlues of VA nd VB re chnged vi
0/4…20 mA outputs 23 Config dt must be progrmmed into the clcu-
ltor by mens of METERTOOL when retrofitting.
Furthermore, ll prmeters cn be chnged vi
LonWorks, pulse inputs 24 Pulse vlues of VA nd VB re chnged vi
METERTOOL. All other configurtions re mde vi
Rdio + pulse inputs (integrl ntenn) 25 Pulse vlues of VA nd VB re chnged vi
Rdio + pulse inputs (connection for externl
26 Pulse vlues of VA nd VB re chnged vi
14 Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
M-Bus module with medium dt pcket +
pulse inputs
28 Primry nd secondry M-Bus ddresses cn be
chnged vi METERTOOL or vi M-Bus.
Furthermore, monthly logger dt cn be selected
insted of yerly logger dt vi M-Bus.
M-Bus module with MC-III dt pckge + pulse
29 Pulse vlues of VA nd VB re chnged vi
Primry nd secondry M-Bus ddresses cn be
chnged vi METERTOOL or M-Bus.
Wireless M-Bus + pulse inputs 30 Pulse vlues of VA nd VB re chnged vi
ZigBee 2.4 GHz internl ntenn + pulse inputs 60 Pulse vlues of VA nd VB re chnged vi
Metsys N2 (RS485) + pulse inputs 62 Pulse vlues of VA nd VB re chnged vi
SIOX module (Auto detect bud rte) 64 The bud rte cn be set vi SIOX-TOOL
BACnet MS/TP + 2 pulse inputs 66 Pulse vlues of VA nd VB re chnged vi
Modbus RTU + pulse inputs 67 Pulse vlues of VA nd VB re chnged vi
GSM/GPRS module (GSM6H) 80 APN is chnged vi GSM-TOOL
3G GSM/GPRS module (GSM8H) 81 APN is chnged vi GSM-TOOL
Ethernet/IP module (IP201) 82 IP configurtion is chnged vi IP-TOOL
High-Power Rdio Router + pulse inputs 84 Pulse vlues of VA nd VB re chnged vi
15Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
7 Information Codes “INFO”
MULTICAL® 62 constntly monitors  number of importnt functions. If there is  serious error in
mesuring system or instlltion,  flshing “INFO” will pper in the disply until the error hs
been corrected. The “INFO” field flshes s long s the error exists no mtter which reding you
choose. The “INFO” field utomticlly disppers when the reson for the error hs been removed.
When the first permnent informtion code ppers it is sved in the EEPROM together with the
dte nd the volume registers t the time the error occurred.
Furthermore, the info code is sved in the hourly logger (if  top module with hourly logger is
mounted), the dily logger, the monthly logger nd the yerly logger for dignosis purposes.
Info code types
Info Description Response time
0 No irregulrities -
1 Supply voltge hs been interrupted -
16 Flow sensor V1, communiction error After reset (e.g. cover off nd on) s well
s utomticlly fter mx. 24 hours (t
64 Lek in wter instlltion.
The Wter hs not been stgnnt in the
meter for minimum one continuous hour
during the ltest 24 hours.
This cn be  sign of  leky fucet or toilet
24 hours
2048 Flow meter V1, wrong pulse figure After reset (e.g. cover off nd on) s well
s utomticlly fter mx. 24 hours (t
4096 Flow meter V1, signl too wek (ir)
16384 Flow meter V1, wrong flow direction
If severl info codes pper t  time, the sum of the info codes is displyed.
Exmple: E2064 = E16 + E2048.
7.1 Transport mode
The meter leves the fctory in trnsport mode, i.e. the info codes re ctive in the disply only, not
in the dt logger. This prevents “infoevent” from counting during trnsporttion nd non-relevnt
dt from being sved in the info logger. The first time the meter totlizes the volume register fter
the instlltion, the info codes utomticlly become ctive.
16 Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
8 Troubleshooting
MULTICAL® 62 hs been constructed with  view to quick nd simple instlltion s well s long
nd relible opertion t the consumer.
Should you, however, experience n operting problem, the tble below cn be used for trouble-
If repir of the meter becomes necessry, we recommend you to replce prts like bttery nd
communiction modules only. Alterntively, the whole meter ought to be replced.
Mjor repirs must be mde by Kmstrup A/S.
Before sending in the meter for repir or check, plese use the error detection tble below to help
you clrify the possible cuse of the problem.
Symptom Possible reason Proposal for correction
The disply vlue is not
Power supply missing Chnge bttery or check mins
No disply function (empty
Power supply missing Chnge bttery or check mins
supply. Is there 3.6 VDC on
terminls 60(+) nd 61 (-)?
If “INFO” = 1 Supply voltge hs been
The info code is corrected
No ccumultion of volume
Red “INFO” in the disply Check the error indicted by
the info code
If “INFO” = 16 Communiction error There is ir in the flow sensor?
Bleed the system nd check
the meter gin.
Check tht the flow direction
mtches the rrow on the flow
If “INFO” = 2048 Flow sensor progrmmed with
wrong pulse figure
Plese contct Kmstrup A/S
If “INFO” = 4096 Signl too wek There is ir in the flow sensor?
Bleed the system nd check
the meter gin
If “INFO” = 16384 Flow sensor mounted in wrong
Check tht the flow direction
mtches the rrow on the flow
17Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
9 Setup via front keys
Dte, time nd primry M-Bus ddress cn be djusted by mens of the keys on the clcultor’s
1 In the disply you select the reding you wnt to chnge
2 Lift off the clcultor top
3 Wit until the meter hs shut down (up to 2.5 minutes). Do not press ny keys
4 While remounting the clcultor top, keep the min key ctivted until there re no more
lines in the disply.
5 The setup menu is now ctive.
Hving ctivted the setup menu the reding you wnt to chnge is displyed with the rightmost
digit flshing:
The vlue of the flshing digit cn be chnged by pressing the sub-key . The digit is incresed
by one ech time the key is pressed, nd pssing 9 you strt from 0:
Pressing the min key you go to the next digit from right to left:
The ctive digit flshes nd this digit cn now be chnged by pressing the sub-key . You go to
the first digit on the right by mens of the min key .
When the vlue of the reding hs been chnged you quit by pressing the min key continu-
ously for pprox. 10 seconds.
It should be checked whether the vlue is vlid for the reding in question. If so, the vlue is sved
nd n “OK” symbol is displyed. If not, the old vlue is mintined, no “OK” symbol ppers, nd
the disply reverts to legl reding.
18 Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015
MULTICAL® 62 • Water meter
Menu Structure
Please note:
Redings written in italics re
not shown by n exmple.
= comm frme mrking the
number of decimls.
Also see interctive user guides
t www.kmstrup.com.
DDD = 814
Water consumption
Please note! This is the
field used for billing
Number of operating
Current water flow
Latest target date
Volume counter on latest
target date followed by
volume counter on last year’s
target date
Followed by monthly counters
Current information
See INFO codes on the
Date of max. flow this year
Value of max. flow this year
Followed by the values of
max. flow for the last 2 years
Date of min. flow last month
Value of min. flow last month
Followed by the values of min.
flow for the last 12 month
Number of hours with errors
Reading of number of INFO
code events
The data
logger shows the date …
… and then the INFO codes of
the latest 36 events
The up to eight most
significant digits of the
customer number
The eight least significant
digits of the customer
number. In this example
the customer number is
Current date
Followed by current time
Target date displayed as
month and day. In this
example 1 June
The calculator’s serial
The program number of the
Followed by configuration
codes DDD-EE and FFF-GG-
M-N, software version and
software checksum
Display test
Followed by top and base
module types and the primary
and secondary addresses of
the top and base modules
User Guide
Water meter
Kamstrup A/S · Industrivej 28, Stilling · DK-8660 Skanderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · [email protected] · kamstrup.com
MULTICAL® 62 hs been developed nd type pproved ccording to the newest stndrds.
(OIML R49 nd the Mesuring Instrument Directive (MID) 2004/22/EF).
When the top front button (primry register) is ctivted, the next reding is displyed.
The following is shown
VOLUME in m³ (totl quntity)
Actul FLOW in l/h
The bottom front button (secondry register) is used to collect historic redings nd
verge vlues, e.g. monthly dt, yerly dt etc. depending on the selected configurtion.
The disply utomticlly returns to reding of “VOLUME” fter 4 minutes.
Information Codes
MULTICAL® 62 constntly monitors  number of importnt functions.
If there is  serious error in mesuring system or instlltion,  flshing “INFO” will pper
in the disply until the error hs been corrected. The “INFO” field flshes s long s the error
exists no mtter which reding you choose. The “INFO” field utomticlly disppers when
the reson for the error hs been removed.
Info code types
If severl info codes pper t  time, the sum of the info codes is displyed. Exmple:
E2064 = E16 + E2048.
If “INFO” flashes, contact the utility.
Info Description
0 No irregulrities
1 Supply voltge hs been interrupted
16 Communiction error
64 Lek in wter instlltion.
The Wter hs not been stgnnt in
the meter for minimum one continu-
ous hour during the ltest 24 hours.
This cn be  sign of  leky fucet or
toilet cistern.
Info Description
2048 Wrong pulse figure
4096 Signl too wek (ir)
16384 Wrong flow direction
Kamstrup A/S • 55121068_B3_GB_03.2015